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[Youtube Review][Veritasium] Anti-Gravity Wheel Explained
YouCo 2021. 3. 24. 15:27(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Anti-Gravity Wheel Explained
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Summary Comments : [Veritasium] Anti-Gravity Wheel Explained
1. Keeping the spinning plane. The mass in the spinning wheel of a gyro acts in the plane of rotation and tries to keep it due to the high angular momentum.
2. Precession at 90 degrees. The plane of the spinning wheel may be looked upon being a lot of individual elemental masses placed on flexible radial spokes and each elemental mass can be treated individually. When the wheel is fast spinning on its axis all the radial masses are spinning with a high circumferential velocity/momentum depending on the radius and the spin rate. If at any moment, the spinning axis of the gyro wheel is tilted, then some mass at the end of the tilting radius will try and move out of the spinning plane while another on the opposite radius will move out of the spinning plane in the opposite direction on a diameter. So having an additional force/torque applied to them the elemental masses will accelerate out of the original spinning plane. As these elemental masses are tied with a constant radius with the axle, then while the tilt of the axis causes the particle to accelerate out of the relative halves of the wheel, their final " integrated circular motion" will be a maximum when the mass particles are in quadrature or 90 degrees to that location where they began to accelerate out of the original plane. Eventually when the tilt of the axis is long enough then all the mass particles on the spinning wheel will take up spinning in another plane at a 90-degree angle with the tilt that accelerated them out of the original plane. That is a 90-degree precession effect.
3. Precession and holding of a gyro on an extended shaft. If a spinning wheel is placed at the end of a long extended shaft where the free end is placed on a vertical stationary mast, and the spinning wheel at a radius R from the support mast, then as the wheel drops vertically, it tries to do this with the acceleration of 32 ft/sec^2 of gravity, which is relatively slow with respect to the velocity of the spinning mass particles. With the vertical drop, hence the tilting of the axle, the mass particles on the upper half of the spinning wheel will be "accelerated out" away from the central supporting mast and those in the lower half will be "accelerated in" towards the support mast. This acceleration one way and the other on the upper and lower half of the spinning wheel will cause the integrated acceleration to change the plane of spinning at 90 degrees to the initial vertical drop, horizontally. The spinning wheel changes its plane at a right angle to the vertical dropping, hence tilting axle. It is important to realize that the particles that accelerate out or in towards the central support mast are spinning much faster than the spinning wheel, as one whole unit, can drop due to slow gravity effects, so the top and bottom masses in the plane of spin, will try and replace each other so fast that they cause a high inertia fluctuation, similar as a big capacitor in a low pass filter objects to an AC fluctuation or "stationary mass inertia" be it electrical or statically and dynamically mechanically. This 90 egress action will try and fling the pivot support point on the central stationary mast in a horizontal direction, but it cannot as the mast is stationary, so the horizontal reaction must bring about the result as the free rotation of the whole spinning wheel about the stationary support mast. So "a tiny vertical drop" tried to precess the wheel in "a horizontal motion" at a related natural rate of change.
4. Precessed rising of the gyro. If the natural rate of change of the horizontal motion is hurried up ( or slowed) then a second precession process will take place and the reaction to it will be a 90-degree reaction where the spinning gyro will now lift, ( or drop) gaining (or losing) potential energy from the eternal input. If for any reason the whole spinning wheel is dropped vertically in a sudden action, then the gyro wheel will wobble along changing KE into a faster horizontal precession which in turn will raise the gyro and this transferred oscillation will proceed till it stabilizes, as it is damped down. There is another interesting reason why the spinning wheel of a gyro when on an extended axle on a central stationary mast may lift up to the vertical till its axle is perfectly vertical.
