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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Weed is not more dangerous than alcohol
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Weed is not more dangerous than alcohol




Summary Comments : [Vox] Weed is not more dangerous than alcohol

Ways weed can kill you:
1. You eat a whole bunch of weed and choke to death.
2. A huge crate of weed falls on top of you.
3. A man named weed kills you.



Playtime Comments : [Vox] Weed is not more dangerous than alcohol


0:38 That little smile he gave when he said "its not" lol


2:16 I’m from Canada, I use weed instead of alcohol

Meth i guess xD


0:36 ...haha.............yeah..


0:25 where tf did this stat come from, and 3000 in the world? In the US? Jeez



Top Comments : [Vox] Weed is not more dangerous than alcohol

Meanwhile in the Netherlands...

The comments here are hilarious I can't like them all We stoners are the best community ever

I would say that cigarettes are worse than weed


It’s legal now on the west coast and Colorado, and maybe a few in the east

Government employee 1: yo, u know what would be funny?
Employee 2: what?
Employee 1: we should put I safe drug in class 1
Employee 2: why?
Employee 1: just do it, it'll be funny I swear


I wish my mom smoked weed instead of being addicted to Alcohol something that completely changes her and is literally killing her slowly.


This was posted 6 years ago and we have barely seen any change. The government is blind.


Alcohol is the devil's piss.


Marijuana makes me wanna hug people I don’t know

Alcohol makes me wanna fight people I don’t know


Fun fact: Weed was made illegal because people were searching to criminalize a bunch of people they didn't like.
"Hmm what do mexican people do that could be made illegal with any type of reason... Well time to make weed illegal"


why iam here ? i only drink tea .-.


2020: Weed - Schedule 1 drug
2050: Laugh at 2020


The only good thing alcohol does is clean Bongs.


Ok I’d rather deal with the aftermath of getting really high then getting wasted. High me makes bomb ass almond tarts and pet my cat while watching planet earth. Wasted me throws up everywhere, thinks she can handle a knife and wakes up covered in vomit with the worst headache imaginable. Thank god I live in Seattle.


Statistically speaking, weed is much safer as compared to alcohol. It's about time the demonization and stereotypes associated with it are put to an immediate end.

I almost died tho on weed cause i was eating cereal with no milk then i started laughin too much and i was choking and laughin and ciuldnt stop


Vox been on the grind since 2014, now this is common knowledge

Marijuana would be a great replacement for alcohol. Its the most relaxing, calm, stress free, pain relieving feeling you’ll feel


should be common knowledge that drinking is wayyy more dangerous than weed


Make Alcohol Illegal and make Marijuana Legal!


Yea pot isn’t bad everyone knows but no one talks about how mushrooms and lsd are schedule 1 but they also cause 0 deaths.

Alcohol makes me depressed, weed makes me chill. Glad I live in Amsterdam


"What do they smoke?" Perfect.


alcohol: throwing up, stomach pump, fights, car crashes
weed: chill out on a couch or something idk I'm hungry


Some say weed is a gateway drug yo other drugs but the only gateway it's leading to is the fridge


You look like the guy who tried to legalize marijuana from GTA V

my job drug tests randomly, so I'm an alcoholic now.


i can promise you. try weed once and alcohol will seem irrelevant lol

Come to Canada. Our skies haven’t fallen. We haven’t seen more accidents. We haven’t seen any deaths.

It’s the pharmaceutical companies that don’t want weed to be legal.

OxyContin was better?


for once i agree with vox

As an alcoholic, I would give anything to go back in time, smack the bottle out of my past self's hand and replace it with a joint.

I am physically addicted, unhealthy, I will literally die if I quit and I don't have the money for rehab... Alcohol is one of the most horrific drugs in the world. It being more legal than weed just blows my mind.


Didn’t Nixon aid, john ehrlichman literally say,
“We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities.”


I was a heavy drinker until I started smoking pot again (done it before), and it helped me quit.


As a regular user I can confidently say that since I've been smoking weed it has made me a more chilled, perceptive and overall better person. however I do think it's important to not let weed grab a hold of you because although not addictive it can become your main priority very easily. Also in terms of drug driving crashes, it's very different driving stoned if you are a regular user to if you occasionally smoke with a few friends once a month, because you make the consciouus switch to driving stoned and I drive smoother for it. Who needs alcohol, Weed will never betray you unless you let it



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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