티스토리 뷰
Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] 온도에 대한 오해
2:14 is the only reasonable thing that was said by the interviewed in this video. He just explained that they were the same temperature and all the others just went with their instincts again and stated that it would melt quicker on the "hotter" plate. The lady in pink is the only one who concluded something from the first experience, eventhough it was a wrong conclusion at least she used her brain.
2:31 that guy is an absolute genius
"well it's thawring out the ice quicker innit"
2:32 That guy has best logic for the climate change.
2:26 I love the way he plays with them
2:36 *Veritasiums mind blown *
HAHAHAHAHA! That green sweater dude!
2:31 That explains so much. This is how people come up with Chemtrails and stuff
Top Comments : [Veritasium] 온도에 대한 오해
Everyone: wondering why ice is melting quicker on the block that feels colder
Me: Why does he have ice cubes in his pockets?
As an engineer, I found this video hard to watch without yelling at my screen.
I like how the guy with a beanie answers his questions. He answers it correctly ,but at the same time not.
"Then create an answer for me."
Well that proves the man's an intellectual.
Hippie festival
"We are creatives, not intellectuals."
"Then create an answer for me."
Me 10 seconds in: Oh, so it's just about conductivity
Me 60 seconds in: How dumb are these people..?
Imagine someone coming up to you on the street and pulling out ice cubes from his pocket.
"I believe you"
And that is called not understanding what science even is.....
“Okay, I believe you” translation: I couldn’t be less interested, let me leave.
Just watched this video back again after several years. I wish Dereck would make these kind of video's again, i love this concept.
"Thermal conductivity... ok. Can I go smoke pot now?"
Can he stop talking and take back the two plates, the ice is dripping onto my hands...
"well what if I tell you they both have the same temperature"
"I'll say you are lying"
"Oh geez....well then.."
Pulls out a gun
"I believe you."
Someone didn't learn a damn thing
When she said "I believe you" I felt like she also said: but I don't understand you.
you want the answer?
its about thermal conductivity...
sad Linus faces
'I don't care about the world around me, now let me get back to facebook.'
[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.
It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.
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