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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] 게이머들이 WASD를 사용하여 이동하는 이유
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] 게이머들이 WASD를 사용하여 이동하는 이유




Summary Comments : [Vox] 게이머들이 WASD를 사용하여 이동하는 이유

Additional reasons to why WASD is the best choice around:
1. It's between to easily identifiable keys: CAPS LOCK is huge and F has the small bump on it.
2. It's surrounded by all kinds of other keys that can be assigned to anything else.
3. You can keep pressed CTRL or ALT and SPACE while using WASD.
4. It's in the perfect position to keep both hands at arm's length.



Playtime Comments : [Vox] 게이머들이 WASD를 사용하여 이동하는 이유


3:32 Anybody else notice the Enter key in place of Caps Lock?


Droop Snoot
Kilroy was here.

I absolutely love this easter egg


3:05 Why most notebooks don’t have a number pad, like Desktop Computers?

(Also, in that scene, Caps Lock is on the right and Enter on the left, instead of the usual way with those positions reversed)




0:48 I didn't realize what channel I was on, and thought that this was making fun of Vox

Ok who's idea was it to change the CAP lock button to an enter button?



Top Comments : [Vox] 게이머들이 WASD를 사용하여 이동하는 이유


FPS Game Control History
< 1996 : arrow keys and keyboard
1996 - 2018 : keyboard and mouse
2019 : steering wheel


Actually its because each letter stands for its movement

No it’s because
Am going left


How is this guy in his early 40s? He looks around 20-25.

There YouTube I watched it!!! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE

Vox just casually drops the G-word... Say People-of-Play, come on it's 2019


This dude is the physical incarnation of “Asian don’t raisin’ “


This man has my f key

Damn that’s pretty cool imagine being the guy who essentially invented/popularized WASD.


Thank you Thresh, we love you


Anyone else remember when you couldnt move then you realise you typed “wwwaddsssdwasd” on the chat?

I like how thresh was just super chill like "oh dang you know, I guess its just kinda comfortable" and now he's a part of history

All you need to know:

WASD - Move
Space - Jump
R - Reload
1;2;3;4... - Guns
F - Respect
G - Taunt
X - Doubt

As a left hander, I am so glad that I taught myself to use the mouse with my right hand when I was younger


Basically is easy to press the WASD.

I still remember when we were just using the arrow keys and nothing else, the mouse wouldn't even work in most games. It is amazing where we are today compared to 1996 when I was a superstar for having a computer :)

“I didn’t invent it” bro no need to be some humble you invented it

Someone from the Internet: Hey let's use WASD to move.

gamers: ... Why not?


"Why gamers use wasd"

Me who uses a controller: ......

I like how humble thresh is. "I didn't invent it"

When people say "Asians don't raisin" THIS is what they mean. They don't mean Asians age gracefully, they mean Asians don't age at all.

All gamers rise for our glorious founder, I salute this man.


The reason why we press X for doubt.


Its crazy to think that the old school gamers used a keyboard to look around on PC

He still looks the same as in 1996

imagine using wsad and mouse in a tournament where people only used keyboard xD


“I think it was a Bill Clinton?” C’mon man...tell me that article isn’t frames somewhere.


Boomers: Why do you use WASD?

Gamers: IT’S THE LAW!


I always use the arrow keys and mouse for some reason, and when the controls are reset I always wonder why I can't move XD


Tldr: one dude who was really good at some old games used it and then everyone else followed

When I was a teen, I hadn't played any of the modern games of the time, most PC games I played used old-fashioned arrow keys.

But I did play a lot with emulators, so I experimented a lot with the keys I used for using complicated controllers like the N64 in a keyboard. Sometimes a friend joined me in, so we had to use the same keyboard at the computer lab so we came up with a lot of crazy key setups

But my main one was "i j k l" for movement and "w a s d" for actions when playing Super Smash Bros, while my friend would use the arrow keys for movement and numkey for actions. So I was surprised to find later that in more modern games, people were using "w a s d" for movement instead of actions, but it makes sense since you'd be using a mouse with your right hand

Btw, we once managed to have 4 people playing on a keyboard in my school, it involved two USB keyboards from the computer lab and very careful key settings management, but we did it :) We played some Mario Party with it

Thresh is right, he didn't invent it. He could have easily been influenced by earlier multiplayer games. I remember Wacky Wheels (1994) racing game which pre-dates Quake (1996) and the 2 player controls were arrow keys for player 1, and WASD for player 2, but according to reddit the key combination is much older than that. Really Thresh is the story of how breakthrough 3D graphics created a competitive FPS scene where this key combination that had been known about for a long time was projected from "player 2" status to "player 1" status.

This is not how I remember it.
Wolfenstein was arrow keys to move right hand, strafe & run left hand on shift & Ctrl. No need to look up. Games prior to that used the annoying WASD.
Then Heretic had vertical look; I used same keys, plus Page Up and Page Dn to change vertical look - annoying.
When I got Quake, it was immediately apparent to use mouse right hand to look, left hand for move fwd backward and strafe with the arrow keys, plus a small finger to reach Ctrl for run. I recall my mate had a fancy mouse with loads of buttons so he programmed those instead.
People using WASD were just living in the past.



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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