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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] You can grow new brain cells. Here's how | Sandrine Thuret
This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] You can grow new brain cells. Here's how | Sandrine Thuret




Summary Comments : [TED] You can grow new brain cells. Here's how | Sandrine Thuret


To real summ up:

Ways to increase neurogenesis:
1. Calorie restriction of 20 to 30 percent
2. Intermittent fasting (i.e., spacing the time between your meals)
3. Intake of flavonoids, which are contained in dark chocolate or blueberries
4. Omega-3 fatty acids, present in fatty fish, like salmon



Playtime Comments : [TED] You can grow new brain cells. Here's how | Sandrine Thuret


She finally answers the question in the title at 7:30


7:19 Foods to avoid & consume. No stress. Sleep much.





Top Comments : [TED] You can grow new brain cells. Here's how | Sandrine Thuret

I watch TV all day long, and I can feel them grow,as a potatoes

Sandrine is my stem cell lecturer at KCL, she's really good!


i was about to do suicide this saved me and gave hope
brain damaged by drugs deep in psychosis


I wrecked most of my brian cells with drugs and alcohol years ago but decied one day to do the opposite direction and feel so much better and healthier for it

English is not my first language and I understood her just fine, some people are such jerks.

This is a funny way to tell someone their dumb send them this vid when they say something stupid

Aaargh - my OCD and that shirt she is wearing is driving me nuts!!! :)

Me and my two brain cells watching:

Yes, we need to find new ways of experiencing more pain.


Here is my guess before watching the video:
Sleeping well


This is really interesting, "the greatest discovery of our generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude".

John's Hopkins study showed how magic mushrooms regrow brain cells as well as forge new neural pathways.

I doubt anyone will believe me but, I watched this video a year ago after coming out of a 5 year relapse. I used to be a very bright kid, however after so many years of drug abuse my brain wasnt working as well as it had beforehand. I watched this video and implemented all of its suggestions. Ive eaten blueberries every morning, slept as much as I can (I always go to bed by 11 at least except on special occasions) Ive run 3-4 times a week for 45 minutes or more, and Ive avoided junk food and stress. My friend who I met in rehab a year ago told me a month ago that I seem so much brighter than the day he met me. My memory is so accurate that i dont have to keep a to do list, its all in my head. I can always remember what I have talked about throughout the day, when before Id forget to finish the conversation I was having. Its astounding and I contribute the healing of my brain to this video. i can now read books when before my attention span was so terrible I couldn't finish a paragraph. and yes, its also because Ive been clean for over a year :)


Imagine having to memorize a med school vocabulary in French and English

I'm 50 and the past 7 years I've learned that the more you exercise your memory and keep teaching yourself new things your good to go.

She just spoke a lot of common knowledge. But once she was asked a question at the end, answer is "we don't really know". I wasted my time here.

my last 2 brain cells : there's hope brother



Yay, I can finally have 3!


have a learning attitude live more, laugh more, spread more love. # Rise and shine.


I'm actually unironically trying to find ways to grow my brains cells cause I can't answer one damn question on my module. I have become a procrastinator.

I’m in my early 20s but my brain is very unhealthy. Information like this makes me not want to quit living. It’s very empowering.


OMG I'll be 50 in 19 days. I have hope.

to summ up: eat healthy, excercise, and learn

This talk was so educational and enlightening! Now I will have to go exercise more and eat healthier,so I can produce more new neurons to study programming efficiently!

Practice good deeds and one will never have depression.. Help the orphans and widows and you will never be poor. My granny said and turned out to be truth.

Listening to other accents even if you “cAnT uNderStAnd” is probably good for neurogenesis


Dad: son, quit doing drugs you're gonna kill your brain cells
Son: I can grow more. puff puff


Its amazing how "live healthy" transform you in a machine of efieciency

I have heard of THIS. I have PARKINSON and fighting for my health. WALKING, stretching, eating healthy
Would like to be part of this study. THANKS again for Today's outing video.

I'm glad Youtube recommended me this after watching Gucci Gang


she explains the concept very well. so concise. nice job!

As a summary: if you have a healthy life, diet, exercise, etc. you will increase production of neurons and lower depression.


