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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Spinning Black Holes


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Spinning Black Holes




Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Spinning Black Holes


4:57 Should have chosen diameter, so it would be d_isco

Edit: Please sign the petition in the replies if you support this cause


2:18 that moment when you can't understand the simplest objects in the universe

3:28, poor man, he got pulled whole into a black hole while he was just skating

3:45 Who else loves this iconic background sound !


1:27 "No really guys, this time we reeeally think there's life on Mars."


2:38 "far away from the black hole..." I like the subtle and correct detail there.

6:20 was my favourite, all my questions answered.


1:21 I just laughed out loud when the heroic music came in, given the context
Really informative video btw!


5:04 The impossible scenario looks remarkably similar to M87's photo that was released after this video


1:22 ahhh... this is the best.



Top Comments : [Veritasium] Spinning Black Holes


These acronyms are getting better every freakin year.


I won't pretend that i understand what you're talkimg about

People on earth: "The sun doesnt go around the earth! The earth moves around the sun!"
People on blackholes:

I sure am glad they don’t express it as diameters, or it would be a disco!


I have been a big follower of Veritasium almost since the channel's beginning and one thing that has always impressed me is the fact that Derek always prefers Quality over Quantity. Sometimes he takes a break of 1 month to upload a video but when it is uploaded , all that wait feels worth it. Derek is definitely one of my science heroes and he alongside with Physics girl will forever be my favourite science youtubers. Thank You Derek for all the ACCURATE knowledge you have been spreading.


Will you ever do another collab video with someone where both videos are meant to be played together simultaneously? Like the toilet flushing video.


So your telling me the flashes were caused by a white dwarf star, something unimaginably huge, going half the speed of light, unimaginably fast... I feel small.

"This is called a naked singularity and it makes a lot of scientists uncomfortable." Prudes!

Just FYI, redshift can only be used to calculate distance at very large extra-galactic distances where the expansion of the universe accounts for most of the object's observed motion. At distances where we can resolve individual stars from stellar clusters (as opposed to resolving individual stellar discs), which we can only do within our galaxy and some members of the local galactic group, cosmological redshift can't be used because the Doppler shift primarily traces the stars' peculiar motions within their galaxies or of their host galaxies through their group or cluster. We can use stellar spectra to gauge a star's distance, but to do so we have to compare the spectra to stellar evolutionary models to distinguish dwarfs and giants of the same temperatures and estimate the star's intrinsic luminosity at that stage in its life. For isolated stars (not part of a multiple system or cluster but free-moving in the galactic potential), stellar evolutionary models are often the best distance-estimating tools available, and that's not saying a whole lot.


I miss free Vsauce vídeos

Edit: I already now that DONG exists, thanks


Derek should do a co-lab with Kurzgesagt on black holes.

Muse fans always hear sweet music when someone says "supermassive black hole" :D

understood hardly 10% of what u said.. nevertheless loved the graphics used..

Love your work man!


I am curious how someone could dislike this video. Perhaps they have trouble understanding it, the burden of knowledge is too much for them, or perhaps they too, are really uncomfortable with naked singularities.

lol. the rendition at 1:24-1:25 has been my computer background for years :D I also put my bin at the black hole with all the shortcuts around it.


they can add super and incredible to make it A.S.S.A.S.S.I.N

all sky super automated survey for super incredible novae


imagine einstein's reaction if only he could see the first image of the black hole... he really deserved it.

if a lot of black holes are dormant, traveling through space is like playing mine sweeper lol

Scientist 1: We've found a black hole that has a spin of 1!
Scientist 2: Omg, that is so amazing! Can we see inside the black hole?
Scientist 1: No....
Scientist 2: Awww..
GrayStillPlays: MORE 0'S D*** IT!


Sweet library dude!

Just the thought of the universe spinning Machs me crazy.

Just curious....If the galaxy is 290 million light years away and we are detecting this event now, does that mean the event actually happened 290 million years ago ? since the information would have taken that much time to reach us.


9:47 what's the fissure artifact that just popped up at top right of screen?

My flight is taking off. I want to know about black holes!
EDIT: HOLY COW MAN I can't imagine how much research you did for this! I've always wondered how star diameters are approximated. Thank you so much for this! Bravo!


Black holes are both amazing and scary at the same time.


So can we assume the black hole "gargantua" in interstellar fed on a star at some point too?
Cool. Great video by the way ^^

These acronyms are getting better every year.


Why on earth are there so many dislikes.....did the dislikes misheard "Naked singularities" with "NAKED SINGLE LADIES" ???



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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