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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] The art of asking | Amanda Palmer


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] The art of asking | Amanda Palmer



Playtime Comments : [TED] The art of asking | Amanda Palmer


6:24 Monalisa spotted

6:24 hi, mona lisa...



Top Comments : [TED] The art of asking | Amanda Palmer


I really like the "realness" in her :) I hope there are more people with as positive mind as her.


I love she's real. Most people that talk about stuff like this seem so phony, but she really believes in it.


Coolest chic ever!, I haven't seen eyebrows tattooed in such a way, but she rocks it!. Very inspiring and well delivered!. Will be watching more Amanda & TED :)




your so confident --inspirational

Nearly made me cry , How honest she is and I really wanna look at the world the way she looks

The Benjamin Franklin effect: to ask for something is to establish positive connection.

I cried. I need to meet her.


Them eyebrows dang


Truly inspiring


thank you, people starting giving me 10 bucks at shows as well, bc they thought the promoter at the door was taking it all and waiting to make sure I recieved something. it was very kind. it makes my heart burst. thanks for this talk


Beautiful Amanda,

I am at the ancient age of 46...haha...but I actually have heard of your bands (I think through Triple J)...but I cannot recall your music offhand...sorry!

Now I MUST!!!

You had me teary eyed from the first few minutes. You are a beautiful human being and to me, define...what it is to be HUMAN!!!

I have now fallen in love with you...and now I MUST listen to your music...or should I say...listen to...'your message through art'?

I instinctively recognize this human connection that you speak of!

I feel it and cannot deny such experiential moments throughout my life, even if they be transient!

You truly are BEAUTIFUL!!!

And I thank you for talking to us!

At 13 minutes and 6 seconds, you say..."I think people have been obsessed with the wrong question. Which is how do we MAKE people pay for music?! What if we started ASKING...'how do we...LET...people pay for music'..."

I must tell you that I have interpreted your message in a broader context, by replacing the word 'MUSIC' with the word...'KAIZEN'!!!


I must now listen to your music :-x


this is hands down the most genuine Ted talk completely natural effortless talk


she speaks to me. her raw energy is so vibrant


I enjoyed this talk so much. Amanda, if you read these... thank you. You really got me thinking about some deep stuff. The bits about connecting with people were particularly inspiring, at least to me. And the no fixed ticket price stuff... I relate to you there. This year I started giving horsemanship lessons with no fixed price and it's been amazing. I love the way it makes me feel, and I love that nobody has to miss out just because of money. I think more people should consider working for donations rather than charging fixed prices.

Didn't know much about her before this talk only that she is married to the amazing Neil Gaiman but she seems really cool, quirky and creative- can definitely see why they are together


Freaking awesome.

I ship Amanda and Neil so much. They are both perfect.


Still cry every time. Thank you Amanda <3

she inspires me to talk to people


"Thank you, nobody ever sees me."
I can't tell you how impactful that is. Like, even working as a waitress in a nursing home I'd have moments like these with the patients when in reality my job is to bring them food. It's crazy how much kindness really does it for you especially when you're very low.


I just had a conversation in the last 24 hours about this. Today this popped up on my YouTube. This is the universe showing me my heart is right.


her passion made this talk awesome it was in her eyes, voice and body language.... just amazing...

The important take-away: if a record label only sells 25,000 CDs, it's a failure.  If an individual gets individual support from 25,000 people to make a CD, she's a money-grubbing villain.  Thank you Amanda Palmer, you make the world a better place.

As a small time video game streamer, I can relate to this. Thanks!


That was just everything. EVERYTHING. I'm speechless.


I work at a rehab center and every time i watch this i think of how much i would love to show this to my clients. with addiction it is so hard to ask and accept help and i believe that once i find a way to show this to my clients, i may be able to really get them thinking about how asking is stronger than just trying to do something on their own.


And this is why she is one of my biggest real-life heroes
This talk reminds me of the all the talks I have shared about going back to a barter and trade system. It would connect the world and different groups of people. As well as resetting the scales. so that the people who do more work receive more credit. No more CEOs sitting around doing nothing receiving all the glory and goods.


What a wonderful person


I think I'm in love with her!!

This is so amazing!!!!

The name Amanda means “she who must be loved” from its Latin roots.
If you don’t stan her, you’re wrong.


Amanda reflects true defenition of what it is to be a human being, endless thanks for share you experience.

for those lucky enough to have the option, her live events are equally surreal, present, quirky and marvelous


I just started reading her "art of Asking" and she is AMAZING... thank you Amanda for putting this in perspective for me

she is talking about the desire to give, and allowing others to do so, while you are giving too. It is slightly different from asking for help or helping others.


Her honest tone is captivating and her eyes are haunting. Quite interesting and weird, so wild and unique.

I don't agree with her on many choices, but her message "Don't be ashamed of asking for help and support" is well presented. She is intimidatingly free of all strings of society, witch has it's own benefits and downfalls, but it seems that she's brisking in the good side of it the most. She is definitely unforgettable, and her path luckily resulted in such pretty views of the world. Take care of yourself Amanda.

hey beautiful people...if you missed it, i wrote a BOOK inspired by the talk (and lots of other things). it's called "the art of asking" as well and it's now a new york times bestseller. i began with the themes of this talk (the bride, the band, the concept of asking) and expanded it into all sorts of places i wasn't expecting to go: my marriage, my friendships, and included other peoples' stories about their difficulties with asking. you can order it at amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/The-Art-Asking-Learned-Worrying/dp/1455581089

or find it in your local US indie bookstore here: http://www.indiebound.org/book/9781455581085 

or if you can't afford it, use the mass mosaic, which is allowing people to gift for and ask for the book, it's pretty wonderful: https://massmosaic.com/groups/162/view/the-art-of-asking-amanda-palmer-book-gifting

there's also an audiobook, which i recorded myself and it includes MUSIC....it's here on audible.com:


and one last link....if you're not familiart with my music, i made a little "WELCOME TO AMANDALANDA" website that walks you through the basics, if you're curious.


love to you all.


When I was finishing high school/ starting college, constantly broke, I downloaded everything I could for free from her website. Her music was all the difference in my life. It was (and is) important in a way I can't define. When I finally got an internship, even if it paid next to nothing, one of the first things I did was join her Pateeon for 1 dollar a month. Still broke, but working as a teacher, I raised it to 2 (which is about 10 bucks when converted to my country's money). It is as much as I can pay, and I know she doesn't need it, but when I couldn't even pay this much, she allowed me to listen to all her music for free, because I needed it and she could guive it. She helped. So, it's only fair to do what I can to help her continue to create all the amazing things she does.
I grew up the daughter of a broke musician and a broke photographer. My parents thaught me the value of art, and every day I could see how much they poured of themselves into it, even knowing it wouldn't be recognized, and the family would still ask what was their real job. This talk hit a very deep place.
I'm currently a temptive writer, working with publishers that crowdfund all our anthologies, and paying more than receiving for books with my words inside, along with those of another 19 people in this same place. And we all keep day jobs (and night jobs), because making art is a difficult way to live, and we like to have food, thanks. But this kind of talk is what brings us all hope, and makes the messages to friends about this new project or that something not to be ashamed of. So, thanks. You rock, AFP.



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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