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[Youtube Review][ChrisFix] How to Remove a STUCK Drum Brake
YouCo 2021. 3. 15. 16:03Playtime Comments : [ChrisFix] How to Remove a STUCK Drum Brake
Top Comments : [ChrisFix] How to Remove a STUCK Drum Brake
You did it ALL WRONG....
You should have went to MIDAS or FIRESTONE. They would've charged YOU
$ 4800.00 for a whole"NEW" rear axle, told you they had to "special order it", and charged you up the
@$$ for shipping.
But then after you left ,they would have done the exact same thing that you did.
Imagine going through all that only to realizing your e brake was engaged.
It's about time somebody actually shows how long it takes to do something. I'm tired of seeing people taking things off so easily. They just want to make you feel inferior for not being able do it as quick as they do. You always run into time-consuming things that Don't go right when working on your car. Thanks Chris for showing the real-time it takes to do something. This took all day!
Drum brakes are a pain in the #^$&@...
The first thing you do with when removing rear drums is to back off the adjustment to move the lining away from the drums.
We learnt that at school.
So, it's a pain in the butt!
To all you know it alls. Make your own videos. If your so genius.
Cris keep it up
don't you hate that?? you working on the car and don't finish before night time.
Freaking amateurs with their adjuster theory lol yes that it's supposed to work in a perfect scenario, welcome to the real world where the freaking adjuster is rusted solid and the brakes shoes are totally worn out and also did you know that some cars doesn't even have access to the adjuster in the back??
ChrisFix, can you do a video on how to remove rounded/stripped lug nuts?
Dude- That looked Like it took all day... and it always does for me too. Thanks for the tips.
Hit between the studs with a ball peen hammer. Claw hammers are for nails
Thank you toyota for having those screw holes in the drum saved me big time
Goes into the night include fire and drilling! "That's how you remove drum brakes"
what an absolute nightmare... I wouldn't wish this brake job on my enemy
Allot of times on drum breaks the shoes wear a groove which leaves a lip where the shoes were not contacting. The shoes will expand to fill the gap on auto adjusting break drum systems. Which will keep the drums from pulling off. You did right to loosen the adjusters off. But still sometimes it's still hard to get them off. They will spin and wiggle but still sometimes they will be locked in the groove that has been worn into the drum. It just takes some beating and pulling and usually they will come off. I wouldn't drill the shoe retainer pins. Just pry, pull, and just a mallet or hammer and they will come off. Yes it takes allot of work.
My only possible next-nemesis is if the wheel bearing is seized. If that's the case, I can use my hydraulic-jack handle with some good chain laced through the holes on the wheel and apply downforce (me at 230lbs hehehe)
Thanks for reminding me about drum brakes - it's been too long since I worked on 'em :)
Dan Gibbs :)
I went through the exact same thing on my 1987 Chevy Celebrity . I even had the same tool - Stanley calls it a Wonder Bar - and got it between the backplate and drum to hammer on and pry . Instead of drilling out the hold down pins , I hooked the drum in the back and used a slide hammer on them . Both rear drums were stuck . The self adjusters kept the brakes adjusted and they stuck to a ridge in the drum . There was also knock out plug on the drum . I think the slide hammer is the fastest . But it disturbed one wheel cylinder when the shoes pulled forward . I changed both cylinders . Everything gets a thorough cleaning and proper brake lube to keep things working .
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