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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Why this creepy melody is in so many movies


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Why this creepy melody is in so many movies


Playtime Comments : [Vox] Why this creepy melody is in so many movies


Me, who just came from watching Sideways’s video on Sweeney Todd: HOW COULD U NOT INCLUDE SWEENEY TODD ON THAT MOVIE LIST at 1:30??

3:50 Curious that that's by far the goriest scene in Star Wars, right at the beginning


“POTC”/“Road to El Dorado” anyone? 2:06

4:39 Could you elaborate on this? By what are our ears "trained" ?


0:17 that’s the “making Christmas” song from the nightmare before Christmas

0:31 im humming automatically nymphetamine song

1:51 this is the power of Mozart's 1791 symphony requiem



Top Comments : [Vox] Why this creepy melody is in so many movies

The first notes on the frozen II trailer be like

I'm not being a troll here, but was the Dies Ire also the basis of the strange tune in Frozen 2?


"*Dies irea plays*"
Me: Oh, hey. Sideways taught me that.

absolutely NOBODY'S talking about how the melody is also in stairway to heaven?


"Our ears are trained to not like those notes together"

Isn't bothered in the slightest

Then again, I'm watching this at 2 am while eating pita chips and hummus, so...


Hearing "symphony requiem" gve e a stroqe.

I love Moe Zart, and Franz Linst, and Giuseppay Verday.


I wonder though, are we just "trained" to feel that way about minor keys or is there something more, say, biological/innate that makes us react this way to certain frequencies, and why have we evolved thus. Beside shady pseudoscientific reasoning, that is


I just realized this "dies irae" theme is also used in Dead by Daylight's main theme! Wow.


I was watching this video on my phone while Dead by Daylight loaded, and I just noticed the lobby music is Dies Irae in guitar!


I knew this was going to be about Dies Irae, I've read a lot about it and I'm glad more people are beginning to recognize this...sort of 'musical tradition' :)

My favorite piece of Church music. Had to sing it a requiem masses in grammar school in the 1950's

So I guess this makes "Carol of the Bells" super creepy then.
It has a whole stanzas with nothing but this melody.

Thank God I didn’t play Into the Unknown on my wedding day


This is literally the ‘Siren call’ in frozen 2


Mozart's Requiem is not a symphony called Requiem. The Requiem is a genre in itself with a set text taken from the Requiem Mass - the same text set by Verdi (and many others). Neither is it "outside the church" as it was first performed at the funeral service of his commissioner.

Gregorian monks about to start dropping copyright infringement lawsuits on everybody. Watch this video while you still can before Youtube mutes the audio.

The ballad of Sweeny Todd also has the Dies Irae motif.


I just realized this sounds like Frozen 2, the sound that makes Elsa anxious


so this is what 'Play this song at my funeral' sounded like in middle ages

When I hear those notes all I can think of “Making Christmas” from The Nightmare Before Christmas

I can only hear “Making Christmas” in this, the rest don’t exist


“Remember when Mufasa died?”

immediately shuts laptop and cries


In Home Alone, the Dies Irae theme plays every time Kevin sees Old Man Marley. But when they meet at the church and Kevin finds out he's not a serial killer, the music switches to Carol of the Bells, which uses the same four notes!


Dear god the amount of work, research and video editing required to make this video... bravo vox


"O Fortuna" from Carmina Burana has been in HUNDREDS of action/adventure movies. The Dies Irae is as common as the Wilhelm scream.


When she started calling out those movies where this melody has appeared I immediately thought "Into the Unknown"


I just noticed that the game Dead By Daylight uses this in its theme song, nice!

Frozen’s 2 gets added as basically the plot progression.


I know it’s in “The Car” and “The Shining”, but had no idea it’s been in so many other movies.

Of course I’m being recommended this on Halloween


The song “Making Christmas” from the Nightmare Before Christmas literally uses this throughout the entire somg


I think I've heard this in a children's movie...

Oh yeah Frozen 2.



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