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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] 중국의 비밀 수용소들
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] 중국의 비밀 수용소들



Playtime Comments : [Vox] 중국의 비밀 수용소들

8:30 "Boarding schools"... that sounds familiar...




0:36 did anyone else hear one billion?

@8:43 The Dabancheng concentration camp is now four times larger than shown here.



Top Comments : [Vox] 중국의 비밀 수용소들

This is the Holocaust all over again, just with a different group, different oppressor and different continent. Why are we doomed to repeat our atrocities?


This is horrendous. I didn't have any idea this was going on


Hey,we have seen this before

Germans: Hey! I’ve seen this one before.

I’m ashamed to say that I came here after Olivia Rodrigo posted this on her story. More influencers should share this; it’s important information.

People need to understand that this is exactly what happened to the Jewish before ww2 started

“China is violating human rights” Ah yes the floor here is made out of floor




The fact that this gets virtually zero mainstream news coverage is absolutely ridiculous

call it what it is CONCENTRATION CAMPS ! ! !

Literally no one thought these places looked like schools or factories...


Sadly China is too much of a lucrative trade partner for most countries to care doing something anything it.


History is repeating itself and everyone is silent

And still Pakistan believes China wants to help them.its slowly falling into china’s debt trap.

I see China is going for the dystopian future.


torturing and attempting to brain wash them will not get rid of their identity and deeply held beliefs. The real extremists here are the ones running those concentration camps. Dialogue is the only way forward.


the fact that even some of the muslim countries support this including saudi arabia which is considered as one the wealthiest countries in the world is sickening, it's a shame that they have hajj/umrah they don't deserve it, if the prohet mohammed (pbuh) sees the state of saudi right now, and what they have done to other muslim countries, he would be very ashamed


even i was born in a third world country, i feel really grateful that i still have freedom to choose what i want to be and be able to practice my own belief. My prayer to every good Uighur citizens could have the same rights as other free people across the globe.


History repeats itself and we won't get far if people don't start to realize that.

I literially got an ad before this called “thank China”

Hitler is literally reborn, but in China.

China thinks everything belongs to them,like East Turkistan,Tibet and parts of India,Taiwan, parts of Philippines and they are also building illegal island in South China Sea


They are CONCENTRATION CAMPS, not internment


This is the sort of reporting that i love from vox bringing these issues that arent being covered enough by mainstream media.


The world has said it would not allow these types of camps anymore and we continue to watch more and more country's commit these horrific attacks.

This is a minor point, but the video initially refers to the Uyghurs as "China's Muslim minority", but there are other Muslims in China too. The Hui people are also traditionally Muslim. The main difference here is geographic location (The Hui are located more in the central interior, along the Gobi desert, iirc), and ethnicity/language (the Hui are sometimes considered "Han-ified", or a subset of the wider Han-category.). This isn't to take away from the video, just to add a bit of nuance, and to stress that this is less about religion (which Western audiences might assume), and more about the Chinese government wanting to secure strategic areas and industries from a population they consider potentially "illoyal" due to several different factors (and the video does go on to highlight this very well).

Thank you for covering this Vox!!

You know, I don't always agree with what you say, Vox. But it takes a lot of guts to report on this with China pressuring you not to. I respect that


Why does this seem like the beginning of the Holocaust. This is saddening


China is basically turning into a military junta at this point


"Long live Xi Jinping."
Yep. Definitely not a dictator.


and nobody is talking about this.. These people are always in my head, I think about them a lot. I want to do something but there's nothing I can do. :|

As a person who is Chinese I wanna throw up and I am absolutely horrified that this is happening. I am very proud of my culture and ethnicity, but the Chinese government needs to be held accountable and brought to justice.

Very good journalism. May Allah have mercy on the uighurs.


The scary thing is that people living in china aren’t aware of these things. If i still lived there, i wouldn’t know so many things like this.

Edit: this blew up. Wow i didn’t think my random thought would invoke so many discussions.
And i must address: please be respectful on this platform. It’s great to have disagreements and exchange ideas, but please be respectful and open minded.

I lived in China when I was little 2007-2014, and i was certainly not into politics or social issues as a child. So many things i don’t know could be just me being an ignorant kid.

However, i do think that it’s wrong to ban social media platforms such as Youtube and search engines such as Google in an attempt to censor or prohibit knowledge. Freedom of uncensored knowledge is a human right, tho it’s not possible to have anything uncensored, there should be at least freedom of press in every country. People should be able to see every side of the story and decide for themselves. Censoring and denying acts of violence is wrong in itself, and it is not a problem only within China.



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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