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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The US tested the wrong people for coronavirus
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The US tested the wrong people for coronavirus



Playtime Comments : [Vox] The US tested the wrong people for coronavirus


Went to a doctor on 15:00 Monday, Headache and Fever (not even symptoms). Got a free appointment for Testing next day 07:30. Got my results by 18:00.

Germany: Efficiency is our nature.

7:02 Less than 1 month later, and Arizona is one of the "hot spots" for COVID-19 infections.

5:57 that's what Hong Kong has been doing since day 1.. at first it sounded overwhelming and strike me as a little awkward as the patients were asked where they had been and whom they had contact with... even the hotel front desk staff who served the patient before he got confirmed had to be isolated and tested. This is not possible in every country but glad that it worked in Hong Kong so we could avoid a strict lockdown.

I don't mean looking down on other countries' strategies, take care everyone, I wish you all well.



Top Comments : [Vox] The US tested the wrong people for coronavirus

Same happened to me in AZ. High fever, sore throat and coughing and they just told me I’m not high risk and couldn’t test.


That's especially a worrying factor for Brazil, with >50% test positivity rate

Im rly shocked at how US is handling their cases. In my country when we had around 3k cases we literally went straight to lockdown.


Malaysia's way of dealing with COVID-19 is by far the best in the world imo

Fox News downplayed the virus . You know some of their base has died

I can't believe the States are so far behind most developed nations. They're always saying they are the greatest and most powerful country, but now when it's time to step up and show that where is the proof.

Mexico: Yea, I think we’ll pay for the wall


And I’m still wondering if Taco Bell made my drive thru order right..,

Finally someone is pointing to the right direction. Thank you


I just assume everyone has it. So stay tf away. Simple.


So now, tens of thousands in Amerca have the disease but are not tested.
And each one of those contact other not sick people every day, and tracking down possible cases is next to impossible.
In reality, no one knows the real number of cases in the US

The pandemic isn’t over, Americans, or at least American politicians, just got over caring about it.


"Okay we assume you have it but we won't test you"


Experts: we need to test.
USA: have you tried the Malaria drug?



My experience in life in the US is that, we only think reactive, instead of proactive about everything.

Who disliked this? Knowledge is power. Stay ignorant, keep infecting people....

I'm telling you, being an introvert isn't so bad!


AMERICA: Cant have a second wave if your first never ends.

Covid tests are STILL in short supply in the USA 4 months into Covidland.


Every sneeze you make, every cough you take, the public will be watching you hehehe

Im rly shocked at how US is handling their cases. In my country when we had around 3k cases we literally went straight to lockdown.


Less tests means less cases. According to the President.

America: But we tested all our pro athletes, so we should be ok, right?

America, the most third-world first world country.

Dear Americans, do you remember in "Jaws" when the Mayor was so concerned about the economy, he told everyone it was safe to get back in the water?

What’s the worse thing you can say to someone in 2020?

stay positive


My sister caught it, and they refused to test her until she was so sick that she checked into the ER. A week later state officials were bragging how they had more tests available than patients to test. That sums this whole thing up.

Why is America behaving and being governed like a Developing Country?


First they've vote the wrong person,
Now they're testing the wrong person.


2019: Avoid negative people
2020: Avoid positive people

I’m in Canada I only have a headache and allergy symptoms like sneezes and coughing and doctors are still testing people here for just an headache


As a Vietnamese citizen, seeing all these videos on the internet trying to explain to the US how to contain the outbreak, when our country's been doing all that way ahead of them. Just sad.


I love how everyone’s blaming politicians for opening up when any sane person is gonna believe the scientists saying stay tf indoors. Natural selection at its finest. “ my mayor says it’s safe so of course Coronas gonna leave!”


My boyfriend got sick with a respiratory illness in March and had a fever but because he didn’t have pneumonia he was told not to show up the hospital unless that developed and at the time my state was only testing hospitalized people. We live together and we’re positive that he had it and I was exposed. We did our best to not have any contact between the two of us at that time and I contacted my job to let them know my suspicions that I could be an asymptomatic carrier and they told me without a positive test I still had to come into work. I work in food service and while I did my best to be extra cautious about handwashing and sanitation I still feel guilty over the possibility that I could have passed it on.

I'd like to say that in Sydney, Australia the government was testing randomly. However, it was not the case. I got high fever in mid-March, and I couldn't get myself tested. I had private health insurance and tried to call my local clinic with no luck answering the phone. When I called Auburn public hospital and told them about my case, they told me to just self-isolate. Apparently, they had instructions to test only who had most of the corona symptoms. In my opinion, what had the virus to be controlled in Australia is the cooperation of the people with restrictions. No one has gone to the streets the day the government announced the restrictions.

Here in Italy I think this was the main task we did wrong. People get tested just if they're hospitalized or if you get access to private clinics. My mother got hospitalized with Covid symptoms and eventually tested positive; me and my father got the same but milder symptoms and had direct contact with her and we NEVER got tested, even if I almost begged them to have one.
This video perfectly explains why testing is much more important than any other prevention measure and restrictions we now have in every country.



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