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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The Doomsday Clock, explained


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The Doomsday Clock, explained



Playtime Comments : [Vox] The Doomsday Clock, explained


2020: 100 seconds for midnight


It’s 3:52 am I should be sleeping


12:00 Am January,1,2020
Is the Doomsday Midnight

2021: 100 seconds to midnight.

2:50 what

4:18 that guy kinda looks like the guy from breaking bad



Top Comments : [Vox] The Doomsday Clock, explained

in my town, reynosa mexico, we have a traffic light, depending on the color determines if we can go out, if it's green we can live happy, if it's yellow, we can go out but be careful of shootings, if it's red it means that the drug cartels are going around the street and there's shootings involved, i have lived here for around 8 years now, and i have seen it red many times, to the point of having seen people that were hunged, and shoot at, and many other things, this seems very familiar. a clock that can go back in time, it just means danger the closer it gets to 12

The cause of human extinction will probably be humans


this is so dumb, superman can just defeat him.

Doomsday clock: ticks to midnight

Did you try removing the batteries?


Just take out the batteries

I wont be surprised if it becomes midnight at the end of 2020.

We have to stop this now


Theoretically Nature wants to create us and end us with killing each other.

i can’t be the only one having a panic attack


have you tried resetting the clock?


two minutes to midnight - Iron Maiden. Finally makes sense to me


Global Warming? Doomsday
Bioweapon? Doomsday
Nuclear launching? Doomsday
Donald Trump? Doomsday
Hotel? Trivago


2020: Exists

Doomsday Clock: Gotta go fast


I hope they are selling at my local IKEA I need a new clock asap.

i feel like it hit midnight when 2020 came into existence.


I got this reccomended, it must be time. Good Luck Everyone, Godspeed.

Doomsday clock: haha I end world
Ppl: noooooooo

2020: the world will end
Ppl: we know

EU: talks about banning memes
Clock: ticks faster


Just unplug the clock and we won't have to die!!


now we are 100 seconds away

Shall the midnight man arrive and perish us all
for even our sins have sinned


moves hand a dot further

Scientists: oh my god the worlds gonna end!


Lol the world is not in danger
2020 : Announcement 100 second closer to midnight.
2021 : 75 second

The election is going to be the last straw...


It is a bad sign that this was recommended in 2020.


Look at the clock, it's past your bedtime humanity.

It’s concerning that the furthest we’ve ever been from doomsday is 17 minutes.

Clock: tick...tick...
*trump becomes president
Clock: TickTickTickTick...


Clock sets to 1 after midnight


2020: 1second


Clock: 100 seconds to midnight
Me: *chuckles* Im in danger


Coronavirus is bending time...

They just made that clock know one knows when the doomsday



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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