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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] The secret to self control | Jonathan Bricker | TEDxRainier


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] The secret to self control | Jonathan Bricker | TEDxRainier




Summary Comments : [TEDx Talks] The secret to self control | Jonathan Bricker | TEDxRainier

My takeaways:
1. Life in autopilot 8:40
2. An excises called “ l am having the thoughts” 10:30
3. Drop the rope 13:19


Summary (5 Steps):
1. Notice where in the body do you feel the craving
2. Notice your thought. Example: "I am very stressed and I need to smoke"
3. Add "I am having the thought" to the thought. Example: I am having the thought that I am very stressed and I need to smoke.
4. Add "I am noticing the thought" to the thought. Example: I am noticing the thought that I am very stressed and I need to smoke.
5. Give kind and caring to yourself. Instead of shaming yourself for giving in to a craving, tell yourself what you'd say to a very dear friend of yours.


also from TEDx entitled how to break the bad habit:
1. notice the urge of the bad habit
2. be curious on what it will cause you
3. feel the joy of letting the bad habit go
4. repeat



Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] The secret to self control | Jonathan Bricker | TEDxRainier


10:41 this is the highlight. "I'm noticing that I have a thought that..."


13:20 i've saved you 13 mins of your life

1:36 He had no idea what was to come....(like all of us)


1.5 speed is helping me control spending my time.

EDIT: Musical Starts at 5:38

10:41 this is the highlight. "I'm noticing that I have a thought that..."



Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] The secret to self control | Jonathan Bricker | TEDxRainier

when he said epidemic, I thought he was gonna say corona

basis of meditation: observe all thoughts


Finally someone talking the global statistics rather than just about the USA!!!

no one : girls on their periods after watching this video: “i accept my craving...i am at peace with my craving” 5 mins later eats entire pint of ice cream


Jonathan ...your video changed my life. It's been more than a month since I took my last puff after 25 years of smoking a pack a day.....and this video and the concept of acceptance in it made this happen. The cravings are still there, the demons of the mind do appear....I notice them but do not engage with them and make them bigger. They go away on their own if they are not pampered....and that's magical. It really does work. I can never thank you enough Jonathan.


Summary: self control is enhanced through awareness, letting go and less drama. Be water, my friend.

that's it! knowing that it is just a thought and leave it. this is the starting point of stop blaming yourselves.


"The secret to self-control is give up control." Letting go. To stop fighting yourself. To allow yourself to feel whatever you're feeling and take it in as part of the human condition. That really, really spoke to me.


This TEDx talk by Dr. Johnathan Bricker does a great job at explaining why "fighting" our unhealthy urges or craving is so challenging. Better yet, he provides hope by teaching us to be kinder to ourselves and more willing to live with our urges. Excellent talk. 


He won me over as soon as he started singing The Book of Mormon :D

"Discipline is remembering what you want"


He's talking about mindfulness: paying attention to your thoughts and accepting what comes up, but not necessarily acting on it. This is great :)


"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." -most underrated quote


He sang a song from the book of Mormons lol

Summary :- If you feel like having a craving , Accept it and dont think about it anymore. If you are thinking about it then it means you are giving craving the energy it needs. Just be water and ignore it.


N. B. "I'm having the thought..."
"I'm noticing that I'm having the thought..."

“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.”

"The secret of control is giving up control."

this is in line with dialectical behavioral therapy. i learned DBT while i was being treated for PTSD. it helped me drastically improve my life and treat my alcoholism. both this and DBT are westernized versions of the concept of mindfulness in zen buddhism. you can get DBT workbooks on amazon or you might be able to find a class in your city.

I didn’t know that John Green is doing Ted Talks now.

In 3 days I'll be one year nicotine free (after 7 year addiction) and i can relate and endorse this, though i did not know that such a science existed. Every time I'm with my smoker friends i take a cigarette and put it in my mouth without lighting it, partly inspired by that fault in our stars guy. I am kinda at peace with it now, Its no more threatening to me. One thing I've learned is that our brain is an amazing organ. Your current condition is your brain's comfort zone and any change is resisted by brain, but after the initial impasse, its starts adjusting itself to new realities. Quit today! You'll be fine and thankful to yourself.


Fighting these cravings costs more energy than just being aware of them but not acting upon them

As a musical fan, i was LIVING when he sang Turn It Off.


I have no self control I'm watching this while I know I should be studying instead.

Basically 3 points:
1) Be aware of the cravings whenever they appear, detect them and think "I'm feeling I'm having a craving for X."
2) Don't fight it. Let the craving rest in your brain and be conscious of it
3) Instead of shaming yourself for giving in to a craving, tell to yourself what you'd say to a friend of yours who's had a slip up.


Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.
-Abraham Lincoln

This man is phenomenal! Makes you laugh while you learn something new. He's excellent at explaining things and his charm cheers you up


I love when they say they "discovered" or they "created" a method. Buddhist monks have been using this technique for thousands of years where you basically become aware that there's a thought going on without attaching yourself to it. Like yogis say all the time: I'm not my body. So basically you're separating yourself from the thought, not taking action, just noticing the thought process.

have a note in ur pocket quoting" i am smoking right now"
and whenever the thought comes or u smoke, take that note and read it
u will see u cant smoke after reading it


(mam, dad)
Willingness = allow your cravings to come and go.
(a friend, a book) (wife, university) (companies, performance) (I, born)
Opposite: avoid cravings and distract yourself
(singing) (jokes) (opposite doesn't work)
(research, technology, apps)
Data: willingness has 2x good results as avoidance
(make data personal - Jane)
Awareness reveals hidden craving
Exercise: "I am having the thought"
Exercise 2: I'm noticing I'm having the thought
These exercises create space
in that space you have freedom of choice
and in that space you become aware of hidden reasons for the craving
And the craving is our way to deal with controlling the hidden reasons
(slowing down to increase suspense)
Secret to self control = give up control
(craving monster analogy)
Be kind to yourself.


What the presenter advised in detail to the woman in the example.
1)Be aware of your craving.
2)Try to find out where you feel that craving in your body.
3)Try to journal that and the intensity over time.
4)Check whether you act on the craving.

I’m noticing that I’m having the thought. I’m stressed out and I am craving for something.
Give up control. Don’t fight with the craving monster. Drop the rope. Be willing to have that craving.
Try to talk to yourself with care and kindnesses as you would do to your friend.

The point of this ted is that we shouldn’t be obsessed with the state of mind where we don’t crave for things. He says, it’s all right to crave for unhealthy things and we don’t have to blame ourselves for wanting bad things. I can definitely see his point because when we blame ourselves for any kind of things that we’ve done, we lose confidence and respect for ourselves. That makes it difficult to control ourselves afterwards.


I did practice this technique and its amazing how well it works: everytime you feel anxious or sad or depressed or some irrational thoughts enter your head, open your arms and welcome it into your heart. Say it out loud: “dear craving, I can’t control you, come in, you are welcome to stay as long as you want or you can go whenever you want. You will always be a part of me and I’m ok with that.” This might sounds like some esoteric whoowhoo advice, but it’s not. It’s je actually how the the human psyche works: by not resisting these feelings or thoughts and just observing them as if you were looking from a distance, you remove all powere these feelings have over you. It takes some training but it’s worth it.



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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