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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] What makes a truly great logo
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] What makes a truly great logo




Summary Comments : [Vox] What makes a truly great logo

1. Wordmark.
2. Pictorial.
3. Abstract.
4. Logo system. Combination of the first 3.



Playtime Comments : [Vox] What makes a truly great logo


at 01:18 he looks like he has cat ears haha, still a cool video

4:29 wow (in actual video, and in actual shocking impression)

im kinda want to meet carolyn. she has a vision, a great one.

0:26 wow

3:44 oh! the inhumanity

yes, i know the quote is humanity, but you get the idea

1:18 he has cat ears

1:18 the background makes it look like he's wearing cat whiskers

3:24 - Could someone please tell me whose logo that is?


The diving competition analogy at 3:56 is genius!


1:18 the man has cat ears


0:09 "Billboard" logo is a bit frustrated



Top Comments : [Vox] What makes a truly great logo

It was good of Nike to go back to their original logo maker and recompense her.


"this is michael bay-root"
"im michael buh-root"


This is one of the best produced videos I've seen on YouTube. Period.


This channel is really high quality. I'm lucky I found it.


So Pepsi is the abstract version of coke... lol

"this is Michael BAY-rute"..... "I'm Michael burroot"


This was highly educational for my major here in university. Thank you so much :)


I hope Carolyn Davidson is swimming in that good money for life!


Amazing video. Please do more stuff with graphics, slogans, logos ect.

Wow I got a “how to design your logo add” on a logo video.

Great video,
Yet the modern thought out design of Hillary's logo was outperformed by times new roman text on a red hat.


Just do it .

yeah I used a stick as a nike sign.


35 dollars and a dream boys


I shall now always refer to Jeb! Bush by his first name followed by an exclamation point. Jeb! probably loved the logo choice.


The thing about Nike paying to its logo designer, I loved that.

lol "Just do it" xD

Do a vid on the meaning of different logos if you haven't already. Like the fact that the Amazon arrow means they deliver everything from A to Z.

Is anyone else watching for school lol

Best part of the video is that girl seeing how much stock she was given, and her hands were shaking after reading it.


theres another type: audio logos / branding. e.g. the intel sound, etc.

Love me some Vox. Keep up the good work. Your logo is part of was inspired ours... but... we need to work on ours a bit more. :p


Symbols and logos are just empty vessels... You have to poor the meaning into them! :) Love these tips and tricks for planning a biz logo!


Earned yourself a sub, that was great

"human face for reference" is this a video for aliens?


Impressively insightful conversation about a seemingly unimportant subjet


I dislike Hillary but her logo was really good. It was recognizable and that's what makes a good logo imo.


i was watching in full screen and my mom walked in on me when the swastika was on screen lmao

US$ 35 for Nike logo, uhauahauhauhauahuahuaha, i never think about it


Really interesting !



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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