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[Youtube Review][TEDx Talks] The lady stripped bare | Tracey Spicer | TEDxSouthBankWomen
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] The lady stripped bare | Tracey Spicer | TEDxSouthBankWomen
Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] The lady stripped bare | Tracey Spicer | TEDxSouthBankWomen
It was good though!
As a woman, I agree with her message. People shouldn't have to look a certain way to be successful. I sometimes wear makeup and wear heels and such, but I don't blame society for making me do it. I do it because it makes me feel confident. I like the way it makes me look, yeah but I won't point my finger at the media and blame them for it. Makeup it art. I buy certain clothes because it's fun to coordinate my outfits. AND I SHAVE BECAUSE HAIR IS ITCHY.
It's funny how she says in the beginning of the video that we could do so many things with our time if we would stop wasting time on beauty BULLSHIT. If I weren't pampering myself early in the morning before work/school I'd be SLEEPING. I wouldn't be setting my alarm at 5:30am to learn a new language, play an instrument, or exercise (some people do, but I sure as hell don't).
Don't let people tell you that skinny/fat is in right now. Because there are so many mixed messages in the media right now "skinny people have eating disorders and are sick/only skinny people should be models" and "fat people are gross and should work out more/you should love your body the way it is." Bottom line is: If you're healthy and happy, great. If not, do something to change it. Otherwise quit bitching.
And if people look at you funny because you're not looking a certain way, tell em to fuck off and die.
Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] The lady stripped bare | Tracey Spicer | TEDxSouthBankWomen
You look better without the the makeup. More fun to hang out with.
Honestly people, listen to this speech above. What is she saying that any reasonable, sound-minded person wouldn't think anyway (including men)? This woman is not a feminist, she's peddling trite notions of feminism and doing a poor job at that. If some women chose to wear make-up and embrace what they feel is a truly feminine image, good for them. If others feel the opposite, equally good. What, to me, is the opposite of feminism is the pathetically contrived notion that you as a mother are actively aiding and rescuing your child from potential danger by preventing them from sitting next to an unknown male on a form of public transport for a finite number of hours, under supervision of crew, in full view of the public, citing the logic that she did. If that's the case, don't let your child sit on Santa's lap, don't leave your child unattended around male family members (the risk is much higher of them getting molested than on a plane!), don't let them walk to school (they COULD be abducted), they COULD slip, fall and die in the shower too so lets eliminate bathing - I mean, we only do that to adhere to society's requirement that we be clean and presentable right, Tracey?
Tracey is not a feminist, she is deliberately attempting to appeal to low denominators, the uneducated and the sensationalist media. That, after all is where she is most at home lets admit.
And "it's expensive and it's full of nasty chemicals"
funny, brilliant and so genuine ...empowering n beautiful :)
This was wonderful!! Thank you Tracey, a fantastic ted talk!
Tracy, the natural you looks great ! Stop changing every morning into someone else ! ! Thanks ! ! !
I think Tracy does a fantastic job at highlighting the amount of time spent grooming but misses a large portion of the population who actually enjoy what she talked about. It's a gross generalisation to make that all women and men do these things because it's societally expected. Still, an inspiring and honest talk. Thank you!
I never wear makeup unless its a wedding or something ... I always figured that if I cant be myself and feel relaxed without it in day to day life then I'd be trapped forever under a layer of chemical crap.
That's great, Tracey. And I'm sure your daughter is proud of you.
I'm sure some how it's all the fault of all men everywhere that women do this.
great message - sharing...
Ha ha ! This is great! I like this lady
I love it lol, I'm so glad my wife is all natural. She's beautiful all the time.
She looks beautiful without the makeup. And she looks like a person! More of this please.
Most men who follow Jesus will love a woman for what's in her heart and in her head, and not merely her appearance. For a woman to be only valued for her appearance is very shallow.
I see the natural beauty in my fiancè, and don't hold her to any "enslaving" standards. She enjoys wearing makeup, and dressing up, and she is not wrong for doing those things. Makeup and clothing just highlight her natural beauty.
I believe that happily married women will not have as much of a burden in this area (her husband should love her unconditionally). Also, if men listened to what God has to say about women, they would seek and honor women that are worthy of honor (not just beautiful). (Proverbs 31)
Bottom line: Us men and women will keep using each other for our own selfish motives until we turn to God for our fulfillment. Once we are content in Him then we can freely love and honor one another, and not hold each other to unreasonable expectations.
