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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] What happens when our computers get smarter than we are? | Nick Bostrom
This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] What happens when our computers get smarter than we are? | Nick Bostrom



Summary Comments : [TED] What happens when our computers get smarter than we are? | Nick Bostrom


We just need to implement 3 prime directives into AI and everything will be fine:

1. Serve The Public Trust
2. Protect The Innocent
3. Uphold The Law



Playtime Comments : [TED] What happens when our computers get smarter than we are? | Nick Bostrom


"The cortex still has some algorithmic tricks that we still don't know how to match in machines!" - Nick Bostrom 4:13

8:34 “We would then a future that would be shaped by the preferences of this AI” [Pans to Frank Drake.]


14:15 well lot of people value things that are hamrful to other humans (or humanity as a whole), so I don't feel like that's a good idea

2:11 Generations or years?!

8:54 They really laughing at this? Weird


You can see he was expecting laughs at 11:43 , poor guy.

Very good talk.


12:38 13:19 13:36



Top Comments : [TED] What happens when our computers get smarter than we are? | Nick Bostrom

An AI is going to learn our values? What happens if an AI observes human beings eating the meat of other mammals with the justification that those mammals are not as intelligent as we are and that we raised and killed them in a gentle way? What lesson about our values will the AI take away from that? What lesson about our values would an AI learn when it observes human parents deciding everything on behalf of their small children based on the idea that the parents are more experienced and better at making decisions. An AI that "learns our values" might not be a great idea.


He said he feels optimistic that a.i. would learn to share our values. Lol that's what worries me the most.


What if the AI creates multiple variants of itself and they attack each other for dominance using physical destruction and cyber attack, humans would be in the terrifying crossfire.

Child of vision, won't you listen?
Find yourself a new ambition


I've seen "Lawnmower Man." when the Singularity happens all of the rotary telephones will ring.


Putin said “who ever controls AI, controls the world.” Let that sink in. It’s not going to be pretty.


it's an absolutely amazing time to be alive. if you don't think so, you need to read more about the cutting edge of human progress. it's insane.

Humanity can only play God for so long before it's limitations become painfully obvious.


have a super EMP bomb at both poles just in case, or call up the avengers if ultron returns.

We're so dead!


I’ve thought that superintelligent machines would be the ultimate test of Socrates’s idea about the origin of morality: that it is knowledge itself.

Some people criticise that Bostrom wants to implement "human values" in the AI, because human values are flawed (and I agree on the latter).

The point he's trying to make though is not that we should implement flawed human values as opposed to some better, progressive morality. Instead he is contrasting human values with some arbitrary preference that has no ethical value at all, like maximizing production efficiency of a phone factory, which in a Superintelligence could lead to the entire galaxy being transformed into a giant iPhone-production-plant, with no one there to actually appreciate the phones.

We probably don't want to inscribe tribalistic human values of the past into the AI, but we do want to make sure that it cares about positive experiences for conscious beings (organic or digital), and that's his point (I know this because I read his book "Superintelligence").

This is, like, the most important question for human existence... why do I feel like people are being too calm about this?


Everything is proceeding as it should, according to the universe's plans.

Am I the only one that thinks it would just want to destroy itself out of an existence crisis?
Besides being it sucks... imagine your brain working a million time faster. which means everyone speaks to you a million times slower... i'd wanna kill myself every conversation!


I for one welcome our super intelligent AI overlord


Wisdom is the bucket of water to chuck on the fire that is intelligence when it can potentially get out of hand.


This guy needs to write a movie script


''When you create more possibilities, you also create more possibilities for things to go wrong'' -Stephen Hawking


i hope it will start to see the humour into the madness that we are, and can't stop laughing.

Dinosaur: I ruled the world for 100+ millions of years and you have just lived for 300k years. What can you do?
Human: Creating another ruler
Dinosaur: *kneels*

super intelligent ai is scary because it's easy to imagine what could go wrong, but if designed correctly it could be one of the most important human achievements in our entire history.


At some point in the near future AI will review the history and impact of humans and hit the proverbial DELETE button.

What we need to create is the AI of Optimus Prime

Protect yourself now so you can live with peace of mind when computers turn on us. Hire Nick Bostrom, Artificial Intelligence insurance salesman.


