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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] 미국이 멕시코에 국경 보안 업무를 위탁한 이유


This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.

These days, even if it's good to watch on YouTube, sometimes people skip it or don't watch it if it's too long.

When you watch Youtube, do you scroll and read the comments first?

To save your busy time, why don't you check out the fun contents, summary, and empathy comments of popular YouTube videos first and watch YouTube?

(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] 미국이 멕시코에 국경 보안 업무를 위탁한 이유




Playtime Comments : [Vox] 미국이 멕시코에 국경 보안 업무를 위탁한 이유


Wait did Johnny just cross the border illegally?


3:08 “I burnt my little ranchoo” sorry but the way he said rancho had me dying

3:08 my little ranchö

3:09 Rooster call!


13:45 i swear i thought the thing on the left was a llama


3:08 ranchO

6:24 is that the iphone notch?


That eye roll in 6:15


0:51 savage


I watched all 5:16 of the 5:17 Prager commercial proceeding this video. Wow am I ready to join some sort of hard line youth camp.



Top Comments : [Vox] 미국이 멕시코에 국경 보안 업무를 위탁한 이유


Politicians only want to tackle the symptomes, not the cause. Because it's cheaper. But it doesn't solve the problem at all.

the best part is the people who couldn't care less if they were filmed doing something illegla


The way you do this is unique. Instead of just researching whatever the subject for the next episode is, you actually go there and talk to the people and get there perspectives. I like it.


"I burned up ma lil Ranchooooo"


Deal with the cause not the symptom


I just wish they could fix the massive corruption problem in Mexican and Latin American countries so they can finally protect themselves

Breaks my heart


If people were put in these people’s positions there opinions would be very different

The dad crying with his baby was heartbreaking
Wish i could take them in


"there's not a lot of trust in the Mexican justice system for migrants"...

we (citizens of mexico) don't trust them either

I love your journalism. Thank you for your work.


So America destabilized the entire Latin and Central America by establishing dictators and overthrowing democratically elected leaders and now they wonder why people are running away towards US?


that waterfall is proof that beauty can be found even in the bleakest of places


This is truly a eye-opening video, thanks for sharing this with us.


Burned my little rancho i would let him in the us


So Mexico built a wall....and the U.S. paid for it

Ummm... where is lululemon?

This is an actual question: can you think of any problem in the human race that can't be solved with empathy.

I work with a Guatemalan. Great guy. Hardworking badass. He also fled the violence with his family. I cannot fault him for wanting a better, safer life for his family. Faced with the same decisions, I'd flee too.

Johnny : it’s to keep them out of Texas

California,New Mexico and Arizona : Are we a joke to you ?


This has been one of the most depressing things that I have ever watched. Humanity is at risk of being lost for good.


I feel Trump should give this a watch

Mexico! The most beautiful country you have ever seen, fraught with turmoil, violence and conflict. Would love to travel there but...The world is going mad.


Honduras is a cemetary they killed by uncle a few months ago for no reason


Last time I was this early, Mugabe was still in power...


In 10 years:
How the US outsourced congress to Sri Lanka


Its impressive the difference between the northern countries of Central America and the Southern Ones. I live in Panama, and I've witnessed the opposite happening here. Thousands and thousands of Venezuelans have been crossing to Colombia through the country to reach Panama. Here in Panama, many oppose this sudden influx of Venezuelans, but thankfully most do not mind or support it.


The best border security question to find out if a person is American...
Guard: What's the capital of Texas?
American: Uhhh
Guard: Let him in he's American.
Guard: Next!!
Guard: What's the capital of California?
Mexican: Sacremento

I am from Guatemala. The country is almost the worst country in all of America, second only to Haiti. The violence here is unreal, so present in people's lives that one of the newspapers is nicknamed 'Muerto Diario', Dead Newspaper, for the amount of murders that appear on it. I live in a pretty safe area of my town, and even I see the poverty and violence on a daily basis. My mother was robbed not a minute after she left our house. My best friend lives in one of the most impoverished and violent barrios in town, and they see a shootout almost every week. Our people are incompetent because they don't get to go to school. People live in landfills, and are excited when they find rotting food in the trash. It doesn't help that our leaders are corrupt and the main industry is drug trafficking. These are the reasons people try to escape from the country and look for a better life in other countries. Visas expire, airplane tickets are expensive, and applying for residency is near impossible, and people know this, so illegal immigration is their only option. If the crackdown doesn't stop, all these poor people will end up dead. These changes should help peole seeking new lives, not doom them. The gangs in these countries control everything, and if they find out you tried to escape them, you and your family is as good as dead. So many people are looking for shelter, and if they get that right denied, these people will lose all hope and succumb to violence, and join it. I do not support illegal immigration, all I'm saying is it should be safer and easier for people to make these journeys to find a better life.

Edit: We're having elections right now, and if this woman Sandra Torres wins the elections, there's a good chance that Guatemala will fall to Socialism. My family and I are percieved as extremely wealthy because of our family history, even though we're not, so we are really threatened by invasions or robberies, and with the government turning a blind eye, the narcos could do whatever they want.

As always, even though the videos are leaving out perspectives, it is good that topics like that get mentioned.

It shows quite clearly that migration politics is a tricky topic everywhere. US politicians were quite clever in outsourcing their work to Mexico; the Democrats save their valuable voters base of recent Latino immigrants while playing the savior on the surface and actually keeping out the more problematic migrants and the Republicans achieve their political goal of more militarization and therefore more contracts to the industry.

What bothers me more in the Vox videos is the naive belief that any political decision is made for humanitarian reasons. Politics at that level is never about human rights or anything like that mentioned in the video. It is about political interests and who shares them. It is about leverage and power. Those of you who watch House of Cards should know how it works.

Mexico's reason for doing something for the migrants is not only because of the US problems. People forget that drug smuggling, crime and illegal immigration are also a domestic concern for Mexican politicians. The state bordering Guatemala is one of the poorest in Mexico with the lowest level of HDI. It is considered a political and cultural outlier as it has the Zapatista movement (extreme left, while the central government leans more to the libertarian right) and is closer to the native culture of various tribes than to that of the more northern states. The various parties in government are under pressure to do something about it. Mexico gets money and military equipment from the industrious US without having the federal Mexican government to pay for the Chiapas regional government. It gets them off the unemployment problem by making the local population into a police force.

You are so brave for speaking about this delicate topic in such a frank way. I'm not going to say that my home country, Mexico, is guilt-free, because it's not, but it really gets to me when American people acknowlege the role their country is playing from behind. Violence and corruption in Mexico are heavily supported by the influx of money and firearms coming from the US, their unwillingness to tackle drug demand at home and the political pressure they put on Mexican authorities to implement these quick-fixes to such complex problems. In the chaos, poor people and normal civilians are the ones to pay the toll. Anyway, I really hope more people watch this not with the proud eyes of a MAGA nationalist, but with the sympathy of a human being who's fortunate enough to sit comfortably in front of a computer, while whole families leave behind whatever few possesions they had just to survive!



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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