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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change | Allan Savory
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change | Allan Savory




Playtime Comments : [TED] How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change | Allan Savory

16:58 Wow! Now this (the whole speech) is good news, i love that!


Manejo holístico 14:19



Top Comments : [TED] How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change | Allan Savory

Youtube should recommend this to every user out there.


Makes me want to buy some dry land and fix it


When we mix pragmatism, with industriousness and intelligence - we get outcomes like this. Great work. meaningful work.


I have been making this argument for over a decade. My professors did not want to entertain any idea that was not fossil fuel and carbon commodities centric. Monoculture farming and government controlled eco management is causing far more harm than all the fossil fuels for the past 100 years

My villagers do keep (night time) cattle in their crop fields during summer, they keep shifting the place every week to cover all the area. This is a very ancient practice in many places in India and they still do it.


This makes absolute sense and baffles me how we never realized this for so long. Now is the time for hay production to sky rocket, people should start investing in harvesting of straw and hay used for covering grounds.

This reminds me of a documentary about reintroducing wolves to Yellowstone NP, and how it has dramatically helped the vegetation, even resulting changes to erosion and river paths. A cattle herder outside of Yellowstone had the idea that the herd needs to be driven to preserve his land, so he drives his cows, like a predator would, around his land everyday, and it has made his land extremely fertile. He suggested what you do, that we need more animals, not less, including predators on the land to sustain it.

Let’s hope our future politicians will focus on preserving the earth rather than fighting everyone that live on it

Amen to those who seeks solutions and do not rest on old assumptions.

to admit your wrong is powerful enough to give your life meaning.

this is so relaxing i watched it while doing job at office his voice is so soothing

That gave me serious hope.

This was 7 years ago... We need to get this going.


Rig veda says "shannO astu dvipadE-E shan chatush padE", highlighting the significance of cow and cattle herding for the planet's well-being, which scientists are rediscovering now


Theyre releasing a new docu on their progress in their channel. The Savory Institute


I work on my family's horse ranch, and everything this video says I have seen with my own eyes on thousands of acres of their property. I have seen total garbage waste lands that have dead and dying trees on it turn to beautiful grass or farmland.

Take this to ELON MUSK. So he can start Terra-forming Planet Earth before he starts on MARS!!!!!
Cause we need it HERE 1st..,DONT WE?????

I don't like Sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it get's everywhere.

I have volunteered on a vast cattle property that was used as a test case for holistic management and I can tell you it works.
If you have any doubts you need only visit the fenceline.


This needs 7 billion views !


Damn, I hope he's right and I hope the world pays attention.


this is one of the most informative ted talks i have listened to in a really long time

I love this manner of speaking that is only found in older people. It's so interesting and makes me wanna listen to him all day long.


This is genius!!! Hope for mankind and our kid’s futures...


Let's spend the future turning deserts into woods instead of bombing the crap out of everything, like we did in the past 100 years!


plants evolve with animals for millions of years. it would only make sense that they have a symbiotic relationship.


every elected official needs to watch this talk


Even though I dont eat meat,I can see the logic in this. Working with nature.....love it!


I'm coming back every Month, wondering why we don't talk about this more


Well now it makes sense why the American Great Plains are desertifying, because we killed all the buffalo which kept the land in shape.

The MOST underrated video.


Sir, I am an Indian living in Delhi with upbrining in an Indian small town. I have seen farmers using these techniques in their fields. In my country and basically in Delhi, when every Winter the farmers of nearby States burn their crops to clear their fields for next crop, I wonder how and why they have forgotten the lost art of conserving the soil. It is a proven fact that unless the soil has enough of humous, it will not absorb water and it takes time to develop humous and animal excreta helps in increasing the nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, calcioum etc in soil. I wish my fellow citizens, even if not paying heed to the knowledge of our great grandfathers at least listen to your TED video and stop burning crops in their fields.



When I was at School, we learned to just stand up and say “I have made a mistake”. Because if you could not do that, you could not work in the field I was studying. This man has just said this with the most force I’ve ever heard!

Wow this needs to be taught is schools.

Bring him and make him say these things in 2019, audience would be all over him


Fascinating! The secret is to mimic the herd/predator relationship that kept the herd animals tightly packed together and moving constantly. High numbers of herd animals break up the ground, fertilize the grasses and quickly move on to fresh food allowing the grasses to rebound thicker and more dense. The grasses and the root systems act like a giant sponge holding rainwater long enough for it to soak into the water-table not running off into rivers washing top soil away! This allows a dramatic change to the environment, the water table fills up feeding springs, streams and lakes.
The key to restore the grasslands is using natures natural processes of massive moving herds hunted by predators.



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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