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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] The unheard story of David and Goliath | Malcolm Gladwell


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] The unheard story of David and Goliath | Malcolm Gladwell



Summary Comments : [TED] The unheard story of David and Goliath | Malcolm Gladwell


1. REALLY LOUD 2. lose breath then really quiet for a bit 3. repeat


1. Some people may call an attendant a squire in certain cases. Not unlike knights of old.
2. Some armor is heavy. Slows a person down.
3. "Come to me!" Commanding behavior isn't uncommon in those that are full of themselves.



Playtime Comments : [TED] The unheard story of David and Goliath | Malcolm Gladwell


When the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled.”
‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭17:51‬ ‭LEB‬‬

The Goliath was “champion” and a “hero” of the Filistines


7:47 35m/s is 78 mph. A pitcher can throw a baseball 100 mph so the math is wrong. Still getting bonked in the noggin by a heavy stone at 78 mph will certainly cause injury, even death.

Interesting interpretation, well told.  However, it contains unsupported suppositions regarding Goliath's condition and alleged handicaps.
Goliath wasn't a handicapped show freak.  The Philistines recognized Goliath as a "champion" (1 Samuel 17:4, 23, 51) because he'd whooped some butt.  He was accompanied by a shield bearer, not some kind of caregiver.  There are many races of giants in the Bible and the spies sent to scout out Canaan reported such in this very region; no need to speculate Goliath was a one-off mutant with some pituitary condition.
The Bible explains the basis of David's victory in 1 Samuel 17:46-47:
"Then David said to the Philistine, “This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off your head. ... For the battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hand.”


6:50 you can tell he get all the buns I'm jealous

listen at the 3:10 mark


At 13:08 I just knew you were going to say thge giants are Hephlim From the "fallen angels & the daughters of men"
Come on now


At 8:15 he said 45mm handgun. Lol! No such thing

45 caliber not 45 mm. 8:30



Top Comments : [TED] The unheard story of David and Goliath | Malcolm Gladwell


So David is the kind of guy to bring a gun to a knife fight

Growing up I read Goliath was a remanent of the Nephilim perhaps a rudimentary term for the observation of giantism.


The modern day version is Kevin Hart versus Dwayne Johnson.


I think he's really reading too much into the plural "sticks."


OMG! This is such a good speech, thank you for the lesson and making my day, I will think on this. Giants aren’t as strong and scary as they seem and sometimes the shepherd boy has a sling in his pocket!

When did it say Goliath was lead to the fight didnt he just walk out


I believe Mr.Gladwell meant to say, David's rock had the stopping power of a 45 caliber pistol (11.5mm) not 45mm. 45mm would be twice the size of a WWII anti-aircraft round.


45 millimeter hand gun.That would be a anti-tank gun
I know he meant 45 Cal


Remember David told the giant whom he served God because the philistine uncircumcised giant defy the reproach of Israel I come in the name of the lord of hosts a God of Israel

David said I come in the name of THE God of Israel's this day I will take your head .

Wow! I had no idea Goliath read to children in the hospital!

SMH a five minute read of the story in its source would makes this look silly. It literally says Goliath was an experienced warrior since his youth and makes a big deal of how huge and heavy his spear is.


To much speculation, it is private interpretation.


I think you meant .45 caliber handgun. 45mm is in the realm of anti-tank artillery.


How could the Mightiest warrior have been blind? Really????
Plus, he is mixing Saul with Goliath, Saul is the one who was head and shoulders higher
Goliath had 4 brothers and they were born of the Nephilim
This man makes no sense, sorry


This guy makes Goliath sound like some kinda paraplegic who by he's condition would be lucky enough if he made it one freaking day on the battlefield.


Gotta get me one of those 45mm handguns haha


king saul was over 7 feet tall and was a mighty warrior

you know i never had much respect for saul until now, he also risked the safety of the israelites , his kingship by allowing a smally ruddy kid to go fight a giant ........sorry sir, david had praticed how to use a sling but the bible also states that he ceased a lion by the beard and struck him! so it's incorrect to say he only fought lions and bears with his sling, but we do understand something about the shepherd, that they seem passive but they are truly men of war, aggressive in protection, which leads us to the personality of Jesus when he says ''I am the good shepherd not the hired hand"..one of the brothers minimises his job "shouldn't you be with the sheep" without realising this is where he is learning combat, fighting, strategy...he learnt to be a king, by being a shepherd.

He lost my attention at "45 millimeter handgun", and the suppositions go downhill from there.

U act as if God needed him to have problems to be able to win the fight.

AHAHAHAHAHAHA~ This guy also does a great true history of pink n' purple Unicorns missing the Ark.

awwww David is such a Bully...perhaps , he needed to pick on someone his own size.


First of all, it’s sh’fei-LAH with the accent on the last syllable. And all that word means in Hebrew is “the lowlands.”


What an incredibly engaging storyteller! I bought his book "Talking to Strangers" on Audible and absolutely loved it.

On second thought I do believe this host has gotten lost in his head! Everyone and everything has a weakness wow

If the big guy could use a Wevers pole for a spear and it have 90 LG tip on it. 6 foot 9 ain't big enough.. Goliath was recorded as more 9 foot tall.
Gotta the numbers right to keep me watching...


We call this .... reaching

I keep waiting for him to point at us and say "aaaahhhh, gotcha". This is ridiculous



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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