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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Bill Gates: Teachers need real feedback
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Bill Gates: Teachers need real feedback




Playtime Comments : [TED] Bill Gates: Teachers need real feedback

7:06 Rare clip of Bill Gates advertising MacBook Pro.

7:17 That's my teacher! Her name is Mrs. Wessling

9:28 You could pay it by yourself Bill! Come on XD What are you wainting for? XDXDXD

1:04 = the dude from SimplePickup?

7:25 all girl classroom?


6:05 is this a classroom or canteen





Top Comments : [TED] Bill Gates: Teachers need real feedback

Teachers are one of the builders of the nation and I am not saying that just because I too am a teacher. But I guess the idea of a camera in a class is micromanaging and going to take away the spontaneity of a teacher’s facilitation. An alternative would be to provide teachers with a curriculum that includes everything expected from an ideal lesson. Train the teachers to deliver the content in the manner expected of them. Finally, organise regular assessments of the students and let the results talk.
Teaching shouldn’t be a sting operation but fun for both teachers and students. #SucceedEng


"I want a nation of workers, not a nation of thinkers."

J.D. Rockefeller

This is why our schools suck.


I love when people think the onus of fixing education problems belies all blame on teachers....


Self-Studying is the best teacher.

Walter white is the best teacher ever

I agree we need more support and feedback. However I am nervous when I hear national comparisons because that seems akin to the standardization we see in our standardized accountability testing with which the pedagogical world has identified so many inequities within. It also makes me nervous to compare teacher salary to the cost of a billionaire's system. Don't pay teachers less to improve their performance. We are already paid less than other professions with similar schooling and experience. That being said, I would also like to see different classroom populations taken into account. Who does a fantastic job teaching a specific concept to individuals with learning disabilities? Who is great at teaching a specific skills to individuals with emotional disturbances? Or other important factors such as ELL or individuals whose family culture differs from the Judeo-Christian norm, individuals who come from poverty, or individuals who have a language disorder. Lastly, I believe that more of a comparison with other countries's educational systems should be done. Korea puts much more focus on the emotional support of their students as opposed to the academic support our own (US) system champions above all else. Perhaps we also need a paradigm shift at the highest levels of education to encompass more than just academic achievement--and in doing so, perhaps our own country's academic achievement will improve.


we need to learn more and more every single day,

He speaks like a CEO :D


give microsoft office for free


Teachers NEED TO BE HEARD but the coach system has the unintended consequence of silencing them - too many power tripping coaches! My students made amazing progress WITH ZERO suggestions from the coach. I made all my improvements from seeking fantastic training outside of the classroom. Better ideas than a coach: REDUCE class sizes and see what a difference that makes. GET parents to listen to their children read at home for 20 plus minutes and see what difference that makes. EQUALIZE the ever spreading income gap, so parents have time to spend with their children, and you will be amazed. These things will change our education scores better than any coaching could ever hope to do. We need to address the problem correctly otherwise we are wasting our time here.


Bill, you are searching for a system for feedback for teacher. In your example you show two instruments: video feedback and in Shanghai the learning communication between teachers what they do and can learn from each other. We are proudly to present you  that this system of feedback and dialogue already exists in the Netherlands. Thousands of teacher use our digital learning instrument called Mijnbardo. In this environment teacher place good examples (including video registration), they share their experiences and give each other feedback. If you want, we can you a demonstration).


Teacher are the ideal for human being learning

In the exercice shown, students help each other :-)

I as a teacher haven't got my salary for the past several months. Leave alone feedback.


What I noticed is that it shows classrooms of around twenty students when in reality most of the classrooms in public schools the average is forty students per class. Also, with the automatic promotion, there is a wide diversity of skills among the students. The Math textbooks, for example are growing and growing in content that makes key information to stick less and less because it's expected to COVER more and more information in the same amount of time.


I’m a teacher from New Zealand. We’re apparently the 7th in the world with reading results, which I’m surprised about. We only have Teacher guidance for our first two years, and even then some schools don’t give as much guidance as others. Beyond that, schools don’t necessarily enforce an effective observation system for teachers to grow and give feedback. What I do is give students opportunity to give me feedback, but ask the right questions so that it’s useful. I’m also proactive about seeking others to observe me, and observing other teachers, but I don’t HAVE to do it. And there are SO many variables that make an effective teacher. Just because the school has good results, doesn’t mean it’s the teacher’s. Private schools tend to produce better results than public schools because of the money and the parental involvement.

such a entirely different Ted talk from the rest !
his Ideas are inspirational and so is his work PHENOMENAL...


this is creativity...to come up with a new and great idea to improve the world....

wonderful notion for teachers to tape their classes... except that it can be seen as a violation of FERPA unless you get a signed release from each student


There's a difference between maintaining control, and actually teaching for mastery. That difference is trust.

