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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] The Inverse Leidenfrost Effect
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] The Inverse Leidenfrost Effect


Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] The Inverse Leidenfrost Effect

6:51 Hey Vsauce Michael here!


0:37 the sound of falling in love.

3:33 I love that badass triple-droplet circling round


6:47 V's response is basically "[omfg this scientist is smokin hot brain-fart bomb explodes] ... ummm neato!"

2:20 looks like Derrick is going insane trying to figure this out lol

The perfect application for this 3:42? Isn't it obvious?!

The DVD screensaver... will it hit the corner :P

3:05 "It has been observed to last for tens of (in my head: "thousands of years") minutes."

That animation starting at 5:07 looks like the final kamehameha battle between Cell and Gohan

2:23 "Hey, future Derek here!". I see you have been watching Grey's Las Vegas vlog from 2015! Happy Australia Day!

5:30 How many fundamentalist anti-science people now screaming "See, PROOF that science is the devil"



Top Comments : [Veritasium] The Inverse Leidenfrost Effect

Sliding into her DMs...."Hiiiii, how are you?"

That expert is very cute. I now like science even more.


Tried to recreate this at home. Cat is levitating on the nitrogen but the water droplet is nowhere to be found

Great Video!

Loved the image comparing h and h + dh, helped my understanding a lot!

Thanks for highlighting our work from Anaïs Gauthier!

As a french i find her English so good that i'm not so sure she's french too...
OH cool video by the way!


Ahah l'accent français, dès que je l'ai entendu parler je me suis dis, bah dit donc on dirait une française, puis j'ai regardé son nom et BINGO ^^...

Veritasium is finally back.

Damn it’s been a minute & only 15 comments? Man y’all need to get sciencier


Veristablium is back!

that was jaw-DROP-ping


"This episode was supported by viewers like you"
The nostalgia of growing up on PBS shows.

5:38 she went straight sexy highly intelligent gangsta nerd mode! I think I’m in love


Instructions Unclear...........dropped the Liquid Nitrogen in the Wrong Holes

No comments saying "how cute she's" or anything.
Society it's changing at least on this channel subscribers.

"Inverse leidenfrost" my brain: leidenfrost is when something wet forms a barrier of vapor between itself and something hot, effectively protecting it. Inverse leodenfrost then must be something dry getting instantly destroyed by something cold, that'd be a cool video I guess?
This video: Not that

In short. There is no real application for this. But this is what fundamental science is about.

The lighting looks great on the main camera! You might want to use some colour grading on your secondary camera, the difference is pretty noticeable, which (at least to me) made it look worse in quality.

I loved the format of this video. It was great to actually bring in the scientist who did the experiment.

5:31 IT'S A SIGN!!!!!

Can you hear "that is cool" at 2:39?


Dr. Anaïs ...whoa. What a cutey. Not to diminish her achievements.....she just also happens to be very attractive.


"you've probably heard of the leidenfrost effect" yeah sure i have! nervous laughter

Inverse Leidenfrost: stove floating on a droplet

“You’ve probably heard of the leidenfrost effect”... Not gonna lie dude, but no, not really.

5:31 pentagram ⛧
Devil worshippers confirmed!


The title alone caused my finger to click that shiz. Always love these videos. Thanks again for your efforts. NOW to only find a use for the effect :)

That introduction between him and Dr. Gunther was cute. Clearly both were like "uh... hi, you're unexpectedly cute, um, right... science"


That cat was cute.

Is it inverse though? I don't think the definition of Leidenfrost effect explicitly states which part should be producing the vapour. It's only us giving the example of a water droplet on a stove that has us thinking that there has to be a droplet at all. To quote Wikipedia (yeah, I know it's not the best source but still) "The Leidenfrost effect is a physical phenomenon in which a liquid, in near contact with a mass significantly hotter than the liquid's boiling point, produces an insulating vapor layer keeping that liquid from boiling rapidly." For example when a hot steel ball is dropped into water, it is Leidenfrost effect that keeps it from rapidly cooling and boiling the water.



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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