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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Spinning Tube Trick Answer


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Spinning Tube Trick Answer




Summary Comments : [Veritasium] Spinning Tube Trick Answer

ez way to make money: 1. make a wack ass science experiment.
2. make it 3 parts
3. money



Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Spinning Tube Trick Answer


0:10 "But what do you see from underneath the glass"

--> A carrot ?


0:20 You never "really" admitted you were wrong. You did on a certain level, but actually by admitting you were wrong this time you were just doing the right thing to do. So by admitting you were wrong, you were making yourself right. So your admittance of being wrong was actually your further admittance of being correct.



Top Comments : [Veritasium] Spinning Tube Trick Answer

I knew it was gonna be the O but the fact that you said you thought it might be the X made me seriously doubt it.

And yes, I know I'm responding to a years-old video. Shhh.

He gave the answer and I said to my self,"Cool,I was right."Then he said my name and and i was like,"WHAT?"Then I realized what he meant.

Me who watches this video first and is utterly confused:

That's still doesn't explain how

The reason is simple. because you put presure on one side that side will stay as a center to the tube. And that makes the X spin around O wich makes X move faster. And the X travels at a faster speed than our eyes can capture so the X sipmly disapears!

I hate admitting im wrong as well. Every now and then i make a big deal about being wrong to throw people off...

I'am a lazy scientist.

ha I got it :) The side on which you put your finger (let´s say "O") moves forward, let´s say clockwise. But it´s surface gets a spin in the other direction, so that the surface moves slowly when we look at it and we can see the "O". The end on which the "X" is rotates just as fast as the end where the "O" is, but it has the additional spin which makes it impossible to see. From below the effect is reverse!
I hope my words made my idea clear^^ 

Do it yourself and you'll see how it spins.  It's not twirling around the long axis;  it's spinning around the vertical.


"The tube turns invisible!" - Look Around You Guy

Without trying it, only thinking why it happens, i got it right, this was not that 'hard' to guess, if i actually got it right or i was just lucky. But bless you for your youtube channel


Notice when you apply force on X, your eyes perceive X only.
But why?
I'm just a kid and I might not know much but here is my theory since you asked. :)
Here we go:
When we apply force to X, the pipe actually slips out from underneath rather than exploding outwards. So, it is gradual.
Then it starts to rotate, because the resultant force was in the right (or left) direction.
O rotates as well but not in the same manner.
A very important thing to notice here is that the X rotates in a wider orbit (bigger circumference) than that of O.
And we all know that when everything spins or oscillates, if it has a wider orbit or journey, than it's easier to see.
Now, why only X and not O?
Now notice that the pipe not only rotates, it's spins on it's own axis.
Meaning just like the Earth, it has (1) an Orbit | (2) Some Spin.
So based on the speed of the spin and everything else, I conclude that in some places the days are longer and in some place they're shorter. So here we can say that O appears but not so often as X does. (Just like the Sun appears at the Equator more often than at the Poles.
Lets say the pipe is in front of you and is horizontally placed.
X is on the right hand side and O is on the left hand side.
Let's suppose that the pipe rotates in the anti-clockwise direction.
There will also be spin but in which direction?
You would put the finger on X, and you would slip it towards yourself, and it will spring into motion going upwards from the X, and downwards from O.
The X would SPIN TOWARDS you and ROTATE AWAY from you.
Meaning X is rotating and coming back to it's original side, the point where you are looking at and would expect X to exactly be seen at. It appears once in that manner.
The second time it will appear before the 1st rotation is complete is when it has span all round from the slip to come back up again. So you saw X not once, but twice.
This is because the ROTATION and the SPIN have OPPOSITE directions.
The same is not with O. (Sorry O :c )
Well, that's because when O was released, it spanned (turning on it's own axis) towards you just like the X, but was coming closer towards you (rotated towards you).
That means the direction of the Spin and Rotation are the same.
Because of this phenomenon, O does not increase the number of times it shows itself to us. In fact, it actually decreases the number of times it is shown to us.
It also Wobbles a bit but that's just because of the uneven or unbalanced rotation. Basically the pivot is not in the center so it's trying to bring it to the center.
(lol no it's not)
Pretty Amazing, but that's what is happening. In my Theory at least.
Phew! Finally.
I wrote all this and just when I was about o post, my PC turned off. So cruel! :'(


Couldn't you just have turned the tube upside down instead of getting a glass table?

