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[Youtube Review][Veritasium] Can We Really Touch Anything?
YouCo 2021. 4. 6. 07:37(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Can We Really Touch Anything?
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Can We Really Touch Anything?
Summary Comments : [Veritasium] Can We Really Touch Anything?
top three scientists
1. Bob Saget
2. The fat guy in GTA
3. bilbo baggins
2. Man behind Nokia 3310
3.Primitive Technology
love your show!!!!!
1. victor schauberger (water guy)
2. erwin schröginger
3. Benoît Mandelbrot
Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Can We Really Touch Anything?
Best romantic movie I've seen so far.
HEY! Vsauce, micheal here!
Experimentarium City, Copenhagen at 4:08! Awesome ;)!
1:33 Those clouds look like Europe, seriously.
Anyone else see Europe in the cloud formation at 1:21?
Top Comments : [Veritasium] Can We Really Touch Anything?
If you were my teacher I wouldn't mind going to school. Lol.
So happy he got 500k subs lol now hes got 5.7 million
Does anybody believe there are colours we cannot see with our eyes?
42.0? Kappa
Virtual particles? Now that you've mentioned that, ghosts kinda fit that description. XD
My fav channels on YouTube: veritasium, all three vsauces, scishow, vlogbrothers and mitute physics.
electrons do have size because their weight almost negligible, but none the less still there
Love how Brady just showed up randomly in this video lol
what is outside the existing universe? I hear the universe is stretching. where is it stretching into?
Favorite person:
Hank Greene
there is a membrane to another universe between my finger tips ;)
So when I hold my wife's hand I'm just exchanging force-carrying particles with her? Talk nerdy to me
2) Michael Feraday
3) Einstein
you cant touch yourself
about that, the bible is right...
i heard a female voice
was it vi
Richard Dawkins the atheist?
I'm Pashwa from Mumbai, India. I had a few confusions about the subjects I would choose after school since I have several fortes and that's not a good thing as you would think when it comes to subject choices, but I met up with several scientists, and scored well in pcm. Still not as interested, I did what any other confused kid would do; I went on YouTube looking for "scientific videos" and found your channel. I began watching your videos and couldn't stop. I feel pretentious watching them due to the lack of my knowledge, but it has been inspirational. I have opted out for mechanical engineering followed by mechatronix and then masters and a doctorate in aerospace. You have shaped my future on unimaginable ways, like you have done for many others I'm certain. I hope to meet you in the future and hopefully when I grow up we can make videos together. I have considered you as a mentor, although you do not know me, I want to thank you for inspiring me, thanks a billion tonnes.
Marie Curie
Pierre Curie
Nikola Tesla
Leonardo DaVinci (I know he is an artist, but he made many great contributions to science)
Isaac Newton
500,000 (Now 800,000) subscribers is a big deal. 500,000 intelligent subscribers is impressive. Great job dude. Keep going!
[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.
It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.
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