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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Your elusive creative genius | Elizabeth Gilbert


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Your elusive creative genius | Elizabeth Gilbert




Playtime Comments : [TED] Your elusive creative genius | Elizabeth Gilbert

4:15 "Comfort"
By gosh perhaps you've got the answer to creative productivity right there - timestamps.. ;]

10:25 Me drunk, sending that I’m thirty seconds away from vomiting



Top Comments : [TED] Your elusive creative genius | Elizabeth Gilbert


Wow. The emotional cost of creativity, validated in a short speech.


Can tell she's a Writer.


Still watching this in 2019. So appreciate this as one of the BEST talks that I've had the Pleasure of hearing. Thank you for presenting.


Can I like this a second time?

Love this concept... And speech! Helpful...inspirational...freeing.

This just shows how when you have attachment to the things that derive from your work that essentially feed the ego, the work and mental state stemming from those attachments will not be to the level of what you originally had. Stay present, practice mindfulness and everything will work out.

She has a really soft, actractive voice :3


Thank you for this amazing view on CREATIVITY :) Super inspiring!


Wow what a lovable, funny, inspiring and intelligent woman.

"inspiration exists, but it comes to you while you´re working" Picasso

creativity its an unpredictable child


We have a name for "Daemons" and "Geniuses", it's "Muse".


One of the greatest ted talks I've watched. I loved how she spoke!

This was simply amazing!

As a poet I've always thought of myself as a conduit. Something out there needs to be seen/heard/put into form and either I was at the right place & time or it, for some reason unknown to me, chose me. If it's the latter, I know it doesn't make me any more or less special. I'm just happy to be of service. My take away from Elizabeth's talk is that I need to show up more often so I can serve this/my creative genius more often.


This could have saved Robin Williams, and a whole bunch of great celebrities.

"All Great Art Is Made From Suffering And So Are We" -Dimmu Borgir

watching this as i drink a gin at 2am....


I'm so glad she kept writing. I love all of her books


One of the best TEDtalks I've ever come across.

I read your book EAT, PRAY, LOVE and it was great.   I revealed to me that we all must do things that we truly love.


This is awesome and reminds me of this amazing Martha Graham quote;
“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep yourself open and aware to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. ... No artist is pleased. [There is] no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others”


What an absolutely inspirational video that has lifted the gray shadow hanging over my head. My parents dismissed my dream as a writer years ago. I believed them. But now that I've been reinvented with amnesia (that was treacherous) I have a new lease on life.

mind blown! i feel like what she is talking about is a sort of surrender to something beyond the self and can be applied to any kind of work. Just hearing this talk makes me feel like a burden has been lifted off my shoulders.

Left me with no words. This is so damn right.

oh my goodness, this talk is magnificent.


The creative process. There is the first requirement which is ability. The skill to work at whatever craft you do which is alway a combination of natural talent and inclination and lots and lots of practice. The second factor is inspiration. The muse. Once one has the ability then the muse can flow into you, through you. Of course, self doubt and so many other things can interrupt and short circuit this. Thinking too much. That is one of the reasons so many musicians and others do terrible things to themselves with drugs and drink. There are those lucky artists who manage to live balanced lives. But life has a way of destroying people. Even more so for many creative people. There are also lots of people with great skills in their field for whom the muse never comes. History forgets them.


Gilbert has such a soothing voice to listen to.....

Ole! She is not a genius, she has a genius. Her intelligence reflects in her demeanor and reflects in her thoughts. May her genius be with her forever.

People arguing that it's not scientific are foolish and have completely misunderstood the point of this talk

I'm glad that she pointed out that, at forty years of age, she is still quite young. Age bashing is also something that holds many back in their endeavors. They think they are too "old" to do anything. Stop thinking like that and live people! I'm in my late thirties and I feel like a 15 year old every day I wake up :) 


in my experience, the more creative i am, the more pushback i get from the whole planet.


Ole  to  you.   Very  inspirational !

Mind blowing! A genius who doesnt take herself so darn seriously is refreshing! I am her new fan!

Now that's a Ted presentation

I used to dance and in ten years, only twice did I experience this feeling of something taking over me and moving my body. I know it wasnt all in my head because random people stopped to watch and they wanted me to keep going. It was always in public and to live music. I felt it but when people would ask me to keep going I could still dance but it was almost fleeting then. Ill tell you after those experiences, Ive always felt that whenever my time comes I would be alright with that. If I had to descibe the feeling it would be as if the purest energy invaded my body. Like a spirit. I felt no pain, I felt fucking strong. I felt like I touched some place that we go when weve collected enough life experience. I was not on drugs either, im a drug free person. No booze either. Trust me what this lady is talking about sounds crazy but its real. It comes when you believe in the spirits around you. In the laughter and love that exists in the people and places around you. Throw yourself onto it like your body surfing on these forces. Just understand that the next day it will not be there and you can spend your life looking for it but it may not come. I think that it comes to the brightest soul around, and it spends the evening there. So let go when you get the urge and trust it.


her "genius" is our subconscious. if you cant explain something it doesnt mean you dont understand it, often you feel like dejavu or like you can feel the answer .your subconscious mind know the answer you just cant put your knowledge in words, there is no "genius" coming from outside to you. we underestemate our brain. Its a misstake to belive you know everything about yourself and have full control about your inner world. If we are creative we learn something new abour ourself, maybe we even learn something nobody did know until now. creativity is about exploring our inside. not searching for some stupid genius, who basicly has nothing in common with ourselfs. why he should come to us anyways, theres no reason.



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



[TED] Channel Posting

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[TED] What hallucination reveals about our minds | Oliver Sacks

[TED] What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness | Robert Waldinger

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