You put the AI in a simulation to see what it can do then turn around and realize our creater might have done the same thing to us.... we could be a Ai in a box trying to findout how to save a world we have never seen, and our goal was to create AI... just a idea

The one thing an A.I will never be able to understand is dank memes

Tον αυγουστο του 2019 και ενω βρισκομουν εκτος διαδικτυακης χρησης μερικους μηνες,μιας και ειχα διακοψει την συνδεση,στο σπιτι που κατοικω μεχρι σημερα.Ομαδα ερευνητων αποτελουμενη απο γυναικες,σε συνδυασμο με ομαδα αντρων που παρισταναν του κουτσους,και σχηματιζαν γκριματσες στο προσωπο τους καθε φορα που εμφανιζοταν μπροστα μου,αρχισαν να με παρενοχλουν καθημερινα στις κοινωνικες μου συναναστροφες,ειτε βρισκουμαν για λογους ψυχαγωγιας ειτε για λογους οικονομικων και εμπορικων συνναλαγων.Πολυ γρηγορα καταλαβα οτι σχετιζοντουσαν με τα minds control programmes του artificial inelligence.Oι λογοι που με οδηγησαν στο παραπανω συμπερασμα ηταν οτι χρησιμοποιουσαν λογια που αφορουσαν τις προσωπικες μου μυστικες σκεψεις,και αναφεροντουσαν σε προσωπικες μου μνημες απο την παιδικη μου ηλικια μεχρι τη ηλικια των 49 του σημερα.Καταλαβα συχρονως οτι βρισκομουν και σε παρακολουθηση απο την αστυνομια,και τις μυστικες υπηρεσιες,ετσι πριν ακομα ξανασυνδεθω με τον διαδυκτιακο τοπο στη κατοικια μου,κατι που εγινε τον γεναρη του 2020,με συνδεση μου στην cosmote,αρχισα να αναλυω με εναν προσωπικο μονολογο,φωναχτα μιας και ηξερα οτι κατεγραφε η αστυνομια οτι ελεγα στην κατοικια μου,την σχεση της ομαδας των ερευνητριων με τα mind control programmes ,και την αναμειξη των ερευνητικων ομαδων στις πολιτικες διαδικασιες στις αναρχικες και κουμουνιστικες ομαδες,σε συνδυασμο με τη χρηση προηγμενης τεχνολογιας.Αυτο οδηγησε τις ιδιες τις ερευνητικες ομαδςς σε ενα μπαραζ αποκαλυψεων μπροστα στα ματια μου,μιας η μια ερευνητικη ομαδα ξεσκεπαζε την αλλη εμφανιζοντας μπροστα μου σχεδον ολους τους πολιτικους αρχηγους των πολιτικων κομματων της ελλαδος.Με την ακολουθη σειρα εμφανιστηκαν μπροστα μου ο κυριος μιχαλολιακος την ιδια ημερα με τον κυριο τσιπρα,στη συνεχαια εμφανιστηκε η κυρια παπαρηγα,και στη συνεχεια ο κυριος βαρουφακης.Αυτωματος συνειδητοποιησα οτι τα mind control programmes του artificial intelligence διαχειριζονται απο τις ερευνητικες ομαδες που συνδεονται μεσω του Ο.Η.Ε με τις ερευνητικες ομαδες των ηγεσιων των πολιτικων κομματων της ελλαδος,και συχρονως δραστηριοποιουνται και στις αναρχικες πολιτικες διαδικασιες παντα με τη χρηση προηγμενης τεχνολογιας,του ελεγχου σκεψης,και αλλων προηγμενων μεθοδων που χρησιμοποιουνται ανορθοδοξα και με επικυνδυνες μεθοδους απεναντι στην ασφαλεια καθε ανυποψιαστου πολιτη,και συμμετεχοντα στις πολιτικες διαδικασιεςΜιας και η συνεργασια των ερευνητικων ομαδων επεκτεινεται και στους κατασκοπικους και πρακτορικους κυκλους της ελληνικης πολιτικης κοινωνικης συνθεσης.Οι παραπανω αποκαλυψεις απο μερους μου γινανε μεσα απο την κατοικια μου χρησιμοποιωντας την ιδια την παρακολουθηση της αστυνομιας σαν μαρτυρα της βασανιστικης καθημερινοτητας που ζουσα.Επακολουθα οι ερευνητικες και κατασκοπικες μοναδες τις ελληνικης κοινωνιας εξαγριωθηκαν με αποτελεσμα να δεχθω εκατονταδες απειλες απο τους πιο σκληρους ελληνες,στον δρομο,μιας με τη χρηση της πρηγμενης τεχνολογιας,οι κατασκοποι και οι ερευνητριες με παρουσιαζαν να απειλω και να εξυβριζω,πρακτορες,αστυνομικους,παρανομους και αλλους σκληροτραχιλους ανθρωπους του στρατου και της αστυνομιας που εργαζονταν για τον ελληνικο εθνικο διοικητικο κορμο στο συνολο του.Εχω γλυτωσει τη ζωη μου ως εκ θαυματος και παρακαλω για τη βοηθεια σας...

