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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Why people keep watching the worst movie ever made


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Why people keep watching the worst movie ever made


Playtime Comments : [Vox] Why people keep watching the worst movie ever made


1:22 who doesn't frame all their best spoons...

0:03 "The Worst film ever made"

dude you need to discover "FATEFUL FINDINGS" movie

People who enjoyed the Emoji movie:
"This is big brain time!"

This was the best 1:37mins of my life.


1:05 my fave part


2:08 horror is outside the mainstream? that makes me sad


0:20 Is there a figurative meaning for "co-writing a book on a movie"?


0:47 is why people watch it

Me reducing stress.....


4:59 weed!



Top Comments : [Vox] Why people keep watching the worst movie ever made


This movie was supposed to be a drama but it ended up being the best comedy of all time.

The real question is, if these movies get so popular would a hipster still watch them.

The room: we are the worst movie of all time

Cats: hold my beer

They don't understand the majesty of this piece of art


“Enjoyment of trash films linked to high intelligence, study finds.”
I have to apply at Harvard now.


This whole movie is litteraly just a fever dream on three tabs of acid.

“I didn’t hit her! I did naaaaaat! Oh hi Mark”


We watch it because it’s hilarious and because of the memes


One of the reasons bad movies are enjoyable is that they're great to pick apart and analyze, and you can really learn a lot about good films from watching them. Your typical Hollywood film is so seamless and polished that everything washes over you. You suspend your disbelief and sort of forget that a movie is the sum of a million parts/decisions/actions. But a bad movie jolts you out of that. As soon as you see a boom mike or realize that the actor's shirt has changed from red to green in the middle of the scene, you're reminded that a film is something a lot of people came together to make, and that people made certain (terrible) decisions making it. You start to wonder WHY they made a certain choice. Like, why does Tommy Wiseau have actors throw around a football for no reason in the middle of a movie? You start wondering if a decision was made because of ineptitude, lack of funds, time constraints, because the director was out of his mind because of a cocaine binge (which happened during one movie I worked on), etc. Also, thinking about why a movie fails can make you look critically at ones that are good. What makes a movie good? What makes one enjoyable? What makes dialogue work? What sounds dumb? The badness of movies like the room gives you a different perspective on moviemaking, and in a way, is sort of an education in how to make a good movie.


Simple answer: CURIOSITY


Because of the "Oh, hi, Mark!" meme.


This video doesn't answer the question but it's really simple: The movie is so bad it's good.

The room isnt a movie, it's an experience


I did not hit her, I did not hit her. Oh hey Mark

It's so bad that it's actually good. It's hilarious how bad it is, and that makes the whole movie an experience.


The room: 25% rotten tomatoes
The emoji movie: 7% rotten tomatoes

I love democracy


Why do I even keep watching youtube reccomendations?

So basically... it's so bad that it's... good.


The Room is not a "low budget" film. Tommy spent about $6M of his own money on that film.

People are interested in the 'best' & the 'worst'. Its the averages we don't care about ---Law of extremes

The Room is about a perfect American named Johnny


Better than game of thrones season 8


"low budget"
it cost $6 million dollars to make

What surprises me is that rotten tomatoes actually gave it 32%. How did it get above 10 is beyond me.


Oh, hi, Vox.


The whole movie is just one big meme

Vox: "Many people consider The Room to be the worst movie of all time"
Turkish Star Wars: Am I a joke to you?


we watch it because it’s the best worst movie


The magic of "The Room" is that it's so INNOCENTLY bad. Tommy Wiseau was completely sincere in his efforts to make a legitimate dramatic film. All of the other actors are performing to the best of the amateurish abilities. The production was completely honest in its misguided efforts to build and advance drama and tension. It was just so perfectly off in all of its horrible decision making, like the video said, like a non-human trying to understand humans. It's also so fragile for that same reason. As soon as there's an ounce of awareness, of camp, satire or any other intention the whole concept and value of the film instantly evaporates. Then it's just an ordinary bad movie. It's why Tommy Wiseau can't ever make another film and why his later casting of the film as a "dark comedy" fell flat. He's now forever a caricature of his own creation.



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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