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[Youtube Review][Veritasium] Supercooled Water - Explained!
YouCo 2021. 3. 27. 10:00(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Supercooled Water - Explained!
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Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Supercooled Water - Explained!
@3:13 Thank you Veratasium. Now i know that if I leave my water in the freezer, it freezes!
2:15 When you could have demonstrated on the side with no label, but Fiji water is sponsoring you.
3:18 This just happened to me when I took my water out and holded it straight which caused nucleation and it just froze in front of me I was so confused so I searched it up and ended up here
Top Comments : [Veritasium] Supercooled Water - Explained!
What would happen if you started chugging the water while it's liquid?
I really want to see this on a larger scale, like in a pool.
Beer works much better. Especially if you challenge your friend to a chugging contest and then clink bottles beforehand. Just don't take the wrong bottle.
OMG young Veritassium is wierd...
You will know its supercool if you get 2 water bottles and fill one with tap water and one pure (Fiji) then when the tap one freezes the pure water is super cooled and ready for use :)
I managed to replicate this using rainwater .
I accidentally made super cooled water once and when the ice started to form when I disturbed the bottle I lost my damn mind.
I am in a high school advanced physics class and we were talking about this last week. I tried to explain the trick like how you did, but was shot down by my teacher. She said the reason why it freezes when you bang it is because there is a little bit of pressure in the bottle, and when you bang it the top of the bottle opens slightly to let air in, releasing the pressure and freezing the water. This explanation accounts for why the water freezes from top to bottom also. Secondly, why do you say that you need very pure water for this? The trick works for soda too. Although it does turn into slush and not a solid mass. Lastly, my father does this trick all the time at work and will have the liquid sitting in there for no specific amount of time, and the liquid does not freeze on its own. Can you explain all of this with your understanding of how the trick works? Your response would be much appreciated and it will be shared with my advanced physics class. Thank you!
WARNING: Do not use a glass bottle and fill it up to the brim. 1kg of ice uses more space than 1kg o water, aka the bottle will explode
lol 3 hours before a party open a beer and put it in the freezer... in the party take it and pour it into your mates glass while he is holding it and convince him he must be a mutant from X-men
This has happened to me a couple of times by accident. It is really cool
I am more focused on the food in the freezer then what he was saying lol.
"Bang the Water bottle"
"Bang it on the counter"
i can't take that seriously, i'm so immature
Okay.. 9 years later here we are
Dude you look so young in this one XD
Wonder how much Fiji water paid him for this haha
Very pure water, huh? This happened to me on accident, quite coincidentally.... and I was very confused about what happened. Except, it happened to me with a bottle of cranberry ocean spray..... All I had to do was hold it, and the entire thing solidified.
YouTube suggested me this 8 year old video. I watched it earlier, and found your presentation weird, no offense A few months ago I watched that video of yours where you told some stories about you, how you got started, and a very sincere heart felt "thank you" to the viewers. In that video you also talked about how weird and awkward your early videos were and you specifically mentioned/showed this video. I agreed with you at that time watching that video that your early videos were horrible. But now, watching this 8 year old video again today, it didn't feel all that bad! Strange human perception mechanism!
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