5. Rising (or dropping) of a gyro while precessing around central stationery must. When the fast-spinning wheel of a gyro spins and at the same time rotates /wobbles around a central stationary mast, and is SPUN AND TRANSLATED, then this spinning and translating effect will result in the spinning stationary circle, being modified into a type of cycloidal motion and what is more, the cycloidal motion of the particles on the spinning wheel will vary as the spinning wheel is tilted and then it rises and drops below the horizontal spinning axis. Any cycloidal trajectory, unlike a perfect circle, it will have a variation in velocity and in acceleration and hence the related generated forces with the varying acceleration as a particle moves along the cycloidal trajectory. If the extended axle of the gyro is about 45 degrees tilt, then the conical cycloidal trajectory of the spinning and precession wheel around the central support mast, the differential accelerations, hence the accompanying differential forces will " throw up" the whole gyro to lift it to try and reach the vertical position ( or the inverted vertical position). Here all the mass particles will be moving in a horizontal circle with constant velocities and constant accelerations and hence stable. In practical experiments, this vertical stable position ( as a spinning top) will be held till the gyro slowing down and the weight due to gravity will take over. It seems that all the internal cycloidal forces on the spinning particles of the gyro wheel are RADIAL to the center of the spinning wheel and hence these cycloidal acceleration forces will not precess the gyro hence the " throw up" and rising of the gyro dictated by the cycloidal differential accelerations.
6. Centrifugal force. If one looks into the differential accelerations that exist withing the tilted, conical, cycloidal trajectory of the mass particles in a spinning gyro and translating wheel, one will notice that the accelerating components of the tilted acceleration vector of the elemental particles do oppose the centrifugal force. Many people declare ( and they are correct) that the centrifugal force in a spinning and precessing gyro " vanishes" and the solution is found in the differential vectorial accelerations contained in the cycloidal trajectory of spinning and translating circulating surface of a conical, tilted, translating and spinning of a balanced wheel. If one looks at the PLAN view of the cycloidal path traveled by each mass particle in spinning and processing gyro one will see CONVEX AND CONCAVE curves traversed by particles navigating the upper-lower halves of the spinning wheel curves with respect to the central pivot and this means that there are TWO CENTRIFUGAL FORCES one acting inward ( on the upper one) and one acting outwards ( on the lower half. The centrifugal force acting inwards has a higher magnitude than the centrifugal force acting outwards. This is due to the fact that the cycloid has a distorted elliptical plan view were the convex and concave curves have a different radius of curvature which the mass particle traverse to generate the inbound and the outbound centrifugal forces acting at different heights to balance out the gravitational torque and the outwards centrifugal force on a floating gyro. There are other dynamics unbalances in a " statically and dynamically balanced wheel"
7. When the external torque on a gyro is removed suddenly, the wheel shows no inertia effect as it is not the whole mass of the wheel that is being translated, but effectively it is the elemental particles that are being displaced out of the spinning plane and hence effectively little inertia is shown when the outside force is reduced unless the whole spinning gyro is shot out and thrown off the muzzle of a gun, where all the mass is being translated.
8. The gyro cannot ever produce any action without any reaction and if one tries to propel a spacecraft with it, and try to spin the wheel in space to get it going, the spacecraft will spin back. If one seeks reactionless actions..........they must look elsewhere but not inside the gyro.
9, Finally here is the equation of a flat gyro operating on a rotating arm to check and approximate to the differential accelerations of the family of complex three-dimensional conical cycloids. I obtained and plotted these differences in accelerations as the cycloidal trajectory is followed and the difference of accelerations on the upper half and lower half of a spinning gyro. It is all very clear, hence the tiny differential repetitive forces give the gyro its elegance and unintuitive perplexing behavior.
10. Location of particle = R1. e^jw1.t + R2.e^jw2,t
velocity of particle = R1. jw1.e^jw1.t + R2.jw2. e^jw2,t
acceleration of particle=R1. (jw1)^2.e^jw1.t + R2.(jw2)^2. e^jw2,t
Would be grateful if any one would to confirm this work.
for reference of rising gyro see.
Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Anti-Gravity Wheel Explained
This translating part in Turkish is like feelings of the guy who is holding the heavy thing. Use google translate for understand it lol
@ 1:39 "So, two handed, that's as far down the shaft as you can hold it?" I lol'd!
0:58 prediction: the wheel feels much lighter because you don't need to exert any STABILIZING force with your muscles.
@Veitasium 2:59 where an I find that specific gyroscope apparatus?
