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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Listening to shame | Brené Brown


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Listening to shame | Brené Brown




Playtime Comments : [TED] Listening to shame | Brené Brown

9:50 shame talk begins

14:49 this


16:33 this part made me cry

5:39 The best part of the talk!

17:30- profound!



Top Comments : [TED] Listening to shame | Brené Brown

The CC is not synced with the video


"The women in my life have been harder on me than anyone" Oh my god, I never realized this but it's true! I always blamed men for how women acted. And I do think that it's fucked up that so many female gender roles are based on serving men. But it's true that the harshest people in my life have been female family members! This really makes me think.


"The women in my life have been harder on me than the men"

"Sometimes bullies wear red dresses"

Double standards. Shame on us.

"Vulnerability is the birthplace of creativity, innovation and change."  - Brené Brown

Huge inspiration. Help me to recover from the deep shame inside me. Thank you .

"Vulnerability is our most accurate measurment of courage" wow

Warning: Do not listen to Brene Brown while driving. I cried or almost cried at least 18x. I cried from laughing, I cried from truth, I cried from realizations. This is so invoking of spirit and truth and profound. I resonate with this so much. I have been shamed since before I could even talk and it disabled me until recently when I realized that I had the power to choose no longer to let the shame control me. I stumbled upon this TED talk by divine intervention and I am so grateful because it came to me at the perfect time to propel me forward into my own greatness. Thank you!

I was vulnerable with my ex partner. She still carries a lot of shame, and she's gone to her previous emotionally abusive partner. I wish her an awakening


Excellent talk. This is something that isn't spoken about in society, but affects a lot of people . Amazing women


'They'd rather see me die on my white horse than fall off...' I think every man feels that way


I think Shakespeare summarised this talk in one line: 'Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt'

Shame haunts, shame cripples, Bravo to Brene Brown for bringing this up!!!!!!! I have re-watched this a couple of times and it makes so much sense. I refer this video to clients and they thank me. Grateful for Brene!

what a beautiful person. best ted talk i've seen in a while.

Unbelievably amazing. This has penetrated the depths of my soul, given me SO much hope, and blown my mind.


That guy's laugh! :-D He's loving it! <3


This is what I am feeling more and more when I perform. I am vulnerable. The more I am OK with me, the more it connects. In my songs, I am sharing some of my deepest secrets and shame. I am not perfect, I didn't study music theory, sometimes I sing out of tune, sometimes I play the wrong chord or change tempo. I write because I have no other choice. I sing because it is the format I can share in. I feel ashamed because I worry I am not good enough. I feel ashamed because I am too old and not beautiful and not enough enough to be standing in front of you. But somehow I do it anyway. Because I feel I have something to share, something that may touch only one or two of you and improve your day. And that IS ENOUGH. More than enough. That is wonderful.

Excellent talk. Empathy is the antidote to shame. Which is why those with narcissistic parents suffer so badly with shame.

"We can't start talking race without talking about privilege, and we can't talk about privilege without people getting paralyzed by shame."

How cathartic these words were...I felt like she hears and understands me. I have struggled all my life with racist impulses and never known how to address them....perhaps I should recalibrate and listen to the shame instead.

‘ Vulnerability is most accurate measurement of courage’ GOLD

Pure inspiration no matter how many times I watch her!

I have a lot of “unprocessed anger” towards those who do (or would do) the shaming.


"I'm going in"


Damnit she's hilarious. I need a friend like her.

Watching this gave me the vibe that I was like reading a great book and reflecting on it all at the same time... what a thought-provoking talk. Her story-telling, the figurative languages she used of the topic and quotes that highlight the thought make this talk a one of a kind educational talk <3


I just love her. What a great woman.

Awesome Ted talk, many men have had issue with shame in their past including myself. Appearing strong all the time is a unrealistic standard placed on men. Many suffer in silence until they eventually do fall from the horse, which is frowned upon, hence shame. Hang in there fellas it ok to be vulnerable every once in a while.

Brene: I didn't leave my house for 3 days
Covid: Hold my beer


my head hurts and my nose's too stuffed from bawling my eyes out. thanks for this ted talk. this talk felt like warm light peeking thru a dark cave.


I love her so much! She has helped me rwalize many things during my self development.


thank you so much you helped me talk to my own brother beacause he is a bully

"I know your dad never paid attention, even when you made CFO" - Oh Mylanta! The way that hit me just now! exhales deeply

Watched this 3 years ago and it's still my favorite Ted Talk. Why? probably because it's the most authentic :D



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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