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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The high cost of free parking


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The high cost of free parking



Playtime Comments : [Vox] The high cost of free parking

0:56 that’s woodfield mall

3:40 LMAO


Almost heaven 1:01


0:21 put the speed to 2x


Why am I watching a video about Parking at 5:39 am

1:01 what parking lot is that? Thats Huge!


I can't contain my laughter at 3:42 xD

2:40 alright funny guy


This is still one of my favorite videos to quickly introduce people to the problem with parking and car-centric development. Of course it's still just the economic side of the issue, and doesn't even touch on gentrification, the inherent racial segregation with suburbia, and the macroeconomic impact of an oil economy... Whew. But that would be longer than 6:42.


5:41 It's Boston!



Top Comments : [Vox] The high cost of free parking


8 parking spots for every car!? looks around NYC Where!?


8 parking spots per person, and yet every time I go to a city I'm always hunting for parking.

If you don't expand public transportation and increase its popularity decreasing parking spots will be a problem. In the South in general public transportation sucks. It doesn't go everywhere, it's not timely, and there not enough transport so its cramped especially on popular routes. For me personally I stay away from area with inadequate parking and paid parking. If you're on the shallow end of the economical pool it's a greater pain. Most Southern metropolitan areas are built to be car cities. Anytime they try to increase public transportation efforts are rebuffed. Housing in the city is expensive. Housing outside the city means you lose money trying to work in the city because most jobs outside the city don't pay as much. You're getting screwed either way.

And yet Starbucks and In N' Out still block all the streets with their patrons?


weird to not mention public transportation.

8 parking spots per car? Why tf can't I ever get a parking spot that's not 17,000,000 miles from the door?

8 spots for every 1 car; how come i can never find parking?


Because United States don't really have a good public transportation unlike EU. They mostly relies on private transportation ,mainly car.


Indians : you guys have parking spots?


"4 months before he died, in 2011" proceeds to show video from 1996


Here in most of Europe there is 1 Parking Space for 8 Cars.


Better public transportation, less need for parking space

why tf would a city demand parking space on a private property, is this that american freedom? no thx


For anyone who didn't fully understand, the video explained how most parking lots are paid for by the private store owners. In order to regain their loses they spent building their parking lot they have to raise their store prices. You're paying for parking either way, this video just points out how drivers force their parking fees on non drivers, who may have used public transport or simply walked to stores, since making parking space for drivers force stores to raise their prices.

explains why walmart or costco parking lots are so big

You cannot do anything without proper and efficient public transport, which many US cities lack


West Virginia, parking lot-lot.
Take me there, parking lot.
-- John Driver

In London there's barely any parking space. Everybody has to use public transport- even if they own a car.


"They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot." ~ Joni Mitchell

I’ve been seeing a lot of new mixed use apartments around Austin where the front of the building is commercial and residential, the middle is parking, and the rest is residential. Still maintains higher density and meets parking requirements.


The free cost of paid parking

When something is "free" somebody has to pay for it, you just don't see it that moment.


Why not just move off street parking to underground and plant trees or build houses on the surface?

Don't copy america when it comes to city planning.





Let's put all the parking lots in West Virginia.


Sheeet I did not know those requirements even existed! This is something I always found weird about some american cities. Everything is so far apart, like the city was built for cars and not humans. Okay, it's easy to park, but nobody would even think about walking. It's crazy how you can shape a city, and the culture of its inhabitants, just with a simple rule like that. I live in western Europe, and being able to walk across town is something I would never trade for more parking spots.

I've lived in Amsterdam for 15 years and I've seen about 3 parking lots.


Yeah, it's difficult problem to solve without a lot of investment though. There are a couple of core problems:
1) Most Americans don't live near where they work because they either can't afford to or don't want to
2) Most newer cities are extremely spread out because they were designed after personal cars became popular
3) Most older cities have an extreme dearth of living space where business and entertainment is centered
4) Cars have become a symbol of wealth and independence and it will be harder and harder to dissuade people from driving
5) Public transport in almost every US city is underfunded and thus poorly equipped, runs horrible schedules, and/or ridiculously expensive for what it offers
6) Pedestrian and cyclist space and lanes are poorly maintained in a lot of places, discouraging those modes of transport
7) The US has the second highest cars per capita in the world (averaging almost one car per person), that's a lot of cars to account for with street parking, especially when emergency lanes, handicap parking, and loading zones need to be accounted for.

New York and Boston and NOT examples of a solution. Having fewer spots and more expensive parking does NOT discourage drivers when the public transport is abysmally inconvenient, not affordable enough to justify the inconvenience, and most importantly, unreliable. Boston in particular has gone out of its way to discourage drivers, with it's infamous towing culture, some of the highest parking rate in the country, and excised tax on cars, yet all it makes for is more angry drivers, not less drivers.

Good alternatives need to be established before discourage driving, and no major city in the US has been willing to make that investment yet. I'd say of the major cities, San Francisco is closest to having a viable non-driving culture, with passable public transport infrastructure in its most urban areas, and a healthy cyclist culture (it helps that the weather makes it easier to bike and walk). They still have quite some ways to go though, since their funding is still way too low and they struggle to expand their public transport reach to suburban areas where a large part of the urban workforce lives due to the ridiculous housing prices in urban areas.



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