1:42 hahha ceviri efso
The scale with the little gyro shows no change because the gyro is on a balance with a weight and can teeter-totter but the gyro clearly does want to move up and down as you nudge the angular speed of the base (like at 3:39). So, if it were not allowed to teeter-totter (locked in the Z axis) I claim the scale would show a change as the rotation rate is nudged one way or the other. So Derek, my guess is that when you first start to whirl the big heavy spinny thing (my technical term), there was a small extra downward force felt in your left hand which was then reversed as as the spiral slowed as it lifted. For sure, the change in how you have to apply the vectors of force (as you point out around 1:52) is the bigger effect you're experiencing but I don't think it's the only one.
Many thanks, I'm learning lots from your channel.
Was sweet up to 1:45 with x1 pointing arrow, you had to throw in more......
2:55 who was that girl laughing, huh Derek? :P
Top Comments : [Veritasium] Anti-Gravity Wheel Explained
What if you put a wheel spinning the same direction (cw - cw or ccw - ccw) on the other side?
I want to see this experiment done with one flywheel on each end. Spin them in the same direction and spin them in opposite directions. That would be nice to see.
my only question with this is that he struggled to lift the device when he had his hand very near the center of mass. The closer you are to the center of mass, the less torque you have to apply to keep the object upright. When he holds his hand at the base of the shaft right next to the wheel it's little to no torque. So he'd be applying 42 pounds of force to lift the object. Then when it's spinning, he easily lifts it. like it's not even close to 42 pounds. I understand that the spinning causes the object to want to maintain its horizontal orientation, thus negating the guy's need to apply a torque to keep it upright. That is what allows him to hold it at the end of the shaft. which would be impossible for any human being to do. But, shouldn't he still struggle to lift it? he should lift it as if he were lifting it at the base. which was very difficult for him. I think the answer lies with the fact that he threw the device forward and it lifted itself up. But if that's the case, the scale should decrease at that point. Which would make sense to me. But it didn't. Perhaps because the movement, the scale jumped around and made it difficult to see that. Can anyone help me with this?
wow, I totally thought, it would show lighter, because the scale to my knowledge does not weigh mass, it measures force instead. The mass had to stay the same, but the force down to earth could ´ve changed... Obviously I was wrong.
So that's how Thor's hammer work! It has a fast spinning thingy inside :-P
I love it when something on Youtube is based on scientifically demonstrable facts and leads to a better understanding of our experiences. Thanks for making this video!
really loved this one!, thanks!
Eric Laithwaite was one of my heroes growing up: an amazing guy!
so should you lift weights with spinning masses so it feels lighter?
so basically put another wheel on the other end of the bar and spin that as well and break the universe
I've just began to explore your channel, coming over from Vsauce. Fascinating presentations illuminating new principles and curiosities I haven't encountered before; so thank you for what you do. I'm real glad channels like yours and his exist and are so popular.
I still don't feel like I understand Gyroscopic Precession, although I've only just found out about it.
You make great videos, thank you for that
Really weird. Was wondering when I'd finally enter adulthood. 27 appears to be the age.
Really interesting. Thumbs up from us!
Now put a spinning wheel on the other side as well.
Now spin them in opposite directions.
Now fall into the Black Hole you just made.
Edit: I went and learned a little about angular momentum. What I called a vertical force from the gyro is actually a change in the angular momentum which tends to rotate the gyro upward about the axis formed by his hand on the bar. So the gyro tends to rotate up, reaching a high point when the bar is vertical, and then continue rotating down and this happens in response to torque applied by sweeping the apparatus in a horizontal direction . So I think my explanation regarding mechanical advantage is basically correct.
I got that. Its as simple as that when we measure weights on mechanical weighing machine using counter weight (tool used in libra sign hehe). Here's comes the trick the both hand supporting weight on a fulcrum are equal in length, now if we increase length of one hand then weight required to counter balance the weight on second short hand will be less... Torque depends upon two quantity, force and distance perpendicular distance... Here rotating the disc cancels the torque required to hold it from one end, isn't it. So what we left with is like disc in our hand without rod(only that much weight not torque hehehe).
I love this video. Thank you. I think your graph started after you accelerated it upward. When you were doing that the scale should have read higher. I think that the reason it feels lighter has to do with free weight lifting versus weight machine lifting. Free weight lifting requires more control and it’s harder to do. It requires control in all axes (translational and rotational). The precessing one controls the 3 rotational axes a fair amount and maybe some translation. This, from a mere industrial engineer who is 60 y/o :)
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