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[Youtube Review][TEDx Talks] The psychology of seduction | Raj Persaud | TEDxUniversityofBristol
YouCo 2021. 3. 19. 14:55(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] The psychology of seduction | Raj Persaud | TEDxUniversityofBristol
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] The psychology of seduction | Raj Persaud | TEDxUniversityofBristol
Summary Comments : [TEDx Talks] The psychology of seduction | Raj Persaud | TEDxUniversityofBristol
1. Based on social psychology experiment, being disagreeable then switching halfway through to being agreeable makes you more attractive to the other person. An artificial "warm up" is created
2. Attention, interest, and maintenance. Different skills are necessary for each phase. Attention being am initial spark, interest being a focus on short term charms, and maintenance being long term commitment and patience.
3. Appealing to bolster their weaknesses into strengths. Finding an unmet need, and fulfilling it.
Thanks EJ for the summary. Below is your summary with timestamps
Tips for Seduction
1. 5:56 Based on social psychology experiment, being disagreeable then switching halfway through to being agreeable makes you more attractive to the other person. An artificial "warm up" is created
2. 9:09 Attention, interest, and maintenance. Different skills are necessary for each phase. Attention being am initial spark, interest being a focus on short term charms, and maintenance being long term commitment and patience.
3. 10:55 Appealing to bolster their weaknesses into strengths. Finding an unmet need, and fulfilling it.
Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] The psychology of seduction | Raj Persaud | TEDxUniversityofBristol
“Then at the end of the date it was revealed that it was actually a social psychology experiment.”
Imagine having an awesome date and then you find out it meant nothing
15:14 Her unmet need wasn't for parts without the letter R.. It was to be loved just as she is! People's motivations are 90% not work driven, but by human need to be appreciated and seen and cherished for themself... This was Casanovas skill, to see the unmet need and to make a gift towards that. He had eyes that could perceive, and the emotional intelligence to do so.
Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] The psychology of seduction | Raj Persaud | TEDxUniversityofBristol
You have to give, to get....I like that!
This lecture just saved my life hahaha
I watched this because my name is almost the same as this man.
Possibly the best speaker I've seen on TEDx till date. Bravo!
Find the person’s unmet need AND fill it in a way that’s never been met before
I love this. I used to think I really was a master in the art of seduction on a personal and professional level. And to some degree I am, but now I know how to amplify my skills. I don’t want to use my charms for maleficent intent. I now know to focus more on an unmet need and allow the object (man, job, etc) of my desire to gravitate towards me.
Attention, interest, maintenance
Discovering the unmet need
Filling the unmet need
He got my attention via the title, he peaked my interest via giving me value, and now I DESIRE to know HOW thus making him the source. He will in a sense teach me how to maintain my ability to be successfully seductive.
That was very deep but I agree with him, if you want something whether it's about someone you like or material things that you want to achieve in life, you really have to give first or make an offer before it is given to you and that's how seduction works, it really works like magic.
"I love you just the way you are" Song by Billy Joel. Fascinating lesson in psychology of seduction!
"dr. persaud, i don't need prozac... i need a boyfriend!" i'm feeling attacked
Drinking game: Everytime he says "my clinic", take a shot
I'm doomed.
One of the best teds I’ve watched. The way he ended with a form of seduction was brilliant!
Everyone wants to MEET the right person, but very few want to do the very hard work of BEING the right person.
I met a girl, found out she needed another guy, I then focused all my efforts to help her get that guy. And she did. Am I doing this right?
I guess in order for seduction to be good (and ethical) it must be genuine and kind or else it's nothing more than a meaningless game.
There is a theory of Love that says that we are attracted to someone who is strong where we are weak--and they can do what we cannot, and weak where we are strong--so we can do what they cannot. There needs to be some common interests that both are good at, or/and both are bad at, but it is this counter-match ("opposites attract") that makes the Love. In effect, what it does is make two incompetent part people into one competent whole couple. This is another variation of Dr. Persaud's concept of "fill the unmet need". You are meeting the need of your partner that they cannot meet themselves, and in return, they do the same for you
I think I've just realised my mistake. I always thought the idea of a date was to be as funny as possible, tell as many stories as possible and demonstrate how smart and capable I am to show that I would be a great partner/mate. In doing this I have been 100% focused on showcasing myself which of course now smacks of selfishness and perhaps desperation..? In assuming that no matter what I'd like to be with this person and I must do/say everything possible to get them. Focusing on your date instead and listening to them, finding out what they really want and what they're really like etc is really an entirely different approach and it does make a lot of sense. I personally can't stand when someone I'm with - even a friend - just talks non-stop about themself, trying to be funny etc, it's so boring and annoying!! It truly is! And I hate having to 'pretend laugh'. For me it's a genuine belly laugh or it's nothing. Bottom line is I guess everyone is really only interested in themselves, at least at first. Then later on once you get to know each other a bit more, other things come into play like money etc.
Some feedback on the social experiment:
If a person only agrees with you, the agreement cancels out itself. If someone only pays you compliments the value of each compliment gets less. If someone only agrees, there is no value and no personality there. This is not attractive.
If a person only disagrees you're obviously not compatible. This is not attractive.
If a person first disagrees, and then agrees, both of the above problems are cancelled out. So of course this setup will be the most 'seductive' of these 3 scenarios, regardless of any other theories. So the idea that the person likes you more because they've made an impact on you might be true, but I would draw that conclusion from common sense rather than from some contrived 'social science' BS.
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