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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] This Helicopter Is Now On Mars!


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] This Helicopter Is Now On Mars!



Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] This Helicopter Is Now On Mars!

2:59 lmao that laugh came out of nowhere.


I love the concept "11:00 AM Local Time on Mars"


at 6:30 his face was like: "i don't get anything you are saying, but I'll just nod my head in confirmation"

9:26 he legit just described my ps4


0:33 isn't the first power flight on Mars done by the skycrane that lowered Curiosity on the surface back in 2012?

5:43 Sound of the Ingenuity helicopter in martian air density -- 5:31 with comments


6:23 These plastic parts look dangerously UV susceptible. Would have metal plated them. Hope these will endure a while.

2:57 that laugh straight kills me man


05:46 Yo, imagine if there were aliens on Mars and after billions of years of silence, they suddenly see this thing flying around, making that kind of noise...

13:30 When he said 11:00 on Mars, does it mean Mars only has 1 time zone?



Top Comments : [Veritasium] This Helicopter Is Now On Mars!

Wow. This is truly awesome. I wish their mission nothing but success! I really hope it makes it to Mars 100% ok and gets to have a successful flight.


I laughed so hard at the part :no aerogel

They let this guy go everywhere. He should ask to go to Area 51. He will be our inside man.

I had a temp job at JPL many years ago. I got fired because one of the scientists sons I worked with stole something and rather than bring the theft to his Dad's attention, causing embarrassment they fired everyone at his level using lack of work as the reason. Anyway I remember going to the cafeteria seeing all of these incredibly intelligent people. I was amazed at all the brainpower.


Derek, great job. How wonderful that you had a chance to see the actual flight hardware before it was buttoned up and installed on the rover.


Engineering when aerogel is too heavy.


You know you're dealing with some razor-thin margins when aerogel is a weight concern.


Is the speed of sound (Mach 1) the same for both Earth and Mars with different atmospheres?


The most important question: How long until we can fly it over Opportunity to blow the dust off her solar panels and revive her?

The Wright's first flight was 12 seconds. We're starting on another planet at 90 seconds.

Where will we be in 20 years?

shoutouts to the fact Linux is now the first commercial operating system on mars

also imagine being the fishing line company that is officially approved by NASA


them: we needed to lower the gravity
me: here we go, antigravity time!
them: fishing line


Martians will be telling their children about the time they spotted ufo in the skies.

Him: so no aerogel
Her: no. No aerogel
Sad veritasium noises


Ok awesome. But now i wanna know more about thoose soviet venus ballons :O


"Your thrust vector now has a component that's horizontal in the direction that you pitched. Right. So then you start translating in that direction." Confirmed, this guy is definitely an engineer.

You know what was amazing, is to see such excitement of every person interviewed in this video, including you Derek! Truly amazing, what a great future!

I like how the title is updated

2:59 "This is how humans laugh, right?"

Note to Self: Don't die until Feb 2021

Edit: Made it! That 2020 tho...

Sounds like a “BWAAAH”
Mars aliens are about to swat this thing out the air so fast.

1895: first airplane to take off
2021: (literally 126 years later)flying an aircraft on another FRIGGIN planet !!!!
let that sink in....

I never thought I would hear of Aerogel being to heavy for an application.

Missed the opportunity to call it the Mars Hover


Touchdown, Perseverance is safe on Mars!


13:28 "11 o'clock in the morning, local time on mars"
what a time to be alive

"This Helicopter is Now On Mars!"
Wait, did you change the title??? Cos... this video was made a year ago! XD

Also, they interviews were great, they explained their work very well. :)

This thing: starts flying
Alien farmers: why is fortunate son playing?

I see you! Changing the titles and shiet hahahah

Good that you changed your video title after Perseverance landed!



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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