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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] This Unstoppable Robot Could Save Your Life


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] This Unstoppable Robot Could Save Your Life



Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] This Unstoppable Robot Could Save Your Life

9:02 couple minutes. I wish I never need you to save me hahaha

6:48 amazon $50 lab power supply. Love it!

Me when I saw Veritasium uploaded: 6:03



Top Comments : [Veritasium] This Unstoppable Robot Could Save Your Life


The Adult Toys industry just saw this. Their new products will hit the market on Tuesday.


“Where did you get the idea from?” Dude, we know it’s Hentai.

Big Hero 6 bro.


I’ve gotten so used to seeing people with masks on I didn’t even notice they had masks on at first-

I'm gonna be mildly terrified of a day when i witness a dozen mechanical tentacles moving towards a wrecked building like that

after watching this...

I'm 100% sure this will be turned into a sex toy before the year is out.


"Where did the idea for this device come from"

inventor: UHM


Doujin artists:- write that down! Write that down!!


I knew it. The snake from the first ever mobile game is gonna be the end of humanity.


This holds a lot of promise for makers of balloon animals as well.

"This robot cant be bargained with, it cant be reasoned with, it doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear, and it absolutely will not stop... EVER"


This ushers in the inevitable reign of our Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tubeman overlords.


Imagine choking on a macoroni and the next thing you see is a purple worm going down your throat

"my balance is not great"
"Try standing on it...."


"How does it find the right hole?"

"Yeah so basically I didn't know that there were two holes."


"It is a rare mind indeed that can render the hitherto non-existent blindingly obvious. The cry 'I could have thought of that' is a very popular and misleading one, for the fact is that they didn't." -Douglas Adams

As a firefighter, I can imagine how useful it would be to have a version of this in our trucks. I have EMT experience so I've had to open airways before, this looks like a massive improvement from the current standard.

Kevin, from Vsauce2: "You don't want worms in your body. Well, maybe some of you. You know who you are!"
Derek, from Veritasium:

"Help step brother. Im stuck"
"Dont worry. Let me get this new tentacle robot to help you."


“Doesn’t get stuck to tape”, moments later, “You can tape it”

Robots back then : Humanoid, rigid, and futuristic looking
Robots now : B A L L O O N

This is a right direction to make our tentacle dreams come true.

Why am I thinking of certain Japanese inspired videos when he asks what else could you do with this…

You know exactly what anime fans are thinking about this.


Seems appropriate that one of humanity's greatest robot ideas is basically a mechanized condom.

“How do you get it to retract?”
Just emotionally abuse it or remind it of 40 things it did wrong last year.

"What else can you think of to do with it?"
Don't worry, I'm sure the sex toy industry is way ahead of you there.

What did you expect, Derek? This is the internet!

The idea of being trapped in a building and just seeing hundreds of tentacles with little camera eyes on them extend in through windows is wild.

Doctor: "...so, how did you get this thing from your rectum all the way up and out your nose?"
Patient: "Oh, this is a soft vine robot. Let me explain how it works"

This is genuis.


Kinda scary if I‘m in a collapsed building and an oversized noodle worm just comes by to say hi.


Plant: grows toward sun This guy: I suddenly feel inspired to create a robot that expands out of itself so as to move


I came here for knowledge, and now I know what Tentacle Hentai is.


What i see in the comments

15% memes talking about robot worms
76% hentai tentacles
9% talking about saving peoples


Now I'm worried that some sort of balloon is gonna come out the toilet while I'm on it..


"and what else can you think of to do with it"
a certain black and orange adult website: hold my beer

Legit idea: I work in the sewer maintenance industry and we have a camera for inspecting residential sewer services. It is basically a camera on the end of a rigid cable that you push down the line to the problem area (roots, grease, utilities bored through, etc..) For short distances it works great, but in some instances the distance needed to "travel" down the pipe is greater than the length of cable, or the increasing friction of the cable against the pipe as the distance grows (especially if the pipe makes multiple turns), causes it to be impossible to push further.

This seems like it could go way further down the pipe in those cases, so long as there aren't areas holding water (maybe it would pass through that as well?).




[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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