Let's turn to Jesus! Men and women shouldn't have to be fighting each other for freedom from each others expectations. Find contentment in Christ
Thanks for reading :)
They were later adopted as a signal of wealth, and female designers wanted in on them. They were completely ridiculous, and ended up becoming a huge disparity among footwear. Then the makes for men's heels fizzled out.
No one is forcing you to dress up and look good, but other women who do make that extra effort will get the men they want, and if you don't care about that then don't dress up and look good.
Great talk Tracey - thanks for your courage and humour !
She is more beautiful when she had every thing off, you do notice how more comfortable she became now she can find somewhere in between...
oh my god!!! Women have agency for fucks sake!!!! Listen to your introduction I.... put this on then... I did my hair then I.... Take responsibility for your actions!!!! You have AGENCY, if you want to get into social expectations, women do it for themselves, every single time I have accused a woman of trying to impress guys they will tell me how they don't do it for guys every single time but rather they d it for themselves to feel good! Women make up 78 per cent of spending in society, so they are the ones driving this supply and demand circle!!! Not all women wear makeup. Oh my god, take responsibility!!! Society, Patriarchy... No you have agency, stop blaming other people for your own actions for god sake, its pathetic. She says at the start when shes explaining to her daughter how she can't say the REAL reason she likes to wear makeup because it sounds to shallow.... yes your right, but you can't be intellectually dishonest with yourself or even your daughter because you can't handle the truth, she literally admitted that...... and if your going to make excuses for not doing stuff, that's total bullshit, people who really like doing stuff will find away to do it, especially if the thing that's stopping them is completely unnecessary and for their own personal needs. Yes you have been a vein fool, don't blame society for that, you are not obligated to adhere to society's expectations you only feel you are and you want to and that's on you! We truly live in an age of passing the buck to anyone so we can take the onus of ourselves
Wearing high heels is just nuts. It's the western version of Chinese foot binding with one distinction - it's not required - never was in my reality. I've never met a man who ordered a woman to wear them or even requested them to wear them. I have seen women go nuts about buying them without any male influence. I think they're just bizarre and unhealthy and ladies so is a lot of make up. I'm glad that you're interested in looking good and I appreciate it but painting yourself up with weird colors that do not look natural and healthy doesn't get it. The only people who benefit is the cosmetics industry. Less is more.
"why does society expect this of us?"
we could take that way way way back, basically, it's all about sex. at some point some girls started shaping their hair, accentuating their feminine features, shaving their legs etc, in order to appear more attractive to men. and it worked. so other girls started doing the same. eventually all girls were doing it and it became the norm. breaking norms in society isn't easy.
think about it. we only expect everyone to wear clothes because it became a norm. i know it's a crude comparison but it's a truthful one.
and you can complain by saying, "oh but men don't have to do those things".
no, we don't. we have an entirely different set of expectation to live up to, for a start, being a 'man' isn't even something we intrinsically are, no, according to society, being a 'man' is something you have to earn. in society, until a man proves himself worthy, he is considered worthless. this isn't the case with females.
yes. there's shit on both ends of the gender stick.
why do men not have to wear makeup? because if all those years ago, when women started doing it to attract men. if men had have did it too, guess what would have happened? women would not have been attracted to those men. so they didn't do it, because a mans basic innate goal was the same as a womans (and every other living thing on the planets), to procreate.
women were attracted to strong men, who displayed the characteristics able to provide for and look after her when she falls pregnant. and provide for a look after her children.
at the point we are now in biological and societal evolution, we perhaps don't really need such stark differences in the gender characteristics, bad luck, they are there, moulded by 1000's of generations of evolution.
"will this make me happier and healthier?"
most likely not, not in the moment anyway. this lady seems to be shooting down the physical expectation put upon women, and i suppose rightly so, but then she talks a lot about productivity and income, as if that's what life is all about? is she replacing one set of societal values with another? men have historically been judged by society on what they bring to the table when it comes to wealth, does she want women to be judged on that too (it's already happening).
Due to social media it takes a long time for kids to learn and respect this. But we all learn as we get older that admiring each other for who we naturally are is true friendship and love! -- No one wakes up in bed with their hair done or make up perfectly organized on their face.
Also, look at the divorce rate today based on immature people liking each other for their looks, but then learning they don't connect inside and can't stand each other's faces as they age. (I don't know about you, but wow, I only ever date men who like my beauty whether I am heading to a wedding all dressed up, or going grocery shopping with casual clothes and hardly any make up or jewelry on.)
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