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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Psychosis or Spiritual Awakening: Phil Borges at TEDxUMKC
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Psychosis or Spiritual Awakening: Phil Borges at TEDxUMKC


Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] Psychosis or Spiritual Awakening: Phil Borges at TEDxUMKC


3:24 This is in Malidoma Patrice Somé's book The Healing Wisdom of Africa.



Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] Psychosis or Spiritual Awakening: Phil Borges at TEDxUMKC


My brother was a paranoid schizophrenic and he heard things and he knew things that others didn't. Many thought he was crazy. But I know with all my heart he wasn't crazy at all he just knew too much and couldn't comprehend it all. He took his life at 27 years old. What a tragedy. I believe trauma in our childhood affected us in many ways. I am a highly sensitive person and I sense energies, vibes and feelings of other people. I'm also an empathetic introvert. When I was 32 I tried DXM and it opened up my mind like never before. It blew me away. It's a hallucinogen. Everything clicked and made sense at the moment.


Psychological crisis is exactly what led to my Spiritual Awakening! I survived narcissistic abuse!


The process of Awakening seems to be similar to that of healing or recovery.

I'm a witch, and even other witches tell me it's okay to go on medication and see professionals. Not all of them but many. (When I talk about my 'mental differences' so to speak). This video has made me think a little, I might search for a healer, a medium or shaman instead. Psychiatry has never worked before so why do I keep returning to them? Because it's what's expected probably.


Hey! You should send the voices a proper thank you with a good ol saint Michael prayer..
I expect you'll receive some absolutely stellar feedback

I fell in love with spirituality

I’m glad to see so many open-minded people in the comments section :) the world doesn’t have enough of that

I taught emotionally disturbed teens for 28 years and I'm willing to bet almost all have empathic abilities and were going through Spiritual Awakening.

Monkeys see monkeys do. Just mind your own business and everything gonna be fine

70% of occult beliefs are invented by bored rich guys to justify their privilege while others work to death in fields.


People dancing to music will appear to be insane to the deaf.

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society...

- Jiddu Krishnamurti


The synchronicities are uncanny..I went through this and feel like a different person. But for the better


Hmmm, spiritual awakening, or just a panic attack induced by spiraling thoughts and overthinking...


“Forgive them for their complete unconscious. They are in the grip of certain energy movements which is thoughts and emotions. They are in the grip of certain underlying energy movements. They are asleep.” Eckhart Tolle

I bow in gratitude for the message you have brought to the masses through this video. This is how we change our world!

Always found it interesting that people in the western world who are diagnosed with schizophrenia experience mean, cruel voices but in south America and other parts of the world experience calm, soothing, reassuring voices.


"God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages."


When you wake up you realise that the ‘matrix’ is designed as a distraction to siphon our spiritual energy


My son had a vision when he was 11. I went on some supposedly spiritual groups, and the overwhelming response was he was delusional and needed psychiatric care.
Needless to say, I didn't take him to a psychiatrist and I'm very glad I didn't. I support him, and we talk about our spirituality openly. We have both seen things we don't speak of with other people.

This man really decided to end his talk with “That was Albert Einstein, so, thank you very much.”

Literally to the 1% who's reading this, God bless you, may all your dreams come true, may you be successful in all spheres of life, stay safe and have a wonderful day :)


This information is essential. It’s sad how our society only accepts one mainstream reality, created by mass media


I’m crying. I understand Adam so deeply. We are spiritual beings with very little guidance.

Yes that is a true statement to love and have Compassion for all living beings.

This has happened to me. I have discovered all of this on my own. I didn't take the medicine. I used meditation and hiking in the hills to heal!

I have been diagnosed with psychosis imagine if I’d been told I actually have a gift


I experienced peak of my awakening about 3 months ago. I thought that was it, the darkness, suicidal thoughts, inner agressesion and depression out. Didn't know what to do with myself, but I knew it's something else, something higher, can't explain it. Left my old friends, old hobbies everything. Was about month alone and than all of the sudden I felt/ see invisible light around me. Ever since I'm experiencing something else, miracle. New friends, new opportunities, miracles, visions. Absolute happiness and safety and love.


Actually, this is a fact that people who undergo some kind of such medically termed mental disorders if given proper support and respect have abilities that are not normally seen in other people. But I don't know why they are being labelled as someone having a mental disorder? These are not disorders but something far beyond the understanding of the present science. Instead of suppressing the symptoms if we provide the right environment where these people could actually use their abilities or change their negative symptoms into positive ones, will help more rather than labelling them as psycho or giving an unrespectful medical terminology to their abilities.
Synchronicity does happen and the human brain has the power to escape where we could not possibly think to reach.

I think if we combine the modern medicine with spirituality we could see wonders in our field of science. Because presently we think spirituality and science are opposite terms, they always have different methods and views. If we start incorporating spirituality in modern science we could find answers to some of the impossible and unanswered questions.

“Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.”
― Alejandro Jodorowsky

It's the point when your soul can just not work with your limited beliefs and chooses to finish itself and reborn. Living is beautiful but knowing the purpose is to live fully in now with compassion and to your full potential is what we are here to learn. It's beautiful


I thought I had my big spiritual awakening a few years ago but recently I’ve experienced things that if I told people they would say you’re insane. I’ve been learning how to have out of body experiences and astral travel. It’s crazy and beautiful. This life is so much more than the reality we see and feel. Everything is one and connected and beautiful. I wish I could meet other people who know these things around my area. One love to everyone!

We need a modernday Alan Watts to help the western world understand eastern philosophy.

Desire nothing and you'll see what enlightenment is. Just be.

I taught emotionally disturbed teens for 28 years and I'm willing to bet almost all have empathic abilities and were going through Spiritual Awakening.

As science continues to develop, it will come closer and closer and more conjoined with spirituality.

I went through a lot of this. I dropped out in high school because I couldn't handle it anymore. I had depression, anxiety, and only found my comfort alone. I hated seeing psychologists and didn't take any medication. I lost all my good friends and ended up moving states. I was alone for a few months, just taking long walks and trying to find myself again. Now I'm in a 4 year university with a 4.0 GPA and feel like I'm truly understanding myself a lot better. I was always really intuitive when I was younger, even able to somehow predict things right before they happen. It doesn't happen that way anymore, but I still am always to feel and understand a person's energy before they even speak. I call out people who I don't trust only for them to reveal themselves later in friend groups. I feel like my life could've gone a whole lot differently if only I got the help I needed when I was younger.

I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder because of my "spiritual connection to the universe" at 19 in 2000. I live in the religious South, where speaking of "energy", "connection" and "the universe" is crazy speak. I started meditating at age 5. I had always had a very emotional and physical connection to nature. Because of all this, I was put on medication for years. Now at age 35, trying to get off medication is making me physically ill. It's a lonely and scary experience here. I make art to try and explain the anguish, but again....the American south is afraid of the emotion behind it. I've longed for sisters and brothers that understand. The only way that I can connect through others is via social media and videos like this.
I'm unsure of what to do or how to exist within this culture. It has led to severe depression and a constant feeling of being "homesick" for a world that is not our own....one that is beyond this one.


Spirituality and consciousness equals electricity/magnetic expressions of the brain and all are natural and not supernatural.
At age 3years old I sat in the back row of a wake at my uncle's funeral home where I waited for the cookies to follow the ceremony and I ask the man sitting next to me why everyone looking at the box was crying.
The man said. Because they think that I am dead.
I said how can you be dead when you are sitting here talking to me.
Noone ever told me different and that it couldn't be done
You don't need drugs just shut up turn the lights off and listen.
I have never heard silence



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



[TEDx Talks] Channel Posting

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