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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Reading minds through body language | Lynne Franklin | TEDxNaperville


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Reading minds through body language | Lynne Franklin | TEDxNaperville




Summary Comments : [TEDx Talks] Reading minds through body language | Lynne Franklin | TEDxNaperville

1. Lookers 75%
○ Well-dress, thin lips, wrinkles on forehead coz thinks what he has seen, stress in shoulders
§ Eyecontact,
§ "Look at this", "Picture it this way"
2. Listener 20%
○ Not well dress, Looks down to remember she heard, hand in face-telephone stance, mumbles
§ Don’t give eye-contact to much,
§ "Lets talk bout this over","Sounds good to me"
3. Touchers 5%
○ Huggers, comfort rather than style, Full lips, tendency to lean in, lookin down to remember what they felt
§ Let em hug u, give a point of contact,
§ "Let's get in touch", "How do u feel bout this"

• Don’t become like somebody else
• Accomadate ur language to build rapport
• Listen for the words to understand who they are
If u start present ur ideas in a way that they get them, they will say yes more often



Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] Reading minds through body language | Lynne Franklin | TEDxNaperville

7:43im all of them so far

7:40 She’s really a toucher she deadass was gonna hug her


5:22 I fall under this category


She looks extremely uncomfortable after...
Her body language is uncomfortable, she's protecting her front.



Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] Reading minds through body language | Lynne Franklin | TEDxNaperville


Wait but i remember it with an image and what happened in words and also how i was exited


Hmmm... Not really a science. I'm definitely a looker, thick lips, and I don't make eye a lot of contact.

Honestly, I find this Bul.
All people have moments they think in images, sounds and touch.
This woman is smart, she almost convinced me.
She is an enthusiastic speaker!


I am a musician, I can remember conversations I had 20 years ago. I can also tell you what you were wearing, and the look on your face when you talked about your mother - while looking you directly in the eye. I hug most folks, when it feels appropriate, and I am well known, within small circles, as giving the best hugs. I dress mostly for comfort, but a little style. Prominent tattoo, ears pierced, shaved head (vanity-started loosing it young). I have ADHD, and I have been able to "read" people since I was a toddler. I was the truth teller. I think in sounds, pictures, and concepts. At 49, my brow is creased, I enjoy people watching. And I talk to myself constantly.... particularly when I'm stressed. It's part, working it out, and part self soothing. And I'm aware that I'm a webbed thinker- which means I see connections in ways other folks don't. I must be a mutant. Lol


When she described touchers, the first person who came to my mind was my four-year-old grandson.

After watching this video I started to watch random ted talks, and try to find out who is a listener, a toucher and a looker, and I found out a cool thing: the listener moves his head side to side - so his hearing range grows bigger. The looker takes his body back and up- so his view field grows wider, and the toucher do the opposite things- he takes his body down and front so there is a better chance to touch


I say very often, "Ah, I see."


This women wasted 12 minutes of my life. I'm going to have a Ted talk about wasting people's time.


Based on this if I end my emails as the following I can't go wrong:
Let's see what happens, I trust we hear back soon.
Keep in touch!


Well, I loved the lecture, but when I did the test here at home, closing my eyes and blalabla, I Remended like a movie and at the same time how I felt. It hapens frequently with another people, am I wrong or am I a divergent? hahahaha


So 75% of people have thin lips?


So does that mean I’m the only one who thinks in all 3 when the time is needed?

The listener moves his eyes to the side, where the ears are located.
The toucher looks down to what he uses to communicate, his body, his hands...
And the looker to nowhere, to imagine

You are generalizing the groups way to much

They mumble to themselves.
Me (mumbling to myself)- oh god thats insane

Im a smeller


This lady made me question my identy 20 times in 11 minutes.


I'm confused... I see hear and feel what I remember, I can see myself talking and feel what i was feeling what am I lol


Next time me going to a family function
Listening each and every person in the room very attentively in order to figure out whether they are looker, listener or toucher.
I know that's an insane idea bt still ik some of you can feel me!!

Omg this is so funny!
I’m definitely a toucher/feeler I hug everyone and I am highly unimpressed when people don’t like hugs. All memories I always remember the way I felt.

I'm a listener, and that explains so much! hehehe unbelievable :)


OMG we need more listeners

i feel like im a mix


What if I have a mix of those behaviours?

I’m in love with James

This was actually really fascinating to me


Brazilians are, in general, 115% touchers. It's cultural.

This talk has actually changed my life

When I closed my eyes, I could remember the sounds around me, the landscape around me, and the tangible and emotional things as well. This particular memory was about 4 years ago.

Visual, auditory and kinesthetic representation systems. Basic NLP stuff, but explained beautifully

I'm like a solid mix of all 3


Great stuff Lynne. Loved this talk.

Excelent presentation. Good content, explained simply without excess of words. Beautifull.


I can easily identify with all 3. However, the eye contact thing really caught my attention... I feel as if I’m ignoring someone if I don’t look them in the eyes, and I feel as if they’re ignoring me if they don’t look at me
(At least until I watched this video)
I can mumble and talk to myself like someone in an asylum
I can also remember what many things felt like... but I am too scared of people thinking I’m a creep to be a toucher.
I hate it when people touch me, so I assume they feel the same about me touching them



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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