Excelente o vídeo. Deixo aqui um resumo do slide de alimentos e atitudes para melhora da neurogênese:

Bom para neorogênese (criação de novos neurônio no hipocampo):

- Reservatrol (amendoim, pistacho, uva, vinho branco e tinto, mertilo, Cranberry (oxicoco), chocolate escuro)
- Ômega 3 ácidos gordurosos (salmão, sardinha, atum, linhaça, chia, óleo de canola, alguns tipos de ovos)
- Restrição de calorias
- Mertilo
- Acido fólico (lentilha, feijão-preto, espinafre, macarrão, amendoim, brócolis, beterraba, arroz, ovo)
- Zinco (carne de gado, peru, fígado de frango, castanhas, nozes, amendoim)
- Flavonoides (cebola, maça, brócolis, uva, alho, soja)
- Cúrcuma (O açafrão-da-terra (Cúrcuma longa), conhecido também como cúrcuma, turmérico, raiz-de-sol, açafrão-da-índia, açafrão e gengibre amarelo)
- Cafeína
- Jejum intermitente

Ruim para neorogênese:

- Déficit de vitamina E (alimentos vitamina E que podem ajudar: Óleo de girassol, avelã, azeita, castanha do Pará, amendoim, amêndoa, pistacho)
- Alto nível de açúcar
- Muita gordura saturada
- Déficit de vitamina B (alimentos com mais vitamina B que podem ajudar: carnes, lentilha, arroz integral e feijão)
- Dieta leve (comidas que não precisão de muita mastigação)
- Déficit de vitamina A (alimentos com mais vitamina A que podem ajudar: batata doce, ovos, cenoura, fígado, manga, espinafre, damasco, brócolis)
- Álcool

I had a head injury ice skating.
During my recovery it was though I was learning to be myself again as I was reinventing myself. Part of this had to do with the fact that I did not remember what was or was not appropriate behavior for me.
There must have been neurogenesis as well as a form of neurological pruning going on at the same time.
My brain was rewiring itself, creating new pathways, short-term memory building on top of long term memory. Associative factors linking old memories to new memories.
I would have to say the experience was a gift as a whole. There's a wonderful thing and of course a new fertility in forgetting experiences that were obstacles.
What a magnificent opportunity.



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



[TED] Channel Posting

[TED] An ultra-low-cost college degree | Shai Reshef

[TED] Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger? | David Epstein

[TED] Bluegrass virtuosity from ... New Jersey? | Sleepy Man Banjo Boys

[TED] Brain magic | Keith Barry

[TED] How to control someone else's arm with your brain | Greg Gage

[TED] How to gain control of your free time | Laura Vanderkam

[TED] How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure

[TED] I got 99 problems... palsy is just one | Maysoon Zayid

[TED] I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church. Here's why I left | Megan Phelps-Roper

[TED] If I should have a daughter ... | Sarah Kay

[TED] Inside the mind of a master procrastinator | Tim Urban

[TED] Listening to shame | Brené Brown

[TED] Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model. | Cameron Russell

[TED] Meet the dazzling flying machines of the future | Raffaello D'Andrea

[TED] My journey from Marine to actor | Adam Driver

[TED] Reggie Watts disorients you in the most entertaining way

[TED] Sleep is your superpower | Matt Walker

[TED] The art of asking | Amanda Palmer

[TED] The art of misdirection | Apollo Robbins

[TED] The astounding athletic power of quadcopters | Raffaello D'Andrea

[TED] The history of our world in 18 minutes | David Christian

[TED] The mad scientist of music | Mark Applebaum

[TED] The most mysterious star in the universe | Tabetha Boyajian

[TED] The next outbreak? We’re not ready | Bill Gates

[TED] The orchestra in my mouth | Tom Thum

[TED] The power of introverts | Susan Cain

[TED] The surprising habits of original thinkers | Adam Grant

[TED] The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology | Pranav Mistry

[TED] This could be why you're depressed or anxious | Johann Hari

[TED] Thoughts on humanity, fame and love | Shah Rukh Khan

[TED] What I learned from going blind in space | Chris Hadfield

[TED] What hallucination reveals about our minds | Oliver Sacks

[TED] What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness | Robert Waldinger

[TED] Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality | Anil Seth

[TED] Your kids might live on Mars. Here's how they'll survive | Stephen Petranek



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