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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The Electoral College, explained
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The Electoral College, explained




Playtime Comments : [Vox] The Electoral College, explained


The Lincoln Project used the tune that starts around 0:35 in one of their ads— anyone know why/where the song is from?

I like how at 6:53, the chart shows white, black, asian and hispanic. This means that people from other places weren't even considered as a "race" lol

0:55 that graph looks at lot like the north "border" of the united states


I don't know if anyone cares but I spotted Madea in the crowds at @7:18.

0:58 US-Canadaian border


0:57 north usa?!??!?!


6:30 Strangers Thing theme



Top Comments : [Vox] The Electoral College, explained

Everything in this country is so complicated


"presented by absolut" ah yes the only thing to get me through this election

International people: confusion noises

"America does it a little differently" America does lots of things a little different and nobody knows why

"...sponsored by Absolut" Yes, because no matter the result, we will ALL need a drink afterwards!

"Its biggest defenders have always been those who benefit the most from it." - seems like every story from US

The electoral college is a collage where people go to become a politician

Honestly putting the candidates into the hunger games would be more efficient at this point

So enslaved people couldn't vote but their bodies were used to make up the electoral numbers via the three-fifths compromise? This country was founded on madness.

When I was a kid I though the electoral college was a college that people went to train for being president

"...sponsored by Absolut" Yes, because no matter the result, we will ALL need a drink afterwards!


"The US is the only country that uses one"
the vatican: am i a joke to you?

Every vote counts, but some votes count more than others.

The United States is an electoral college Animal Farm.


"In america we do it a little diffrently"
What a underestimation.


After over 200 years, US democracy is still one big experiment, one that is about to face its biggest test in a very, very long time.


Successfull people don't become that way overnight. most people see at a glance-wealth, a great career, purpose-is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life..


After watching tons of vids about electoral college, my confusion came down from 99% to 96. Good job vox.

Every four years I end up watching a video explaining this

"Their biggest defender has always been those benefited the most from it"
Nooo waaayyyy

“The people? You cant trust the people”
-electoral college


Presidential candidates: Your vote matters!

Electoral College: Yesn’t


"Swing states change overtime"

Florida: nah

Presidential candidates: Your vote matters! Electoral College: Yesn’t

Electoral College: “We were created because our founding fathers didn’t want the elections to be decided by 4 states”

Also the Electoral College: “the election will be decided to those who wins 4-5 swings states”


The electoral college legit makes the election play out like a weird strategy board game. That's fun and all for a board game but not for deciding the most powerful person in the country.

Presidential candidates: Your vote matters!

Electoral College: Yesn’t

The way to unnecessarily make elections more complex: the country

The way she says "candidates", I hear Kennedy instead..


“In America, we do it a little... differently”
One way to put it

this video: explains the electoral college
me: still doesn't understand

وَلَا تُصَلِّ عَلٰۤى اَحَدٍ مِّنْهُمْ مَّا تَ اَبَدًا وَّلَا تَقُمْ عَلٰى قَبْرِهٖ ۗ اِنَّهُمْ كَفَرُوْا بِا للّٰهِ وَرَسُوْلِهٖ وَمَا تُوْا وَهُمْ فٰسِقُوْنَ
wa laa tusholli 'alaaa ahadim min-hum maata abadaw wa laa taqum 'alaa qobrih, innahum kafaruu billaahi wa rosuulihii wa maatuu wa hum faasiquun

"Dan janganlah engkau (Muhammad) melaksanakan sholat untuk seseorang yang mati di antara mereka (orang-orang munafik), selama-lamanya dan janganlah engkau berdiri (mendoakan) di atas kuburnya. Sesungguhnya mereka ingkar kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya dan mereka mati dalam keadaan fasik."
(QS. At-Taubah 9: Ayat 84)


I’m sure it is a similar idea here in the UK. The party or coalition of parties with the most seats or constituencies (regions) wins and forms a government, not necessarily the party with the most individual votes. Having said that, only one seat or parliamentary vote per constituency rather than many votes per state in the US model. In the UK, the government needs to have over half the availability constituencies to be a strong government. I always wondered why in the US, each state can’t divide the college votes proportionally according to the polls.

The problem is, often times people don’t understand what sets the United States apart from other countries. Look at a country like say Afghanistan, a whole country alone is the size of Texas in other parts of the world. So it’s essentially like a state voting for a governor. Since The US has one of the most diverse and saturated populations, you can’t always compare the way they do things with what works around the rest of the world.

Many countries are also so small they’re not divided into states and/or Provences, so that also plays a factor.



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