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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Why safe playgrounds aren't great for kids
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Why safe playgrounds aren't great for kids




Playtime Comments : [Vox] Why safe playgrounds aren't great for kids

4:00 was that man ever a child or has he never been to a playground as one?


3:58 That's not criticism, that's satire, and it's hilarious.


1:16 that chris evans in the middle there?


0:15 looks like the kid is way bigger than the other kid


4:16 Which can be caused by random bullies smacking someone in the head with a hammer.


4:25 I went there once a while back with my school class and it was way better than a normal playground


0:20 this image is messing with my brain

0:15 very confusing perspective, the kid in red may as well be clifford

4:00 So what? In fact this can cut down on labor costs and the kids actually enjoy it (At least I did).


anyone gonna tell me why that kid looks so massive at first?



Top Comments : [Vox] Why safe playgrounds aren't great for kids


That's why I'd rather watch Phineas and Ferb as a kid rather that play on a 6ft high slide and nothing else.


"Kids respond well to being taken seriously" is a very wise observation. If I have kids I really don't want to be a helicopter parent.

Everybody gangsta until the kids start playing bible

I feel like it would be best if we built a normal playground, and next to it we would put a adventure playground. That way the kids themselves could decide if they wanted to take risks or go with the safer option. That added level of choice would make them feel a lot more independent, and if a child gets hurt or bored on one playground, they can just go to the other one next time instead of stopping playing altogether.

A risky playground sounds like my childhood heaven! I also loved building things and putting things together so much that I was always messing around with my dads tools. Eventually he got me my own tool box lol

Let's make them unsafe then


In India, if caught they would just say child labour as adventure playground.

i almost died in a playground
they should rename it to: DEATHGROUND


My first thought was: "Isn't that dangerous?" And then I remembered what I did with my friends when we were children. We went into the woods and built "houses" for ourselves. Sometimes even borrowing tools from our parents. I think the crucial part is that the parents don't get involved in these playgrounds. It's probably best if they aren't even watching.

everyone's gangsta till a random kid blows up someone's head with a hammer.


Literally every karen : I will ignore the facts and sue you


Everybody gangsta till a kid goes around hitting other kids with a hammer

America:more guns than people
Also America: NaiLs ArE uNsAfE


honestly, most things other than the swings weren't that fun in the modern playgrounds

And people wonder why kids like video games more than actually going outside.


"you are tricking kids to build their own playgrounds"

Me: m i n e c r a f t

Kids playing with hammers and nails back in the days meanwhile now you get yelled at by picking up a rock like


my old school was so scared of "hazards" they literally removed the balancing beam from the park :/


That's pretty cool, but next time someone makes an adventure playground they should add some grass imo


Parents: pLaY oUtSiDe NoW!
Also parents: ThErE iS nO wAy I’m LeTtINg My ChIlD oN tHeRe!!!

One thing I could ever ask when I was a kid for a playground is a giant maze.

Even as a teenager, I would love to play on one of the adventure playgrounds

So basically kids just need a bigger version of LEGO

"This is an adventure playground"
me remembering my childhood : This is just something for wasps to make nests in


Everybody gangsta until little Timmy accidentally slices his finger off with a saw

*suddenly remembers that one Spongebob episode when Mr. Krabs made a junk playground*

When I was a kid, the playground are soo soft that I’ll rather climb up a tree

Me: And how many death-
Them: Covers Mouth We don't go there.


This just made me realize that in my elementary school most of us never played on the actual "playground" and most of us liked to collect sticks and rocks and roll down the hill and dig up the dirt, then the teachers banned us from going to those areas and after that we never played in the "playground" again, we just sat around in the benches doing nothing, and the teachers always tried to get us to do physical activity but the playground was just so plastic and boring, the only good memory i have of that plastic area is climbing on top of stuff or going under the small tunnel and pretending like i owned a rock shop

The best playground back in my days was a farm. Lots of animals, loud things, many machines, tools, things to explore, good food. The farmers always told us to be cautious, but were not overly protective. Every autumn they needed to harvest the corn. Many machines, many people and everything was exciting. Any they gave us some machetes to chop the corn plants that the tractor missed and throw it on a certain place. and what happened? nothing, nobody ever got hurt. and even if you got hurt, you were given a little bit of first aid and a bread with butter and honey...man i miss those times



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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