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[Youtube Review][Veritasium] Svalbard - The Northernmost Town on Earth
YouCo 2021. 3. 29. 06:20Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Svalbard - The Northernmost Town on Earth
2:05 I thought the gun was to kill yourself if you got lost to reduce suffering. It’s for polar bears lol
5:23 I swear I was expecting "but that's a story for another.... What If"
3:36 ‒ this lonely little house near the camera is certainly the only bathroom in the island
(Is that Derek?)
3:29 someone owns a benz, i guess he lives in the nicest igloo in town.
6:40 bethesta god studios was lazy and copypasted the mountains in my country
Top Comments : [Veritasium] Svalbard - The Northernmost Town on Earth
These are the best drone shots i ever seenMind blowing man...
I may will visit this place
I dont think i'd ever get bored of just staring at the mountains/hills there. There's just something so peaceful about it
I would have liked to have seen some interviews with residents
This video is stunning. This video has that quality I've not seen. I have not seen such content before. Your choice of song matches the video perfectly. It's like they have a bond. A perfect match. You put so much effort into your videos. You listen to your subscribers. Thank you, Veritasium. For everything.
It is nice to watch a video about it, but I wouldn't want to live there.
Well somebody got a new drone... And REALLY wanted to use it... A lot.
Just back from this place. This is the best travel vlog I’ve seen of Svalbard. Thank you
"wow, I wish I lived farther from big city centres, it's a little annoying to live in the middle of a metropolis sometimes"
"in my time, this was all snow and bears and we had to go to school on snowmobiles"
"okay, gramps, we know"
The cinematography here is amazing! It would be epic on the big screen, and it's no wonder that you're up for a Webby. Very well done.
I live in Finland. reminds me of here....Nice Job on the project!
Derek, I love this video. The drone cinematography was picturesque and provided a beautiful visual to accompany your narration. I give major props to whoever edited this video along with whoever chose the soundtrack. The music was elegant yet simple and seemed unbelievably perfect to match the scenes. I feel like this video lacked the scientific "wow factor" that I normally experience with your other videos, but nonetheless this was still a masterpiece. P.S. Were you flying the drone the whole time without wearing gloves!?
I believe that there are people from over 40 countries living on Svalbard. Thats quite cool actually.
The production value on this video is ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE. Great work Derek!
Finally, I now know where The Dream Accademy we’re singing about
This will be amazing. When it's playable
The kind of beauty that eventually becomes painful
When you get there you get there you're struck by a lingering feeling that you're at edge of civilization. Which you are.
Barentzburg, the russian village on Svalbard is also worth visiting if anyone of you decide to go there. It's part of the soviet era and is very much an untouched fossil of soviet life. It's very interesting to see, especially since from every corner of the village you can see the words "Mir o mir" in russian on the mountain just like the Hollywood sign. Mir means both world and peace in russian and "Mir o mir" means world peace. Which stands there as a reminder of the ideals and the dreams of the communists. Gives you an alternate look at the age old enemy of the West.
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