you always see the O becasue you have to lift you pen off the page to write X so it takes a longer time to write the letter X


Yes i was right

No one:
Youtube: recommends this video 8 years later with no context


"You see the o!" I didn't see anything because of the lighting lol


Why were all of the annotation links the same? :/


It's very simple. Speeds of x and o are different when their position is on top while spinning. But when they are facing downwards their speeds are vice versa


I predicted "O" (yay!). I didn't think it was that difficult. When you spin the tube it's doing two things: it's spinning around in the obvious highly visible way (call it "twirling"), but it's also spinning around its long axis. In other words, like a log rolls when floating and someone's trying to stay on it. (I'll call that "rotating".) When the guy presses the tube he sends it twirling counter-clockwise (looking from above), but the side he clicked on (the "X") is rotating in the opposite direction from the way it's twirling. Those two motions tend to cancel out, so the symbol on that end of the tube is easier to spot as it slowly goes by. On the other end of the tube, the motion of the rotation is added to the twirling, so that symbol moves too fast to see. If you reproduce the motion slowly with a toilet paper tube or some such, and imagine looking from the bottom, you can see that the other symbol would be the visible one from that viewpoint.

Sorry if this is confusing; it's kind of hard to describe precisely.  


haha thats what i thought. i'm like super clever or something or nothing!

I went for like a double bluff, I thought it would be O but I thought that's what they are expecting me to think so I chose Neither.. damn it


Wasn't that an obvious answer? I'm confused as to how it wouldn't be obvious? Maybe I missed something.

Some people think that I can't admit that I'm wrong, well here's why they're wrong.

He's crying on the inside


I know how this works, which is why my prediction was correct, yayyy... You may have noticed if you nudge (tap lightly) a spinning gyroscope, it will wobble at that moment, and every time, it completes a revolution it will wobble again? in the same place, (repetitive), (as if it has memory!?) , i think it's called gyroscopic precessional wobble :-) ... it's like making a scratch on a old vinyl record and the needle is made to jump at every revolution... How you are doing this? Is when you press down on the end of the tube to start the motion, you create a pause point on the 'X' ,,, by rotating (rolling) the tube backwards as you push your finger down on it, and simultaneously you push the tube forwards too, the opposing forces, (i.e. the tube is rotated, (rolled ) 'backwards' but pushed 'forwards') creates a pause effect, which keeps repeating at the same place (the 'X') (or the 'O' on the other side).... The tube will slow quickly because it is rolling in the opposite direction to that which it is rotating, proving opposite motions are in effect to creating pause points and a slowing effect, each time the tube touches the surface of the glass... it's like rolling a car wheel forwards but making the car wheel move backwards at the same time, so that every time the car wheel hits the ground it pauses, and the pauses always occur in exactly the same place due to the repetitiveness of gyroscopic precession... The reason why the tube jumps up into the air a little and then down on the ''O' ,,, is because when you push the tube down (to start the motion) it reacts by jumping back up, (like a springy ball) this up movement through the air, allows the tube to successfully move in the two opposite directions through the air, without slowing until it makes contact with the glass surface, on each repetitive revolution, on the 'O'...


Correction, everyone but Jared learned something :) 
Love your videos! Keep them coming.

imagine finding this video without seeing the first one


great video, but in this case i found the answer to be very intuitive. like, where could the O's possibly have gone? they had to be under there


Tube is spinning two ways one is left to right and the second is up to down so if you spin from X you will see X on the bottom and O under .That's what i think )

Wait i get the answer for what
What was the question
YT algorithm can be weird sometime


I was right! :D
Ok, so I'm not gonna look up for the answer to this, and I'm gonna submit to you my theory... Here it is:

So, the tube, when spinning, works like the fans. No, not Veritasium's fans... I mean ventilators. You see, when you see a ventilator while it spins, you see the color of the blades. So, if the blades are grey, you see grey. One thing I discovered, is that if you have the blades colored of all the colors of the rainbows (One blade colored red, another blade colored orange, another yellow, another green, another blue, another indago, and another violet. It's important that the blades have to be colored in this specific order), and then you make it spin, you find out that... it is white! Well, at least while the fan spins.
So, moving on: if you paint a circle on one of the blades, and then you make the fan spin, you see the circle... but not well. In fact, you probably won't see it at all! If you paint the circle on all of them, you can see it more well. But... you see it spin in the oppost direction of where the fan is spinning. For example, if the fan spins clockwise, the circle will spin counter-clockwise. If you have seen a helicopter's propeller spinning, in real life or anywhere (in movies, videos in general), you've probably seen the propeller spin in the other direction. You know where I'm going with this... xD

What would happen if you had the x and o on the same side but flipped it over and spun it from the opposite of either the x or o? Would you see the letter you spun from the opposite side of, would you see the other letter, or would you see neither?