That's why everyone mostly love gates

To talk about teachers feedback is easier said than done. There’s enormous number of studies concerning with teacher evaluation but we need to know how to implement such system.


see indian teacher teach and u will be blown away with their incompetence

Here in Brazil, we only have blackboard and chalk.

Not everyone gets the vision to be a teacher. I have seen there are plenty of teachers who only became teachers after they failed to get any other job. They are just doing the part-time work being a teacher. In essence, they are destroying the interests of the students. If some people become teachers according to their vision and vocation. They want to do something great for the students. But if we don't give them their required feedback then we destroy their interests to be a teacher. In this way, it is mutually harmful for teachers as well as for students.


As a teacher’s kid, I’ve seen how underappreciated, underpaid, disrespected yet overworked teachers have been. The amount of paperwork they get is ridiculous, the school secretaries could do them and leave more time for teachers to really think through and plan their lessons (super important for new teachers).

Personally, I know I could make a damn fine teacher, but having seen how it was like for my mom - no. Unless I’ve got nothing better to do.

We get what we pay for - no wonder education systems in most countries are in shambles.


Hey Bill, that Mac helps


Grade: A


His speech was very helpful and inspiring...
But still i expected Bill Gates to talk about something more intresting , as Bill Gates...

The teacher has MAC :D

We are in 2019! this is my first year in university. After 3 years I'll be able to become an English teacher, I have the passion to help people to learn and become open-minded, not just in a way that they can learn English but to give them pieces of advice and teach them how to be good citizens and realize their dream. I know that education in Morocco sucks, but sometimes when I take a look at some teachers, they are so great, they helped to change and eleminate my negative thoughts ... unfortunatly they couldn't find a lot of open ears. If I become a teacher I'll try to change my students mentality and let them love studying.

Some thoughts on Bill Gate's talk;
In 2006 (or '07 I forgot which), Bill and Melinda Gates came to Houston, Texas and visited several school in the Houston area including my school  They met with my principal and visited a few classrooms....mine being one of them. I found Mr. Gates and Mrs. Gates to be kind and truly concerned about bettering education. They chatted with my ESL kiddos, we exchanged pleasantries and talked a bit about the challenges facing my newly arrived immigrant students. After he left my room and I had time to think about the visit, it occured to me that he had his mind made up regarding the "problem" at our school and with public education as a whole. I would have loved to have engaged him and his wife about their ideas and agenda. I often think about that day and how I could have engaged them in a conversation and given them a perspective that I'm sure they've not heard. That was a long time ago and I see the Gates Foundation is still very active in reforming different aspects of education. Here is my feedback on his TED talk.

1) No other country has such a diverse student body as we do here in the US. This is a fact. How then can he (or anyone else) accurately compare educational outcomes in the US to any other country?
2) We oblige students to attend school under the threat of ticketing parents or other disciplinary measures. This is not done anywhere else. Other countries on the list have less rigid attendance requirements (if any at all). 
3) The statistics in China and India do not include the vast numbers of unschooled kids, children working instead of attending school. The Indian and Chinese governments do not actively pursue students that are on the lowest economic rungs to attend school. In the US we do. Furthermore, we educate students that come from other countries unschooled or minimum schooling. The test scores cited on the power point include results from standardized test from ALL students regardless of their background.. This educational inclusivity has a definite affect not only on data but on perceptions of teacher efficacy and competence.
6) Finland often praised as a model for all that's right with education, has a higher standard of living than the US and therefore does not have to deal with as many social issues as we do in the US.
7) I'm a teacher and I've never heard of a teacher evaluation system that gives one word feedback. My evaluations are the opposite. They micro analyze everything from professional interaction to posting of student work to adherence to the lesson cycle and to verbiage in lesson plans and much more.
8) Something to think about: How would the US stats compare to other countries if we used test scores from schools that have a majority middle income students body and higher and the test scores from private schools? My guess is that we'd be much higher up on the list that the one Mr. Gates presented in his power point
I would suggest that our education system is messed up not because teachers do not know how to teach rather our society not dealt with the growing social problems that affect our students. Yes, I like the idea of coaches! I believe teachers need to be accoutable! BUT, to see public education through the prism of teacher performance is to neglect the many other factors that affect teaching and learning.

The way society is has to do a lot with student success too. In the USA teachers aren't really respected we are constantly being doubted, overworked and undervalued. Teachers are to blame if test scores low or if students aren't performing well. But the issue is more than that! A child's education starts at home with the the parent. Nowadays parents aren't doing that and expect teachers to be the parents! We have to be the parents, the teachers, the nurse, the counselor, the family therapist, the police, etc ... Maybe first talk about parenting in this country and putting a priority on education than scratching the surface of the problem. I would welcome feedback, but let's get real here in why the USA isn't ranked at the top 5.



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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