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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] The Secret of Synchronization
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] The Secret of Synchronization


Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] The Secret of Synchronization

3:22 - me sitting at a stop light, in the turn lane seeing the two cars in front of me synchronize and then desynchronize their blinkers


"that's why we don't understand immune system very well... "
Now that's some sort eye opening, especially theese days

15:00 that cut away edit made me laugh for some reason


20:09 What a very special moment! Your facial expression and body language change completely when it registers in your mind that your firstborn child is in the midst of explaining his first experiment.
That was very cool to see.

Loved that little bg music sync with the animation at 11:43


Does anyone else see the patterns at 14:00 when you close your eyes while trying to sleep?

7:40 "if your friend is sympathetic enough "

The guy who runs fast : "On your left ! "


5:10 I literally heard one of the metronomes say to the other two: dance with me~


4:42 I hit 4 bowls and had this riveting physics revelation.. 4:58 after 4 more bowls, I happy dance to the tickytocks balanced over la Croix cans and my tray only to find out they all blend to one tickytock from each other's twerkalating.... My eyes were closed the whole time....


Proof lockstep is possible

And now for the urge to take a certain abandoned game and propose a brand new plot around this theory.



Top Comments : [Veritasium] The Secret of Synchronization

I see myself as a smart guy. Then i watch Veritasium and feel stupid but then i feel smart again after watching Veritasium. How's that for a synchro?

That guy he interviewed was like a mathematician, chemist, physicist, civil engineer/ architect, astronomer, medical doctor combined!


Can we all take a moment to appreciate such knowledgeable content for free on this platform...

"I fell asleep in a metronome factory, abd ever since then I've completely lost my rhythym"


This is how you make school interesting again. Videos like these SHOULD be the norm in our high schools.


Pretty crazy ngl

I really don’t care how it works, I just love watching 100 metrothingys all clicking together. How soothing!


The clip where the audience was clapping and then when they all clapped in sync freaked me out. How beautiful nature is, man

I love how some people actively force themselves to clap in unison while others just stop like "whoa, somethings happening... should I be a part of this?"

When I was young I often went to church and when we had to eat the host everybody walked in lines oscillating like penguins all at the same time...now I understand why, that’s amazing

Murmuration has the same action towards the other birds when flying together, their result is breathtaking...


I've read Steven Strogatz' "Sync" book a decade ago, and it was enthralling. Thank you for writing that, Professor!

When the metronomes got in sync, I literally smiled to myself XD

Those metronomes… At one point were kicking the sickest beat


The quality of the videos is amazing


So is this why when somebody walks besides you in a park and you both are in sync and then you have to adjust your speed when you start to feel awkward lol


Holy crap! Imagine you are performing on stage and the crowd is giving you a massive applause, then suddenly:


Edit: It's so interesting how this happens in different places. I've never experienced it in the US.


I get a notification every time an inaccurate beating heart animation appears in a YouTube video

Edit: swinging bridges this was a fascinating and eclectic vid


And the spinning of a pulsar ( the remains of a super nova star ), accurate down to the millionth of a second...


This has to be one of my favorite videos ever on YouTube


Same thing happends when you lay with someone, like cuddling. Your breathing tend to synchronize naturaly


In Hungary, members of the audience purposely sync up the clapping to honor a great performance. We call it the "iron clap". After a while, it disintegrates into just random normal applause, but people will again try to sync up. It's fun and the performers love it.


Funny how Wegens discovered this while sick at home

Can we take a moment to appreciate how much effort was put into those animations damn they explain it so well


Synchronization even works with Walmart shoppers, when everyone ends up at the check-outs at the same time.


Me at 10 pm:"Just one more video"
Me at 3 am:" S Y N C H R O N I Z A T I O N "

Nile Red saving the day with that footage

i was in the Navy and I still can't keep step

I literally clicked on this video just because I saw it on the YouTube India Trending Page, and my YouTube recommendations are literally filled with his videos from around 6 years ago.

Regarding the clapping, I am also Hungarian and I've been to many theatres and operas monthly during my high school years i do not know customs in other countries but here people at the end of the show clap chaoticly, and then when the "synchronization happens" it's just that usually the actors go behind the curtain, and then some people start clapping that way and the others follow because it means "come back we want more" it's a polite way to show the actors some love on top of the regular clap and it's often repeated more than once as well in the same show so it's just the encore.



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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