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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] The secret US prisons you've never heard of before | Will Potter


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] The secret US prisons you've never heard of before | Will Potter


Playtime Comments : [TED] The secret US prisons you've never heard of before | Will Potter

Hahahahah the guy's face in the audience at 01:07 is beautiful



Top Comments : [TED] The secret US prisons you've never heard of before | Will Potter

This is what we know. Now, imagine what we don't know. Smh.

If this journalist disappears we know where to start looking for him.


TED shows me that there exist heros in real life. Real heros. Thank you for your work.

It's where they can murder people with no life sentence, no questions asked.


The United States government has another corrupt secret?

also water is wet


As a german, my fascism sense is tingling. This reminds me of the time in germany when people didn't know the prisons existed before the number of people sent there was getting higher. Then suddenly all opposing political content was banned and freedom of assembly was outlawed and people with opposing political views where systematically thrown into prison. I'd say it's time to act before it's possible to throw anyone into prison for protesting against this kind of treatment.


The Soviet era anecdote
Two inmates having a conversation.
One inmate asks another :" are you a political prisoner or a criminal?"
The second one answers:" Political.
I am a plumber. They called to me Kremlin to repair pipes, I checked the pipes and said the whole system needs to be changed".

Shh Shh we are not aloud to talk or have a pinions on the government or corporations that is to say the big money of town who pays the politicians off.


They deff would send me to a cmu for believing in “the trip”

Ironic that the Gov can break the law by opening the prison without an official review.


"It is the duty of the PATRIOT to PROTECT his Country from its GOVERNMENT." -Thomas Paine


We're all in prison we just don't know it


This country is beyond corrupt. WHY DO WE ALLOW THIS?

Wow, best TED talk i've seen in a while.

Makes you wonder who is really running this country. Who rules the potis?

Check out "As the Key Turns" on a 23year guard at Marion. It’s really good.


Thank you for your work.i have heard about these places from people in regular prisons for years.Not many even care .Thank for being human and caring.i care too

OK, it's 2020 and this is the first I'm hearing of this. TED needs to cowboy up and broadcast the important stuff.


When I went to jail for a minor (weed) offense, I had to sign an agreement not to write about it in any publication, so this is happening at many levels. (I wonder if a YouTube comment could be considered a publication. If so, I might be in trouble.)
So it seems that our rulers can check destruction of freedom of speech off their list.


Revolution now. We having nothing to lose but our chains

Thanks Will, this is proper, important news. It takes bravery, decency, intelligence and hard work. Every thing he said has been researched and can be backed up. Also unlike the cheap, simple news for the masses I feel certain that Will's only agenda is to uncover and expose things that should be in the public knowledge. I hope that enough decent people get to hear this expose and pressure the powers that be into rectifying the situation.


We are witness to the ever expanding decline of the constitutional republic into a totalitarian and imperialistic regime controlling the American “government” and all of the people in this country .


"When injustice becomes law, Resistance becomes duty" - Thomas Jefferson


What can be done to fix this? Or has there been any changes since this ted talk?


I am so ashamed of my government right now. We must change this, this evil will destroy us all if we don't.


This is an excellent argument to DEFUND the system

Thank you for shining the light of day on this injustice. We all need to hear it.

TWO AND A HALF MILLION VIEWS ON THIS VIDEO.. that means two and half million of us are made known of this . What can we do about it?

I'll bet this guy is gang-stalked all over the place.

Fear is their greatest weapon. Too many of us refuse to open their eyes due to what they fear they will see.

Criminals run this country. President's follow orders. We are truly in a very bad place.


Amazing. True journalism. And truly heartbreaking.


Meanwhile, the news is focusing on the cups at Starbucks being less Christmasy this year.

The drama of being a prisioner - in most of the world - is an idea that has always concerned me.
Even though a great deal of them might be indeed guilty, I think that the kind of people that commit crimes are actually the ones who were deprived from love the most, and the ones who just need it more than anyone.

Either way, locking, hurting, torturing and humiliating someone, for me, is by no means a form of rehab. Instead, at best it's a form of revenge, and at worst, a complete disregard for the rights of that person as a living being.


Sylvester Stallone can break out of these prisons, I saw it in a movie!!


The best take away of this video is to never get caught. It's all about staying out of the grips of the real criminals. Government is always a criminal endeavor.


Well im on some kind of list now. Hi Us government

I know exactly how, where are the ADX PRISONS, THE ONE IN TERRE Haute INDIANA is closed, but I am aware that now they turned one into PENNSYLVANIA near Allenwood, I am here to tell you they read there mail on a tv screen , I follow a ex corrections officer who has worked at Marion for over 20 year's, his YouTube channel is called as the key turns, he talks in depth about high profile inmates and the world that they lived in. I hope that you can get more information about the cmu program through him.


Central Ohio... Franklin County, the Jackson Pike Correctional Facility. It's a Jail, not a Prison, however, you could be there for a year or more. There is no yard time, the lights never turn off, the temperature is kept low enough to ensure inmates always have a chill, they intentionally double up inmates in confinement which is suited for roughly 18 people while numerous areas are vacant, and the guards intentionally create issues among inmates... shorting trays at meal time, thus pitting inmates against one another for food, by contaminating food, and by placing basic offenders in with violent criminals; do a bit of research on the place and it's track record.

exactly! this is why accountability is so important and everyone's voice needs to be heard, because in order to implement the necessary changes that need to be made, and there are lots, we need to come face to face with the harsh reality that WE have our share of responsibility in helping to created this country, and who can we blame for the corrupt officials that were and are now in office...we "select" some of them ourselves, by "voting"! let's be real, there are very few people whom actually do their homework on the candidates, myself included, except these past couple of years, where i not only look up each candidate, to see where they stand on certain issues but also research who is supporting them, from WHOM they are getting donations, and also i began volunteering at the polls, simply because i AM a citizen! it is not the country who failed us , we failed it! we chose to turn a blind eye! we chose to not participate in ANY community meetings for the public. we chose to not take the time to ask questions or complain... about ANYTHING! WE CHOSE TO STAY SILENT WHEN OUR GOVERNMENT DID ATROCITIES HERE AND ABROAD. WE CHOSE TO TAKE THEM AND THE MEDIA AT THEIR WORD--------NOW LOOK AT WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND YOU! this is such a great video with impeccable examples, but it's merely the tip of the iceberg! get involved while you still can. great video. thank you



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



[TED] Channel Posting

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[TED] Listening to shame | Brené Brown

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[TED] The next outbreak? We’re not ready | Bill Gates

[TED] The nightmare videos of childrens' YouTube — and what's wrong with the internet today | James Bridle

[TED] The orchestra in my mouth | Tom Thum

[TED] The power of believing that you can improve | Carol Dweck

[TED] The power of introverts | Susan Cain

[TED] The surprising habits of original thinkers | Adam Grant

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[TED] The unheard story of David and Goliath | Malcolm Gladwell

[TED] This could be why you're depressed or anxious | Johann Hari

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[TED] What I learned from going blind in space | Chris Hadfield

[TED] What hallucination reveals about our minds | Oliver Sacks

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[TED] Where are all the aliens? | Stephen Webb

[TED] Why 30 is not the new 20 | Meg Jay

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