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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] How Southern socialites rewrote Civil War history


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] How Southern socialites rewrote Civil War history



Playtime Comments : [Vox] How Southern socialites rewrote Civil War history

I'm dead


0:15 The signing was to uplift one another. These salves needed to encourage one another and to carry on with these hardships. They weren't signing due to joy. Its disgusting how these textbooks portray slavery...

The statute in 1:37 is in Knoxville. I was there at the protest to remove it... it’s still there today.


4:48 5:54 6:00



Top Comments : [Vox] How Southern socialites rewrote Civil War history


The south quite literally were brainwashing children into becoming future racists for them


Boy I’m glad I was too lazy to read assigned texted books when I was a kid in the 70s.

Never knew there were so many Karen’s out there, how disgusting




Vox has some of the most informative clips that I have ever seen. This channel is a treasure.


iT’s StAtEs RiGhTs

yeah states rights to have slavery

Texas: "Removing confederate monuments is erasing history!"

Also Texas: publishes a textbook that calls slaves 'workers'


Do you want to see Al-Qaeda and ISIS flags on American soil? How about statues of Osama Bin Ladin? No??? Then why do we see Confederate flags in our cities and statues of their generals who killed Americans???

This is what happens when your dad and uncle are the same person.

This basically explains the madness of the last 4 years.


I'm a white woman born in the 50s. Born, raised and still live in Alabama. We were taught from different history books than kids in other parts of the country. But i hate to say, history is still being taught wrong at home by parents who still dont get it.

so the UDC is just a bunch of Karens

This makes a lot of sense now about why the south is so into “history” . But it’s also really sad that after all these years we still think of the south as south, as separate in a way from the United States. When we talk about the a south it kinda does feel like talking about another country, and it shouldn’t be that way. It’s all thanks to a bunch of Karen’s who were upset about losing. Geez, they really did a lot of damage.

'So just know that when someone says the confederate monuments are about remembering our history just know that's what the UDC wants you to think." wink.

So all these statues finally being ripped down were just put up by 19th century Karens?

As a Georgian, I never was taught this but there are a lot of people I know who were.


I remember being kicked out of class in the 5th grade in North Carolina because we were leaning about the "War of northern aggression"; i had no idea what the teacher was talking about. I asked if it was before or after the Civil war and she asked me to wait in the hallway. She would come out to tell me that i needed to go to the principals office and wait for my mom.


I grew up in Mississippi and went to a private Christian school. This is spot on. I grew up hearing all of this.


I can speak to this. I am from Arkansas and this still happens to an extent. My Arkansas history teacher thought that the Civil war was about preserving the southern way of life and not about slavery, he also taught us that slavery wasn't as bad as most people think. He was pretty old so he probably grew up learning the lost cause and he is now teaching the next generation the same way. This shows how the influence of the Confederacy can still be seen today.


They teach their children hate from the very beginning.

Those textbooks were taught in classrooms until the late 70s?? Oh my lord

Ironically, a literal Karen (her name) participated in the video to push against the movement by the Karens of the past XD

“We didn’t lose, we merely failed to win”


This explains SO MUCH about America.

These women couldn't even vote in this country and probably not even the Confederacy and they "loved" them that much, wow


“we’re destroying history”... literally just go a museum or read a book


Why is it the people who say Confederate monuments are about remembering history are the same people who are quick to say slavery ended a long time ago and blacks need to get over it?


“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”
― George Orwell, 1984


OK! I got it! “The United Daughters of Southern Confederacy” aka the the early 1900s “Karens of America” lol


Modern Texas school books refer to slaves as "workers" to THIS day.

If someone is thinking about manipulating an entire generation, you can learn a lot from the original Karen squad.


Sounds like uncle ruckus got to make a book for once


This explains a lot about The South.

“Away down south in the land of traitors”

As a life long Southerner, I have never been taught any of this. From grade school to collegiate level all my professors have taught that the civil war was over slavery and never "States Right or The Lost Cause."
All of professors condemned slavery. Grateful for this video because it is giving an accurate portrayal of the misrepresentation of history by some influential southern women/men after the civil war.
I've grown up in the South and I've been a part of beautiful multicultural experiences and and hate what has happened in our culture recently.

The American Civil War is not (or was not) taught in any great detail, apart from the dates and how it effected the UK, in Britain. I got interested in the nineties because I visited the USA at least once a year and sometimes twice through my work. I visited in a northern city (Milwaukee) so I doubt the books mentioned here appeared on the shelves of Barnes & Noble, but a lot of good history books did. They are on my shelves now.

One of the things that surprised me and now I am beginning to see why, was just how horrible the southerners were and went on being for a century after. I'm not sure they've got over it yet, because of these women. I will admit that following American politics since the start of the 2016 election campaign, has polarised my thinking and has taken me back to my American history books and my impression that southerners, in great numbers, were horrible people. Now, they are all republican'ts.



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