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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Netflix] The Social Dilemma | Official Trailer | Netflix
This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.
These days, even if it's good to watch on YouTube, sometimes people skip it or don't watch it if it's too long.

When you watch Youtube, do you scroll and read the comments first?

To save your busy time, why don't you check out the fun contents, summary, and empathy comments of popular YouTube videos first and watch YouTube?

(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Netflix] The Social Dilemma | Official Trailer | Netflix




Playtime Comments : [Netflix] The Social Dilemma | Official Trailer | Netflix

1:36 “their own facts” lmao what

Subconscious suggestion at 2:09: guy holding an american flag slapping the other guy. Conclusion? Patriots are agressive! Tried to find a trailer for the documentary American Deep State from 2018. Of course it's not available. Jeez I wonder why?

0:41 - ”...co-inventor of the Facebook like button” If the invention and first trials of the Atomic bomb has any correlation (mankind impact wise) to an event in modern times, it’s that.



Top Comments : [Netflix] The Social Dilemma | Official Trailer | Netflix

I so so wish, Netflix does a documentary on Indian media. It's a filth.

" The ignorant will take offense and the wise will take a lesson"


I really think Netflix should advertise the hell out of this, this is a conversation that is LONG overdue. We all at some point have to address the negative impact that social media is having on society, and it’s better if we do it now, rather than wait and really see what damage it will cause


Acting like they are on our side following the release of “cuties”

the most unrealistic part of this entire documentary is showing teenagers actually using facebook.

i delete netflix after this


And ‘they’ want us to blame “Russia, Russia” for election interference?


He who goes to sleep with an itchy butt wakes up with a smelly finger.

It’s funny because it’s about the ads, but I’ll be straight with these companies... every time I see an ad, it makes me hate the product and I don’t want it. In fact I’ll make it a point to support companies that don’t do ads and don’t rely heavily on these large companies. Also, I never subscribed to these influencers because I never wanted any of that, I don’t depend on people or things to make me happy


"Gotta stop scrolling, after this."

.... While scrolling through the YouTube comments even when I wanna stop... The irony!

"I was the co-inventor of the Facebook like button"

Stay tuned for next episode, featuring:
"Co-creator of the Youtube subscribe option"
"Establisher of Instagram butterfly filter"

This looks incredible (never thought that the trailer of a documentary would give me goose bumps but here we are)

this movie is like black mirror part 2, except this time it's not fiction


If people would just stop for a couple minutes everyday to shut it down and meditate. You will see that you are in control of your mind and you can control it way more than a measly 0.01% that google, Facebook and Instagram pay people millions for on your device.

This is like Big Brother making a documentary about Big Brother



Watched this today, absolutely mindblowing.

I was trying to swallow the blue pill when Netflix released a red gummy


What is depressing is, The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads and watch more fake news....


Youtube needs "Stupid Youtube Algorithm off" and "Non recommend" feature

Anyone after Sandeep maheswari sir video


I love how my mom shows me this while she has finished her 6th cup of coffee by the time the movie finished

I loved the documentary, it made me open my eyes and realize that you have to detach yourself from your cell phone and that it makes us very bad to be stuck all the time on social networks


"How do you wake up from the matrix when you dont know you're in the matrix?"


Only the Antivirus companies making the Virus


look at us, complaining about social media.. on social media.

Chocolate seller comes with the Toothpaste


I'm just here reading the comments silently. I wonder if Google also knew this


I bet this trailer was recommended to me based on my watch and search history.

I'm here just bcoz Sakshi Joshi mam tell us just watch this movie than u will be get whats app really policies now it's a very dangerous


Wow, what a great movie, let me share it on FaceBook, Insta, Snapchat, Twitter, and YouTube

And the best actor 2020 is the Netflix

Most people who are deactivating their social media accounts and still clinging to Youtube are the last genration who really appreciated the power of television and enjoyed every single moment of their childhood without worrying about losing more followers on Twitter or getting more likes on Instagram.
The invincible 90’s kids!


Basically, phonesarebad the movie.

I'm 18 idk if just me but I don't use tik tok, I'm not active on Instagram. I'm just glad I didn't build my life on social media. I'm active on other platforms such as reddit and YouTube but I use it to learn new things every day. Social media is just like everything in life. It's what you make of it and how often you consume it. If you're using social media to fill a void in your life it's going to destroy your self esteem. But if you use it the right way in moderation like for instance, knowing what's going on, learning new skills, asking for help on a assignment, etc ... It's the most helpful tool ever. When it's taken excessively, the problems settle in.

Watching Social Dilemma now.. its way more bias and manipulative than the social media companies its attacking. It plays all this scary music and just sites bad stuff (which doesnt even seem that bad) Social Media has: Connected me to the knowledgeable people in many fields who have helped me learn about everything i want... basically eliminated loneliness from human life (which used to be more harmful to longevity than smoking) and enabled its my dating life along with alot of other people who were too shy to go to bars etc. I think social media companies just gives people what they want, and they actually add of restrictions for people's mental health, they block alot of stuff and try to stay pretty unbias compared to many corporations. I mean i guess its good to criticize these companies and keep em in check. But most GenZ people i know seem amazingly smart and sharp.. Social media has probably upped the reading and writing rate of average kids by 1000% from previous generations.. its helped fund raise and get dogs adopted.. connected huge groups with similar interests who pool knowledge.. etc etc.

I'm surprised that people are just now figuring this out. You dont have to be on Facebook or any other platform. Parents dont have to give their cell phones. They can enroll them in sports, arts classes, after school programs and do any number of things to help them interact socially. Our data isn't being mined by social media alone. It started with television ratings and advertising. There's also store cards that help grocery stores print coupons at the register for products you like, brand loyalty cards, radio advertising etc. I remember wanting Nike shoes as a kid because of a TV ad I saw. It took forever to save up enough to get them. That's when I got my first loyalty card too. I got a punch everytime I shopped there. When I spent "X" amount I got a discount. When I wore the shoes I valued every complement "like" etc. So, we needn't act like it's a new concept. We just need to hit the off button a little more often and find a tree to climb or a club to join.



[Netflix] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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[Netflix] Ozark | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix

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[Netflix] Stranger Things 2 | Official Final Trailer | Netflix

[Netflix] Stranger Things 3 Best Friends Challenge | Millie, Finn & Noah | Netflix

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[Netflix] The Perfect Date | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix

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