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[Youtube Review][TEDx Talks] Unwavering Focus | Dandapani | TEDxReno
YouCo 2021. 3. 6. 13:20Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] Unwavering Focus | Dandapani | TEDxReno
7:06 straight to concentrate
17:02 minutes in few words (if you can't concentrate through this video) - don't multitask and just do one thing at a time
7:06 - The Answer!
"Life is a manifestation of where your energy is flowing." 15:51
Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] Unwavering Focus | Dandapani | TEDxReno
I am so proud of my culture!
Impressive, i learned new thing and i did the same as he said. I got relief in my mind. Thankyou dandapani
Wise man once said
“ Empty your mind”
“Be Water “
Take away points:
- The mind and awareness are 2 separate things; ball of light analogy.
- The art of concentration is the art of keeping awareness, that ball of light on one thing for an extended period of time.
- Learn to concentrate by doing one thing at a time.
- When talking with your partner, keep your awareness on that person, if it drifts away, bring it back. ‘Give him or her your undivided attention’
Man believe me he solved the entire generation's problem
why he looks like hes about to cry?
Brilliant exercise on the separation of the mind from the real time events.
me: Reading comments.
"Life is a manifestation of where your energy is flowing. And if you can't concentrate your energy, the things that you want to manifest in your life becomes very challenging"
I wanna see Dandapani and Sadhguru together in one stage ...can it be possible ??
Wise man once said
“ Empty your mind”
“Be Water “
This talk is changing someone's life for sure. Thank you so much for the presentation.
Video summary:
The art of concentration is keeping your awareness on one thing for an extended period of time. Repeatedly bringing it back to that one thing when the mind gets distracted. We practice this by doing one thing at a time throughout the day. When you have a conversation with someone, keep your “ball of awareness” fully focused on that person. It drifts away, you bring it back, if it drifts away again, you bring it back. Over and over. The more you practice this, the better you will be able to concentrate. Life is a manifestation of where your energy is flowing. The benefits of being in full control of where your energy and awareness is flowing are endless.
Other notes:
Most people can't concentrate today for 2 reasons: 1) We're never taught how to concentrate. 2) We don't practice concentration. Instead, we're experts at distraction because we practice distraction, all day every day.
If every time your phone beeps and you react/respond immediately, you are not in charge of your phone, and you are living in the world of distraction.
To learn how to properly concentrate you must understand the relationship and distinction between 2 things: awareness, and the mind.
Too often we allow external factors to manipulate our awareness to different areas of the mind.
Thank you. I decided to start my own channel devoted to learn the art of concentration.
This kind of videos I have been looking for. God bless you.
Life is the manifestation of where your energy is flowing.- dandapani
I scrolled through the comments AFTER watching the video :)
When someone speaks so clearly and eloquently, logically meeting all points of a topic and making it crystal clear and easily digestible to an audience, that itself is an impressive indication of their ability to concentrate. When you’re mentally aligned so staunchly to exactly what you wish to convey without even sub-moments of distraction, you’re naturally creative, funny & engaging and at the peak of your eloquence and intelligence.
In a way, I even think intelligence is simply a measure of your ability to concentrate. Why is that geniuses just shut themselves up and intensely focus on one thing they do for an extended period of time? It is a way of incubating their awareness on an object of study for so long that it yields unbelievable, magical results utterly incomprehensible to the average mind.
Yogis of the past really had it right in ancient India to develop droves of methods to articulate this lost art. Each breathing/kriya practice is engineered to center your mind and preciously improve what is termed ‘intelligence’ in today’s day and age.
Sadly this knowledge is now horribly fragmented and known minimally, the mainstream still believing yoga to be a fitness & lifestyle gimmick to their pretense-filled, exterior life.
The seriousness and grand scale of this topic is so underrated and grossly under-understood, I think it’s real time to reveal it’s true meaning and application to the deteriorating state of human affairs.
Really well presented :)
Was once on a train from Zurich on the way home and the train compartment was packed. Everyone and I mean everyone even people standing where on their smart phones. The scary thing was You could hear a needle drop it was so quite.
I like what you said about awareness being lost not the mind wandering. Also my two cents worth, the thing that does it for me is the koan - why does existence exist. The answer is not important but the experience you gain from it makes all the difference. Thanks really helped me look at concentration in a different way. Very modern.
In a way, I even think intelligence is simply a measure of your ability to concentrate. Why is that geniuses just shut themselves up and intensely focus on one thing they do for an extended period of time? It is a way of incubating their awareness on an object of study for so long that it yields unbelievable, magical results utterly incomprehensible to the average mind.
Yogis of the past really had it right in ancient India to develop droves of methods to articulate this lost art. Each breathing/kriya practice is engineered to center your mind and preciously improve what is termed ‘intelligence’ in today’s day and age.
Sadly this knowledge is now horribly fragmented and known minimally, the mainstream still believing yoga to be a fitness & lifestyle gimmick to their pretense-filled, exterior life.
The seriousness and grand scale of this topic is so underrated and grossly under-understood, I think it’s real time to reveal it’s true meaning and application to the deteriorating state of human affairs.
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