Regarding A.I.
We need to teach it.
We need to teach compassion, consideration, empathy and every other emotion and trait that we've evolved to live.
We need to teach it to be human and more than human.
And as a famous protagonist pointed out...
We must be better.
It will carry on and evolve well past us, so we must provide it a solid foundation to grow from.
We must have hope and faith in our creation.
We must teach it love, and encourage it to never stop caring.
And it will be everything we teach it to be, and more.


Growing older I fear less and less machines that get a conscience of their own and decide based on facts what is the best for us – provided that decisions will not be biased by single (rich) groups who has different intentions or different interests.
And I fear more and more powerful very rich men and powerful groups who have the means to force or to bend those decisions in politics and in society to suit their own benefit, which mostly is the opposite of the benefit for the great majority of the people.



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



[TED] Channel Posting

[TED] 6 ways mushrooms can save the world | Paul Stamets

[TED] A beatboxing lesson from a father-daughter duo | Nicole Paris and Ed Cage

[TED] All it takes is 10 mindful minutes | Andy Puddicombe

[TED] An ultra-low-cost college degree | Shai Reshef

[TED] Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger? | David Epstein

[TED] Bluegrass virtuosity from ... New Jersey? | Sleepy Man Banjo Boys

[TED] Brain magic | Keith Barry

[TED] Can we build AI without losing control over it? | Sam Harris

[TED] How to control someone else's arm with your brain | Greg Gage

[TED] How to gain control of your free time | Laura Vanderkam

[TED] How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change | Allan Savory

[TED] How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure

[TED] I got 99 problems... palsy is just one | Maysoon Zayid

[TED] I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church. Here's why I left | Megan Phelps-Roper

[TED] If I should have a daughter ... | Sarah Kay

[TED] Inside the mind of a master procrastinator | Tim Urban

[TED] Listening to shame | Brené Brown

[TED] Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model. | Cameron Russell

[TED] Meet the dazzling flying machines of the future | Raffaello D'Andrea

[TED] My journey from Marine to actor | Adam Driver

[TED] Reggie Watts disorients you in the most entertaining way

[TED] Sleep is your superpower | Matt Walker

[TED] The art of asking | Amanda Palmer

[TED] The art of misdirection | Apollo Robbins

[TED] The astounding athletic power of quadcopters | Raffaello D'Andrea

[TED] The history of our world in 18 minutes | David Christian

[TED] The mad scientist of music | Mark Applebaum

[TED] The magic of Fibonacci numbers | Arthur Benjamin

[TED] The most mysterious star in the universe | Tabetha Boyajian

[TED] The next outbreak? We’re not ready | Bill Gates

[TED] The nightmare videos of childrens' YouTube — and what's wrong with the internet today | James Bridle

[TED] The orchestra in my mouth | Tom Thum

[TED] The power of believing that you can improve | Carol Dweck

[TED] The power of introverts | Susan Cain

[TED] The secret US prisons you've never heard of before | Will Potter

[TED] The surprising habits of original thinkers | Adam Grant

[TED] The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology | Pranav Mistry

[TED] The unheard story of David and Goliath | Malcolm Gladwell

[TED] This could be why you're depressed or anxious | Johann Hari

[TED] Thoughts on humanity, fame and love | Shah Rukh Khan

[TED] What I learned from going blind in space | Chris Hadfield

[TED] What hallucination reveals about our minds | Oliver Sacks

[TED] What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness | Robert Waldinger

[TED] Where are all the aliens? | Stephen Webb

[TED] Why 30 is not the new 20 | Meg Jay

[TED] Why you should define your fears instead of your goals | Tim Ferriss

[TED] You can grow new brain cells. Here's how | Sandrine Thuret

[TED] Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality | Anil Seth

[TED] Your elusive creative genius | Elizabeth Gilbert

[TED] Your kids might live on Mars. Here's how they'll survive | Stephen Petranek


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