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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] The Best and Worst Prediction in Science
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] The Best and Worst Prediction in Science




Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] The Best and Worst Prediction in Science


2:03 '' Take a picture where i look like i'm doing something''


6:36 I love how absurd the calculation of 10^112 ergs is. That’s about 5*10^35 (500 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000) times the estimated mass-energy equivalent of the universe.


3:44 I understood the part where he said "which is a small number." X(

the guy who first appears at 4:51 looks the features of his face have been expanded by 10-15% without expanding their head

6:06 The Particle/Wave duality! Interesting!

5:46 I commend and applaud you for making this visualization, since i first understood fields, this was what i envisioned - thank you for making this graphical interpretation.


2:28 What kind of microwave did they use?
Can I do the experiment too with my own microwave?


I was just spacing out when he started his explanation, until 3:03. Then i was like, "Hey! It's the Enterprise!" Yay, science!

Sean woke af 0:01


Being super pedantic, I'll mention that what Sean said near 4:05 is not quite correct (but nobody really cares).

1) While it's true that there's exponential decay from higher powers of alpha, there's factorial growth from the fact that there's a LOT of more complicated diagrams. Since factorial growth overpowers exponential decay eventually, this sum is infinite. In simpler sums, mathematicians can use Borel summation to map the sum to a finite number.

2) Each of the diagrams with a loop in it is actually infinite. There's a dodgy process called renormalization that deals with these infinities in a systematic way.

#2 is a fundamental part of QFT. Nobody ever talks about #1.



Top Comments : [Veritasium] The Best and Worst Prediction in Science


I just learnt all that orbital stuff at school last month. I feel smart.

Hardest prediction: Leicester champions.

0:42 well i guess phoebe was right. Ross should be less stubborn

When you don't go to uni because you're sick and can't think. But you accidentally watch a video about your last physics topic


Okay... I can admit it... I am navigating away from this video feeling absolutely more retarded than I did when I navigated to it.

The science flew so far and fast over my head I couldn't even observe it... Almost as if it were virtual science....

I can't follow you anymore. Most of your videos anymore go way over my head, though I really try to stick around and convince myself it all makes some sense. sigh Particle physics is hard.

ever think virtual particles arent popping in and out of existense. maybe they are just the points of wave interferences from waves in a volume of space?

Wait! What?! 10^112 erg is 10^105 joules, right? It's not even possible to describe just how much energy this is!
Where can I find more on this topic?


The hell did I just watch?


When you popped up at the end and said, "Hey..." my brain immediately filled that space with, "Vsauce, Michael here!"


Can’t we stop calling it “ the field “ and call it by it’s real name THE FORCE:)

"My electrons move funny because a ghost comes and shakes them...."

Virtual particles in a nutshell...


wait. what.

consider sub


I wish I could actually understand what was being said in the video


"not only is the universe stranger than we imagine, it's stranger than we can imagine."


This is amazing! I've been thinking about this lately but I never got past high school so everything is a bit sketchy but I thought the universe was made of fields the exact same way they explained it, I just didn't have a fancy name for it x) Glad to know I was on a good line of thought ^^


Keep up the mind boggling stuff! I like a video I have to watch several times before getting.

at first
"oh I see,alright I got it"
2 minute later
"wait what..."


Hmm, yes, I know some of these words...

Absolutely love this video in terms of style and content, much more like this please!


I guess you could say they havent been DIRACtly observed


"Quark," says the durck.

Hmmm, yes, I understand some of these words.

Love the way the first 100 comments have nothing to do with the video


ffs I got this phenomenon where you see one new thing. and then keep seeing it over and over again.


Best prediction: Gravitational Waves!

I have no idea what he is talking about, but it's still interesting


I wish I could "theory of everything" in my life.(+_+)

Can you male a video about things that get lost then dissapear ussually in your house. Sometimes we remember things that we know we couldnt have possibly thrown away but you just never see it again or another thing is that every now and then someone in the house would buy tones of hairbands and bobby pins but slowly you end up with only one that you take care of you put it in a place and you dont forget about the last one because its the one you use but all the other ones are just gone its not like there hiding all in a corner in the house waiting for someone to find them so my question is WHERE DO BOBY PINS DISSAPEAR INTO? ive started an experiment by not throwing any away but at the same time just leave them where they are not caring about them just forgeting them .

my theory on how the channel veritasium was created
was that in november 9 1982 a handsome baby named Derek Muller was born in Traralgon in Victoria, Australia,In 2004 he graduated in Queen's University in Ontario , he has been a team member of the Australian television program Catalyst since 2008 and in january 2011 he created a youtube channel called veritasium and he kept on making videos up to this date.
and by Friday ,April In 2019 he will reach an unbelievable milestone of 10 million subscribers!

now thats the best prediction in science!



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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