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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] The World in UV


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] The World in UV




Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] The World in UV

"How do I put this..." at 6:05. Nice Derek, nice.


Why are we ignoring this cuteness??? At 06:49


2:30 OMG I love his laughter

2:30 imagine waking up to that in the dead of night O_O


6:00 - I always wondered how scientists flirt with each other... I guess that's a question answered now.
"Your skin looks so good in the visible spectrum of the light"

1:51 The world in UV looks like you're in a Game boy game (only with a better resolution)


2:10 If you don't see all the bubbles for some reason it can be quite hard indeed.


2:30 that laugh got me


1:20 Getting Homeworks in Youtube videos....
That's something NEW !!

3:05 damn another think lve learned at 03:00am that's why l didn't like without sugar



Top Comments : [Veritasium] The World in UV


It's confirmed Veritasium can bite ice cream without his teeth hurting.


"It likes the smell of you"
*awkward look-away
*awkward look-away

I so ship it


You look 20 years older with UV light, you look like you belong in a Tarantino movie.


These two, flirting the whole time.. Also, great video. Really interesting!

Could you make Glasses that would see through the "Blue Haze" of the sky and that would let to see space directly?


"Virtually nothing absorbs in the UV..."


- Son, did you apply the sunscreen?
- ...yes, mom!
turns on the UV camera

Oh my god


Edit: Also sunscreen looks like UV blackface


Fact...everyone looks sunburnt and aged in UV light

Breaking news: Physics girl caught doing black face in 2018! Her response will shock you!

UV camera is a best way to do advertising of sunscreen )

Please make "The World In IR"


It would be also amazing to see "The World in Infrared"


how sun rise and sun set seen in UV...??? Can you make a video on them.

"this is what it looks like when you dont go outside often." "i just put on sunscreen." "OH!"


bc you have your render distace low

Aw man, why didn't you film a person with albinism under the UV camera? Their skin would have looked so different!

Maybe even someone with melanism!

people who wear sunscreen have been getting away with blackface for years


You're getting old, Derek. Now you're awesomer!!!!!! I admire and respect the heck out of you!


"Wear sunscreen. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it." - Baz Luhrmann (Everybody's Free)

The more you know.


that moment when you realize that sunscreen companies are secretly making you wear blackface


Great video and thanks for the shout out! I was wondering why our UV footage at Death Valley was so hazy in the distance, now I know why!

Awesome video. And your editing skills are really good


8:12 Justin Trudeaus daily skincare routine

"It's hard to tell which is soda, and which is water"
Yeah, I can't tell if the bottle with a lot of bubbles is water or soda..


I'm a 12th-grade student from INDIA and these videos amaze me as I have read the whole theory in my books but never saw what a real-life experiment can feel like.

You two have really good chemistry.


For the people wondering: "Why aren't we all black if UV is just harmful?"
The reason is vitamin D. You NEED sunlight to make this vitamin and you need this vitamin to be healthy.
If you have enough sunlight (like around the equator) you easily get enough vitamin D even through the blackest skin.
A population living in areas with less sunlight will gradually lose a lot of its melanin to maximize the vitamin D synthesis and because there is not that much sun and therefore not that much of a risk of skin cancer.
(Edit: I thought it was vitamin K, it's D apparently)


The stuff shown in this video would be like if space aliens showed "how humans see" and just combined all the wavelengths in our entire visible spectrum to one "brightness" value at each pixel. I would have liked to see it "interpreted" with different UV wavelengths represented as the colors we know of. And also using the range of wavelengths that insects can see (all of them, not only UV) to combine it into an image using our range of colors to represent what a flower would actually look like to something with that range of vision. I would suspect flowers are far more interesting that way.



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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