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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Justin Trudeau is pretty sure you won't move to Canada


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Justin Trudeau is pretty sure you won't move to Canada




Playtime Comments : [Vox] Justin Trudeau is pretty sure you won't move to Canada

Convo History with Justin:
You up?
You up?
You up?
You used to call me on my cell phone.

Look at the text "You Used to Call me on my Cellphone" it's Aubrey's song 1:22

1:22, did anyone else notice that when she was messaging Justin Trudeau, the message before her’s said, “You used to call me on my cell phone”.


8:10 Why are the people in the back constantly peeking at Justin like he's about to do something?


3:08 she wants
United States of America and Canada




6:50 My respect has gone way higher Love from an Emirati

Watching this in 2020 makes me laugh because Justin just said 7:00 that being told what to wear is not a free society "
Well fast-forward 4 years later in 2020 he's telling Canadian citizens what to wear on their face

U up?
U up?
One sec
U up?
you used to call me on my cell phone



Top Comments : [Vox] Justin Trudeau is pretty sure you won't move to Canada

"You can't just... Text the prime minister..."

Well guess what



Popular Canadian opinion: WE DONT WANT AMERICANS HERE

The straightness in me is in danger. He is way too attractive





Wait, in Canada you can just like.. TALK to the prime minister? At a public cafe?! DAMN that's mad


You can notice her checking him out at 5:23

US in the 1800s: We want Canada
US in the 2020s: Take us


I live in Montana. Some people have been saying that the US should sell Montana to Canada. I say yes please. Canada rules. Also MMIW is a big thing here too.

I love how Americans think they can just show up to the Canadian border and be like:
"Yo, I'm Jim from America. I'm moving to Canada."


If everybody hates trump who tf voted for him?


She was so smitten during the whole interview lol


Seeing all these crowds in 2020 is weird


28% of Americans may say they would move to Canada but how many know where Canada is on a map? :)


4 year later. The coronavirus pandemic occurred and Trump dealt with it poorly.


Justin Trudeau with the Pandas is exactly what I needed to get me through the day.

Americans: "Remove that border, let's make one country."

Canadians: "yeaaah....No..."

You look at him and you think how good looking he is on the outside, but then you listen to him and you find out he is ten times handsomer on the inside. Proud to have him as my prime minister.


"We want one country, one nation, one president"

Legitimately, every Canadian's worst political fear.

And now the boarders are closed and we are saying no thank you. Have a good day. Enjoy the bed you made.


This has such a different feeling in 2021.

>"we're going to go to canada if trump is elected"
>trump is elected
>no one goes to canada

It.looks more like a date than an interview

No clue why but I feel so damn awkward while watching this, that woman is to awkward!


Mr Trudeau, Please build a wall and make USA pay for it.

America be like: mexico -> usa -> canada


2:58 yo what is cookie monster doing in the background


the fact that he can actually talk about issues in full sentences and not just blame the media and other people is why I want to move to Canada


Who else is seeing this in 2020, and now are noticing how chill 2016 seemed in hindsight?

Trump and Trudeau ended up at the same Barbershop. As they sat there, each being worked on by a different Barber, not a word was spoken. As the one who had Trump and his chair finished his shave he reached for the aftershave but Donald was quick to stop him saying "no thanks my wife Melania will smell that and will think I've been in a brothel" the second Barber turn towards Justin and said "how about you Mr Trudeau ?" To which Justin replied "go ahead my wife Sophie doesn't know what the inside of a brothel smells like"





[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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