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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Slinky Drop Answer


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Slinky Drop Answer


Summary Comments : [Veritasium] Slinky Drop Answer


All we need is a high speed camera and a suitable software to calculate if the top end falls with a 9.8 m/s^2 or twice that with 19.6 m/s^2 (bc bottom end goes up at the same rate it falls down to appear stationnary, plus top end falls down at the same rate bottom end goes up (assuming from tomanders1's hypothesis) so that's 2*g.)

(But I'm for 9.8)



Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Slinky Drop Answer



I love how at 1:02 after he lets go of the slinky he never stop looking at the same spot.






Well, that's ultra slow-mo.

There's another way of thinking about this. When an object is dropped, the centre of the mass of the object accelerates towards the ground at g. When you look at the slinky when its been held like at 0:24, its centre of mass will be lower than half way down the slinky, as the slinky is more bunched up at the bottom. The centre of mass accelerates downwards when it's let go, even though not all of the slinky accelerates down. The tope of the slinky actually accelerates faster than g.


1:01 I think a completely off topic conclusion of this experiment is a demonstration of how the speed at which a brain processes sensory information decays with age :)

1:02 Take a minute to look awesome haha XD


Yes, the flexibility of the pole would have some effect on the velocity of the reaction, but to travel faster than the speed of light, you would have to find a material that has a speed of sound faster than the speed of light. For example, to travel faster than the speed of sound in AIR, then you use a jet, which metal has a speed of sound faster than the speed of sound in air. It moves faster. Check out Super-sized Slow-Mo Slinky Drop and skip forward to 2:33 for exactly what I mean.



Top Comments : [Veritasium] Slinky Drop Answer




What if they are wrong? Mabey the slinkey is actualy compressing from both ends but the bottom is comeing up just as fast as gravity is pulling it down, creating an illusion were the bottom isnt moveing.

I don't agree with the explanation when it said that the information need to travel all the way to the tennisball to "tell" it to drop. When the slinky just hangs in the air, the gravity pulls it out and gives it a tension that wants it to contract. Due to the gravity that is affecting the whole slinky. When the top part is dropped the tension is released and the slinky is trying to contract to its usual state. And while gravity still affecting the slinky it makes the top part accelerate with a greater speed then "freefall" on that mass should. Due to the tension in the slinky. The same tension that keeps the bottom not to start accelerating before the up tension is low enough to let gravity affect its acceleration. Same goes for the tennisball that makes the slinky extend longer and increases the tension to keep it in a lockes position. I can think of a few experiments that would show this. Greeting //Niklas Björling, Sweden

If this guy wants to apply these concepts to sports, he'd better learn about the sports themselves and some basic biomechanics as well as the physics. The "flourish at the end" he mentions tennis and golf players doing is known as a follow through, and is done to decelerate the arm more gradually, reducing the chance of repetitive strain injuries like tennis elbow. The athletes concerned know perfectly well when the ball has left their racquet/club for many, many reasons.


I didn't need a slowmo cam to see that



one smart old man

300 fps is ultra slow motion camera?
I love the fact that after 3 and a half years, my phone have 240 fps camera (and other slow motion cameras have a quarter of a million fps) :)
Looking forward to see 1000 fps phone cameras in the future :P


Really amazing  I was amazed that bottom part was stationary i now have understood the Bottom part was stationary due to  THE NET FORCe was zero as tension and gravity cancel each other. :D pretty Good , I dont understand why *3 people dislike it ..

"Slinky not long enough?"
Don't they sell pills for that?


300 fuc........frames a second


Minute Physics sent me to Veritasium, who sent me to Vsauce! I love them all!

I could see clearly that without a slow-mo camera.

Can we say that the lower half's recoil force was equal to the force of gravity, so it did not fall until there was nothing left to recoil, or is that wrong?


Reply if vsauce brought you here!


Pretty cool. You can see it without slow-motion too


Am I the only one that saw it clearly in the full speed portion?

I love reading comments from people who don't understand physics yet still watch these kinds of videos, they try and seem clever and just facepalm :)

The tennis ball will stay in place (until the wave hits it) because if gravity is pulling it down more because of the weight of the tennis ball, then gravity is also causing the slinky to experience an equal amount of tension. The ball is causing a greater tension force as well as a greater pull of gravity, so the opposite and equal forces cancel out and leave the ball in its place.

This works like gravity i think. I heard that if sun disappeared we wouldnt notice that for 8 minutes after it happened. So gravitation works sort of like slinky but much much faster. :) Isnt it?



I have a question.  What would happen if the object dropped were not in a state of tension, for example: a chain.  Are the results the same because the "message that the top has been released" not traveled instantly, or does the Slinky's internal tension play a major role?

try searching " Ramesh Raskar: Imaging at a trillion frames per second "

I have really three important points to explain

. . .

The reason golfers finish "with a nice little flourish" is because following through like that is a: good for your arm, and b: helps you know whether you've directed the ball properly; if you don't finish through well, chances are you haven't swung very well either. It has nothing to do with golfers thinking it has some magical effect on the ball. In general it is best to assume that other people aren't doing things for stupid reasons.


"And as always, thanks for watching."

Once you know what happens you can see it without slowmo!


Actually the answer "end didn't notice" is untheoretical let me explain why the end of spring remained stationary:
When you hold one part of the spring in your hand and allow the second end to elongate as much as it takes to reach equilibrium both the weight force and spring force will be equal (note that the spring force is -k(L2-L1) or (stiffness) x (elongation)), so the only variable for the spring force is elongation.
To have an equal force to its weight it needs to elongate until delta L times K is exactly equal. Now when you drop the upper part it will be pulled by spring force and weight hitting the other end to create a down force and with the impact of both ends the spring force will reach zero and the weight force will be the only force on the system.
To make things simple think of a spring stretched horizontally on a table with hands holding each side and release one side you will not feel any change in forces in the hand holding the spring until the other side hit causing an impact force.
For the ball question, If you attached weight to the end the weight will make an equilibrium by extending the elongation but if the weight is much more than the spring elongation can handle it can't make an equilibrium thus the spring will move downward before getting together.


Hey Derek! I have another argument ( a much easier one )!
Say, the bottom end of the slinky starts falling as soon as we let go... The whole slinky would be falling. As a result, more kinetic energy would be generated in this case than the actual one ( where it waits till the top end falls ). Since the total work done due to the gravitational force is the same, it means that the loss in ( spring ) potential energy is less in this case. However, this contradicts the fact that every system tends to the configuration of lowest potential energy!!



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