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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Making SOLID Nitrogen!
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Making SOLID Nitrogen!



Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Making SOLID Nitrogen!

2:06 - the face of a man who truly loves being a scientist

1:00 Vape Nation


The guy in the background at 1:52 is really creepy...


0:28 incorrect explanation: the water temperature decreases because the water goes to a higher energy state when it goes to gas phase. That physical reaction is endothermic, meaning it absorbs heat energy. That's why water on your stovetop won't heat past 100ºC: it is being cooled by the boiling, and that process sets it at an equilibrium.


1:00 we get it, you vape



Top Comments : [Veritasium] Making SOLID Nitrogen!

This is very cool !!!! Literally


If I might make a suggestion that might save a few of your viewers' eyeballs or at the very least, a few frozen skin burns:  Wear safety glasses.  One little splashed drop of of liquid nitrogen can ruin an eyeball or cause a skin burn.  Full face shield is preferable, but with liquid nitrogen, safety glasses are probably adequate.  


Thermodynamics 101:
- thermodynamics are hard (I'm looking at you integral equations!)
- thermodynamics are cool (it's a pun if you didn't catch that)

I speak french and it's just so cool to hear how the professor is amazed and enthusiastic about all that :D


I'm so happy for that adorable french scientist :)


Lol that guy staring, sitting on the chair, with his creepy smile.

A true scientist there, getting excited over something he's probably done before and knew was going to happen!

Loved the French Professor! He's just as amazed as I was!


If teachers taught us like this, everyone would be interested in chemistry


Ce scientifique français aime beaucoup son métier!

(Just testing my french after 2 years of learning :D)


dealing with liquid nitrogen with no gloves, I didn't choose the thug life, the thug life chose me.

"The fastest molecules escape, leaving the slower ones behind."
Wait wait wait wait wait wait.... Isn't this decrease in temperature happening because vaporization requires energy to break the molecular bonds. This energy is got from the external heat, which cools it down.
Are both true?


Teehee, that French guy was so excited it's adorable

i navigated here from somalian pilots getting shot at
thanks youtube :D


OK, I'm a total nerd.  That was cool.  Both literally and figuratively. 

i think i want to see more experiments in french with english subtitles. for two birds with one stone. i think i was starting to understand what he was saying . glaceon seems to mean solid.


Sometimes people say, that "If you're in to science, you know so much, that it takes wonder out of everything. When you understand things, they're not so magical anymore." These guys show, that when you understand a lot of things, you can do SO MUCH MORE and the magic is not lost.

That French man is SO into science that I'm happy for him.


I am french and i was in this exact room something like 1 year ago, i'm amazed to see this video. I don't really remember but i think the teacher is the same. The whole presentation length is something like 30 minutes, sometimes the teacher throws some things on the ground, it seems like little rocks but it's nitrogen at very low temperature.
This takes place in Palais de la Découverte, in paris, i recommend !


Nitrate is NO3
and Nitrite is NO2

Now, if Carbonate is CO3
was Han Solo frozen in dry ice?


Aaaah I like my French peers...:)


amazing, what languages are the professors speaking? my guess is french?


Really love the genuine excitement of that french scientist (doctor/professor?)

That guy love his work.

I just found this youtuber, but he makes science much more interesting !


Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

"It's cool." Eyyyyyyy I see what you did there

I like how Derek exclaims in a french accent.


I want to meet that French guy, he seems really cool


Another AWASOME video!

Fun fact! Nitrogen ice is found on the surface of Pluto!


Oh man... that French guy is so classy! He totally makes this video.


I guess that you could say solid nitrogen is N-ice (nice)


Compulsive and Passionate Physics!

A huge thank-you to Veritasium and collaborators for making this possible and sharing with us.

I was scared the tube in the experiment might explode in the low temperatures.

How about the physics of some more "Extreme Elements" like Phosphorous, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Caesium ...??

More! More! and More!

Now that's a smart french scientist in a half, right there. I've seen many people try to speak english and loose their words while having a terrible accent. We frenchies just simply suck at english if we're not born with a gift for languages, that's how we are. And this guy not only knows it but also chooses to speak french to avoid the unavoidable and awkward "let me spek anglich pliz ay no what aym doin" moment with the youtuber.
Way to go, champ.
Also, his face by itself is the true meaning of the word "passionate". Love this guy.



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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