At first I thought this had something to do with the tube behaving as a gyroscope and precessing around the lowest point. Having seen the latest video I'm now less convinced that gyroscopic action is fundamental to the 'trick'.

I think several things are going on.
1) the tube is spinning about its length axis
2) the tube is rotating on an axis perpendicular to the table (though the position of this axis is not fixed)
3) I think that the tube is bouncing a little so that it alternates between touching the table on the 0 end and the X end.
4) When it does touch the table, it slows down at that end of the tube so that it is easier to see the symbol (perhaps the friction is not enough to cause a pivot point exactly at the point of contact, but just enough to create an effective pivot point nearby)

The symbol that you see is based on the ratio of rotational frequency about the tube's axis (1) and the rotational frequency of the alternation of pivot points (3) and also the initial state (which end started spinning first when the symbol was upright). Tune it just right and you only see one symbol.

One way to 'mess' with the trick would be to turn the tube so that the symbols are pointing down initially, do the trick the same way as before apart from that and be aware of what symbol your finger is over. I predict that you will see the opposite symbol to the one that your finger is on when viewed from above.

Perhaps you can find more complicated ways to do this trick where you can control the two axis of rotation involved independently of one another?


It took me a long time, but I think I have the explanation!
My observations:
- When put your finger on top of the tube and press down your the tube starts to slip relative to the ground making it spin along its axes of minimal inertia, and the push from your finger coming down to the place where the tube used to be makes the tube spin along its axes of maximal inertia. (which in this case means: spinning around a horizontal axes, and around a vertical axes)
- Only one symbol is visible even when viewed in from different angles and with different angles of light.

What I think the explanation is:
Because the tube is spinning around two axes, one end of the tube the tube is rolling across the ground like a wheel (which means the part touching the ground doesn't move relative to the ground), and the other end is doing the exact opposite. This may sound very confusing it's actually very straight forward: The whole tube is spinning in one direction along the horizontal axes while the two ends of the tube are spinning around the vertical axes in the middle making them move in opposite directions relative to each other.
This results in the the top of one end of the tube moving faster relative to the surface that the actual horizontal rotation of the tube does, and the top of the other end of the tube moving a lot slower, or actually not moving relative to the surface, but rather staying stationary, so when these symbols reach the top op the tube one will stay in the same place, and one will shoot by so fast we cant see it.
Of course this solution also explains the opposite effect on the underside, as on the underside everything is flipped around.
If you look close you can see this results in the symbols getting a little bit of a compressed looking distortion (from O to 0) in the direction of the horizontal spinning. This occurs because while the middle of the symbol is stationary the sides will still move a bit.

Elementary my dear Watson (pardon the punny intro this is a serious response). When you put your finger on the X and spin you're creating equal rotational force on the X axis (which would be it's horizontal 360 spins) and it's other axis that is defined by the center of the tube's circumference. The tube will spin with the same force it's rotating at and will experience equal resistance in rotation and in spinning. I'm pretty sure this has something to do with newton's law on actions and reactions. The force of your flick will equally disperse on the tube meaning every 360 it does on one axis will be matched with a 360 on the other axis. I'm willing to bet a whole lot of money if you were to make the center of balance on the tube left of center or right of center you'd see a friction fire before you saw it repeat how it acted in the video. And no I didn't Google or bing any of this it's all just off the top of my head. I'd like to hear back from you man. After a lengthy response like this I'm really not interested in spending any more time researching the physics of pvc lol

Oh that's interesting! Jared's answer sounded intuitive but I fell for good participant bias with your suggestion :3, and now I can explain Jared's answer: the direction the pipe appears to spin horizontally reverses depending on whether seen from above or below, meaning the direction in which the letter is spinning is described in terms of with or against the pipe. The other letter will do the opposite. Since the letter on the pushed side goes against the horizontal spin, and spinning against the pipe reduces the letter's perceived spin, one letter is seen from above while the other is seen from below.

Should have trusted my instinct.

Just to check, this is about our visual field and perception not the actual velocities of either ends of the pipes, right?



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