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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The hunt for Forrest Fenn's $2 million hidden treasure


This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.

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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The hunt for Forrest Fenn's $2 million hidden treasure




Summary Comments : [Vox] The hunt for Forrest Fenn's $2 million hidden treasure


Step 1. Get map.
Step 2. Find Santa Fe airport.
Step 3. Follow the trail.
Aqua Fria means “cold water”
Wait... is “Canyon Rd.” at the end of Agua Fria? What a coincidence...



Playtime Comments : [Vox] The hunt for Forrest Fenn's $2 million hidden treasure

All of those final landscape scenes -- starting around 21:00 mark -- that is the real treasure.


That shirt though 14:58

5:37 "please moo-ve"


9:02 Look at the end of the sentence...

Before the treasure has been found (today's news), how did they know that someone was within 200 feet (11:00) from the actual location? No one knew the actual location except Fenn. Did Fenn monitor the search effort?

The sound of "Giving Up" 17:52


13:15 bears rest in caves :)

When you watch the video and at 13:33 something shine appears through the trees:
Yep I’m convinced that I found it, I’m going to Wyoming to find.
Then I would probably find something, possibly it was something else.



Top Comments : [Vox] The hunt for Forrest Fenn's $2 million hidden treasure


Elderly man keeps his name living for years after death by keeping people looking for his treasure that doesn't exist. Brilliant hoax

they say it was found like a week ago


There is no treasure! The man wants to live forever so what's the best way to do that!? Make up a lie about a treasure!

The search is over, the treasure has been found.

Fenn said it wasn't in a cave though.


The treasure is simply getting out and exploring, what could be worth more?

Where's your metal detector? It's gold your looking for rt?

for me it is near and below a small waterfall. from the "no place for the meek" (you must speak up because of the waterfall sound)"no paddle up your creek, heavy loads and water high."(high and heavy water falling down)... and it is inside a cave with sun can shines over a hole at noon...god, I've been infected.


the treasure is the friends you've made along the way


The beginning of you piecing the clues together made sense to me. Everyone is hung up on 'Brown' being a bear or animal. I'm almost positive it isn't. Why is Brown capitalized? Also, Fenn hid it when he was 80 years old. He was able to make two trips to his car where it was parked to do so. Wherever it is, it isn't that far from a road, access road, or lot. If you need to climb a cliff or real steep terrain, you're wrong. I personally think this is much more of an intellectual exercise than a physical one. If it's out there, it will be found soon. Many people are involved and sooner or later on of their theories will be right.

I like how searching for the treasure promotes Darwinism as well.


Who else came to this video when they found the treasure?


Fenn said I won't be in ANY National Park or on ANY Indian Reservation
Y'all need to do more research.

Some scrub is gonna be walking through the forest and is going to stumble across the chest on accident I'm calling it. Maybe somebody has already found it and just hasn't told anyone to keep you all guessing.


Y’all sleeping on a 80 year old man to walk 10 miles in the mountains...


the guy who got lost and was found dead must have found the treasure and got killed by someone else who took it and there is no treasure now.

The treasure was found finally yesterday June 7 2020. Congratulations to the lucky person who found it!


The real Fenn’s treasure is discovering the beauty of nature

The true treasure to be found is just getting out and enjoying nature, especially Yellowstone National Park.


It has been found, go home everyone!

"It was under a canopy of stars in the lush, forested vegetation of the Rocky Mountains and had not moved from the spot where I hid it more than 10 years ago"

"home of brown" = toilet or in this case an outhouse , if i was searching for the treasure, i'd know where i'd start

Someone found it...


This is why i love vox and great big story, channels that focus on short form documentary are awesome. However treasure hunter noobs didnt even bring a metal detector.


it's illegal to dig artifacts or remove anything from a national park. he didn't put it in Yellowstone.

waiting for the moment some random person just walking through the mountains finds the chest and earning that 2 mil without even knowing a thing

People keep mentioning "how much can an 80 year old man do...?"
A lot. An 80 year old man in a mission can do a LOT. It sounds like these hunters don't give him enough credit which is exactly why it isn't found.


THEY FOUND IT!!!! JUNE 6TH 2020!!!!



I'm here after the treasure was found


"What would Fen do?"
Seriously, how are you guys overlooking such an important fact?
This is a dude who you said thought everyone was dumb.
Why would it be something as simple as thinking like him? You'd have more luck thinking, "What would Fen do to make sure no one finds it?"
Cause that's what he wants, no one to find it for years at least.
Maybe he wants someone to find it eventually but obviously not now.

I'm not trying to say you're stupid, but it's stupid to try to say you should think like him when you don't even know him.



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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