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[Youtube Review][Veritasium] Quantum Entanglement & Spooky Action at a Distance
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Quantum Entanglement & Spooky Action at a Distance
Summary Comments : [Veritasium] Quantum Entanglement & Spooky Action at a Distance
Maybe you would like to hear the opinion of a "computer expert". I have always been fascinated by computers, starting in 1972 using a prototype Cogar 4 that my dad got his hands on, when I was 3. By the time I was 5 Singer wanted to use me in a commercial to sell the computer, because if a 5 yo could start it, load the OS and then load games, that proved anyone could. My first mentor helped develop Ethernet after working for my father, and allowed me to hold one of the first breadboard ethernet cards developed when I was 10. My first real program (programming since at least 5 if you count the Cogar ASM I had to type to get to the OS and games) was in BASIC that I learned from a manual without anything more than a small example for each command, written with pencil on paper: a rudimentary AI demonstration called "Animals". I first professionally programmed in 1982, started building computers and networks for a small computer company in 1986 owned by my second mentor, Peter De Blanc who lead ICANN for a period, was an official beta tester and developer for OS/2 2.0 and developed a device driver for it for the extremely complex Truevision Targa+ 64 video editing board (pic: https://imgur.com/a/hMe21Qe ) directly flipping bits on it in 1991. My experience has only gone up from there. Here is something I found, that I have never seen anything like even searching for it on the Internet for the past 20 years:
What if there is something more basic to the universe than math? I propose a "Dynamic Stateless Computer" that operates on "Logic Geometry" based only on connections, or links, or pointers - a much more simple computer than the three basic Boolean logic gates operating on mathematical binary bits that is every computer out there. The shape is the logic and the logic is the shape.
From what I understand they are forcing current quantum computers to unnaturally apply a binary state to something that has a infinite evolution of states. Think of the electron and the circle it makes around a nucleus. That 360 degrees circle it makes is infinite in precision, and that movement certainly has an effect on its surroundings. Basically, math is the descriptive language of the universe, and not the actual universe because it uses measurements.
Quantum mechanics is beyond me, but if this only needs connections, ie a quantum entanglement, can we build a computer that operates and does its entire run instantly? Like I said, all I need is connections to perform logic... no need for information... the shape is the logic.
You are best off going to Github and seeing online without downloading the paper and models. When someone looked at my calculators, they accused me of: "You're not doing math! You're emulating math!" Look at the simple calculator first, it only does addition and subtraction. Then look at the complex calculator that does multiplication and division. As you well know, if I can do those things, I can do anything mathematically. In the main model I created if-thens, complex do-whiles, a randomizer and a relational database. Through the exercise of the most complex do-while I asked a question related to that, the answer uses the ancient Chinese/Pascal's Triangle in a new way: https://mathhelpforum.com/threads/combination-lock.17147/
Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Quantum Entanglement & Spooky Action at a Distance
I understood everything up to 00:01
"In order to understand it we must first understand spin. All fundamental particles have a property called spin. No, they're not actually spinning." You lost me. (0:41)
Why is it that at 7:25 you say it is spin up 3/4 of the time, when the spin is more aligned to the measurement direction "down"? It's the direct opposite of your example at 1:30 when the probability is 3/4 to measure spin up, right? So I don't get, why it is not down 3/4 of the time at 7:25... Can anyone help me please?
Top Comments : [Veritasium] Quantum Entanglement & Spooky Action at a Distance
Particleman... Particleman... does whatever a particle can. Spins around...up or down. Gets entangled. Traverses town...
DARK has done something that no one in this Universe are able to their children
Dude my head started spinning after 2 mins of watching spin ups and spin downs.
Well of course! Wait, what the hell did you say?
- Richard Feynman
He lost me when he said "They're not actually spinning of course, they just have angular momentum and direction".
you just wanted a excuse to wear the spandex
After some time of trying to wrap my head around this, I'm willing to say it's just magic and call it a day
This video made my head spin.
LOL, well. i guess thats what everyone thinks after watching 2 videos about this topic
This is not the entanglement I was looking for.(I was searching for Jada's entanglement)
Honest question, if they have an angular momentum and an orientation in space why can't we say that they are literally spinning? Isn't that the definition of spinning?
aaaaand I'm lost
- Albert Einstein
I'm here Because of D A R K
Do particles have gender and can these particles change gender according to their moods , seriously , THE JURY IS OUT , What is needed is an outside source to act on on particle or its spin , and see if the corresponding particle is altered at the same time , provided no outside source is acting concurrently with the other particle , Obliterate the first particle , freeze the first particle , irradiate or magnetize one particle . What if there are three particles , now its not so discrete is it ?
So, as far as I can tell from some research and reading, you CAN use quantum entanglement for communication. Just not DIRECT communication. For example, make some special discs or drives that have quantumly entangled particles in the EXACT same order. Assign either up or down as a bit, 1 or 0. Then, every day, or every week or month (same time frame schedule) at the exact same time, change which way the particle is read so that the other particle in the other disc will be an up spin or down spin. This will crate a string of entangled particles in the other matching entangled disc. Then, AFTER the first disc is written, READ the spin of the particles in the second disc and Viola! You just downloaded a bit string! This can be a message or news article or whatever. Then, send one disc into space and the other disc stays on earth. AS SOON as the discs are written, the other disc will have matched particles that theoretically should change their spin according to how the same particles in order on earth were instantly. So every day at the same time you can get a new message! Or send a message back! But only once per read per disc.... bummer. One a disc is used that's it. It's useless. You need a new disc for every message and can't change the message "written" on a "used" disc because once the particle is measured it remains the same. And the time it takes to "read" and "write" a disc would take forever and we don't have the technology to arrange entangled particles in a precise order or read them so accurately. I would take huge, expensive and heavy machines to read these discs. And use can only use a disc to download a message once so you need a lot of discs. Not to mention the discs mus be read IN ORDER every timing event and if the timing is off by only a second, reading a disc before the "sending" disc is finished will ruin both entangled discs. This technology is theoretical and we don't have the technology to use it at this time.
Since these are electrons their spins will interact with eachother.
This all seems wrong. The reason for entanglement is because these particles can interact is it not? Particles must be networked to interact?
The reason they are opposite is because of magnetism. They have negative charge. And also the only way we can measure them is by magnetism?. Please correct me if im wrong.
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