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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Why American public transit is so bad | 2020 Election


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Why American public transit is so bad | 2020 Election




Playtime Comments : [Vox] Why American public transit is so bad | 2020 Election

8:24 for me the reason I've been driving so much lately is because of that bad cough that's been going around...


2:40 I was petrified, there is more road than city! I'm not really sure if people or cars live in Cincinnati.


5:36 if you live in Toronto and take the subway, you know you ain't going anywhere when you see the shuttle bus XD


At 5:36. The bus reads "Line 2 Shuttle Bus" That means the Bloor St. subway broke down again and people are ferried with buses. There are only a billion people a day who take that route! And that line only has service interruptions down to twice a day now, so it's improving



Top Comments : [Vox] Why American public transit is so bad | 2020 Election

I was in Japan and I had to transfer from one subway to another. My app said I had 1 minute to make the transfer. The app also said I arrived at track 2, but the new train leaves from track 4. I was like, how can I make the transfer in one minute? Normally I have to get off the train, leave track level, go to the new track and go back up to track level. To my surprise, when I arrived, they parked a waiting train on track 3 with all the doors open, creating a "train bridge" between tracks 2 and 4. Suffice it to say, I made my transfer.

In Europe you often aren't even able to effectively enter a city with your own car. I love it.


"majority of Americans are also required to own a car in order to work" true. Wendy's turned me down after they found out i didn't have a car.


I remember when I was traveling in Western Europe how convenient and mostly easy it was to get where I wanted on the subway/tube. Wish we had that here.

Exchange students in Australia:
From Asia & Europe: Wow your public transport is so infrequent, slow and expensive.
from USA & Canada: omg what a great public transport system! I can get almost anywhere! & I get a student discount!


Meanwhile in Seoul South Korea I can switch between so many lanes going to so many parts of the city at any point-


So that’s why in movies Americans always take there car where ever they go & I’m like why don’t you just walk

Public transport: "A bus that comes every 30 minutes till midnight 7 days a week"!! Blimey, here in England that would be considered as if the buses have gone on strike!


Why are the highways running through the cities instead of making a circle around them like in most European cities?


This is the reason why carpool was common amongst high school kids.


My cousin was visiting a few years ago and when we were on the round she found it strange and bizarre that pretty much every car we passed had only the driver in it by themselves. I remember being puzzled by her comment. Lol


As somone from Toronto, I find it hilarious that we're the example of a good transit system. We literally only like two major subway lines, y'all must have it REAL bad

Americans don’t look at public transit as a service. They see it as welfare for people who can’t afford a car. Class warfare is the problem

me watching this: * laughs in Australia *

Canada: “has good public transportation system”
Singapore: “Hold my Singapore Sling!”

I live in both Birmingham and London in the UK. The main form of transport for the vast majority is Public Transport - trains, trams, tube and buses...they connect neighbourhoods very well

Vox: Uses Toronto as an example of good transit
Torontonians in the comments: hold up

Okay, so a "bus that comes every 30 minutes" as the goal as a reliable transit line, is really sad.

I used to live in Phoenix, but now I live in Seoul, South Korea. I've never seen public transport this good. It's gonna be hard if I go back to an an American city.

As someone who lives in Japan and have formerly lived in the US, I can’t stress enough how amazing public transportation is. Everyone uses it and it’s become so well done that owning cars is seen as either costly, unnecessary, and in some cases flashy. The best part is many stations have access points for the above ground rail, subway systems, and all have bus stops, and taxi services at the ready. Whenever I visit my family members in the US, I decide I can do the same thing and my goodness, I swear I waste about 45 minutes waiting for the right buses.

Aside from efficacy and efficiency, I’m wondering though, would implementing these changes, actually change people? I feel that Americans have this overly romantic image of cars, some if not many tie their masculinity to owning certain cars. Within a culture like this, I’m curious as to how well these programs would be. Just a thought

I live in South Korea and i go to University in the United States. Here in Seoul, metro and public bus system are extremely good that you can travel anywhere. I, now understand, why i have needed to have a car in the U.S

You want to do me some good and finance it with my taxes? That's SOCIALISM!

Very true! I grew up in a Toronto suburb we were car owners and my dad took the bus downtown to work everyday!


Looking at this video makes me realise that Moscow's public transport is decades ahead. Dogs even get free entry unaccompanied and know their own stops.

Feels so alien, almost everyome uses the tube in London


One thing I’ve always hated about being in the engineering field is that engineers will always take lessons just from America as if a whole world doesn’t exist outside of the US, were taught to do things one way and we act like thats the only way of doing it


Wow... I live one of the biggest cities in the US and when I traveled to Chicago I marveled at their transit system! I didn’t realize it wasn’t considered to be great!


Me, a German (Berlin): I can take three different busses and one train to work: I can literally choose. And I do not live downtown, I almost live outside of Berlin.

US people argue on whether everyone should get affordable health care, I don't think they can make a change in public transport

Its almost like General Motors lobbied successfully to guarantee future profits for themselves

Advertisement on public transit is one source of funding that shockingly isn't too popular in the US, but is very widespread in many other countries. I'm surprised, that of all places, the USA didn't jump on.


Pfft I’m from Toronto and I can’t believe people glorify our TTC transit system, I saw real transit systems in Europe.


I also hate how a lot of Americans look down on people using public transport like they're worse


This is something I had never ever ever thought about before I met some American people (and not just from the US but also from LatAm). I’m from Spain and here, if you live in any normal-sized city or town, you can walk just about anywhere. I walk to work, to do all my shopping, my socialising, everything. And if not, there’s always the bus/metro. I’m 32 and have never owned a car. It would just be a nuisance living in a city.
It’s very interesting to see how these things that I took for granted aren’t the same in other places of the world. food for thought


the closest university to me is 30 mins away with NO traffic, oftentimes with traffic it can take an hour. i was looking for public transit that i could take to the university, and basically id have to drive 10 mins to a bus stop, take a bus to another city, then take a bus to downtown, then walk 20 mins, then take another bus into the university. with that, id also have to buy 2-3 different bus passes because they were all different companies. its honestly so so ridiculous and it contributes to a lot of other issues. for example, that same university has a huge parking issue because EVERYONE drives there (i wonder why) and it can take over 30 minutes just to find a parking spot.


This is such a missed point in public transit, many large cities have not only an inner loop, but even middle and outer loops of train services, with the London Underground map being a great example. Here in the Sacramento area, we just have a couple of branches whose pattern can be somewhat forgiven by the shape of the urban area, but has plenty of area for crossover. In my suburb of Folsom, we have an entire bridge that has an empty center lane that was originally designed for light rail expansion. I've not found much information on it, but it does head in a direction that in tandem with expansion of another light rail line, could have created an outer loop. I do suspect however that inter-county cooperation came into play, as the urban area of Sacramento spans three counties, and the public transit doesn't cross the county lines.



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