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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] The habits of happiness | Matthieu Ricard


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] The habits of happiness | Matthieu Ricard



Playtime Comments : [TED] The habits of happiness | Matthieu Ricard

from 5:50 onwards, he said "well being is not just a mere pleasurable sensation. it is a deep sense of serenity and fullfillment. A state that actually pervades and underlies all emotional states, and all the joys and sorrows that can come one's way."

13:25 lmaooo




Top Comments : [TED] The habits of happiness | Matthieu Ricard

I Love This Guy!!! 


 He says - we can't love and hate at the same time, I don't agree. I think human mind is very complex and it can experience 2 (or even more) seemingly opposite emotions and attitudes at the same time (and our "I" can be fragmented with different parts of ourselves having different emotions, goals, patterns). That's what makes change difficult. But not impossible. 

Nature always provides a pair of everything to provide balance at any given time.
male vs female. peace vs war. good vs evil. black vs white
so is happiness vs sadness.
when we choose to be happy then we must work hard to be a member of this club.
truly it is very very difficult. but this is the only way
good luck for all of us
may we all be successful :)



I want to do a ted talk. I got a lot to share on self acceptance.

You can definitely find happiness just by smiling and laughing every day :)

Pour moi, le bonheur, c'est d'aimer. Il n'y a pas de bonheur sans amour. Ce n'est pas bête ce qu'il dit du plaisir. Rien n'est plus fugace que le plaisir.


Matthieu Ricard (Nepali: माथ्यु रिका, born 15 February 1946) is a French writer, photographer, translator and Buddhist monk who resides at Shechen Tennyi Dargyeling Monastery in Nepal.
Matthieu Ricard grew up among the personalities and ideas of French intellectual circles. He received a Ph.D. degree in molecular genetics from the Pasteur Institute in 1972. He then decided to forsake his scientific career and instead practice Tibetan Buddhism, living mainly in the Himalayas.

boy, this guy is the man, dude


Great speech by Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard ...

A mind that is free of illusions about the reality of its ego and the permanence of things is automatically happy. Why? Because believing in a separate existing ego running the mind is so tiring and heavy. And because believing things are real in an absolute sense is not the way reality really is. Once all that extra mental weight is lifted off the mind..the mind becomes naturally happy.. because that is what are minds really are. That is what all the Buddhas found.


i like this Man an his advice... very nice Ted talk.. I change more than two ideas in my mind... I love this talk.

Haluk hocamm


wonderful advice for Happiness

The captions on this video...


No one said Buddhism or Buddhists are perfect. This is one man's particular views on happiness as a subject matter, and wisdom can be found in many walks of life. So do not insult him because some Buddhists somewhere else are not perfect, because the same statement can be said of many groups of people. All practices that teach tolerance, respect, love, kindness, and other morals are of good virtue. If one is truly wise, one will recognize good teachings no matter where they come from.

What a fantastic video


"we like our suffering because its so good when it ceases for awhile." lol

I really like Ricard's comment about how we are so used to unhappiness that we have developed all sorts of philosophies to justify it.  Everywhere I look online and in life I see an endless stream of complaining (from myself as well) about how everything sucks, and you just have to accept it. 

When I suggest that things don't have to be that way, that the essential problem in a wealthy modern society is our mental perception and how our brains work, people have a hard time understanding it.  They are just used to the idea that things are generally 'meh'. Sometimes they even get offended, like it's wrong of me to suggest that we could change things.


Matthieu Ricard is absolutely right when he says, at the beginning, that french people view happiness as something totally useless. As a french woman, I like humor, wittiness, everything that makes life easier to live. Most of the people I meet are depressed, moaning and they hate upbeat stuff. Actually, they love to hear about how miserable people can be, they enjoy terrible books about depressed, anorexic, severely ill people, they cannot have enough ugliness, tragedies and so on.They are the world number one consumers of antidepressants, it's sooo sad ! Sometimes, I feel like an alien abandoned on a dull planet :))

Happiness comes from gratitude. If you’re satisfied and accept the outer and the inner conditions then you won’t be unhappy or sad. That’s how it is.

This talk was incredible. Thank you so much for sharing

I get really depressed and I'm never happy unless I'm high or buzzed. I don't have a huge addiction problem, it's just that I will use drugs because it's the only way I feel at peace. But it's not a sustainable lifestyle, to say the least. So I've been wasting my time watching stupid narcissistic YouTubers trying to be funny and I just felt so empty wasting my time on all this intellectual junk food. So I finally Googled "How to find happiness" and this came up. Now I feel hopeful and calm. It's funny how you never hear stories on the news like "Buddhist monk kills entire family" or "Buddhist monk molests children". I think it's because they're usually authentic people and the teachings actually are helpful in making you a good person. They seem like they're always relaxed, radiant, jovial, and lacking any pretentiousness or arrogance. I've flirted with Buddhism for the past decade, but now I'm going to really delve into it. I'm not interested in this rat race, competitive consumerist lifestyle. I don't want to amass tons of possessions that I will never see because I'm working long hours in order to own a huge house that I barely even get to enjoy. It may not be for everyone, but I think this is the life for me. I also recommend, if you liked this, "Living Buddha, Living Christ" by Thich Nhat Hanh. Really all his books are excellent.

"Isn't it the mind that translates the outter conditions into happiness and suffering?"


Happiness begins, yes only begins on the discovery of the absolute truth.
Because discovering truth will first give way to realization that you have been deceived for quite some time and that most are living in a lie.

The World like minded people french monk Thank you for the talk


Man is, in reality, a spiritual being, and only when he lives in the spirit is he truly happy. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

sigh the comments on TED talks on YouTube are like listening to the chatter at $2.00 at the Opera.  


He is smacking his lips right into that mic

Happiness will automatically appear once we have the courage to face our fears and recognize our ego....

To all those saying Jesus or God or some other mechanism is the only way out, how have you reached these conclusions? How do you know what others are saying is false? What effort have you made to verify the reality? Why do you want others to believe you if they don't want to?


We love this! #happiness


Watch it with the automatic captions on :O)

Are you truly buddhist as you claim? The goal of all religions is dissolution of the ego--though some are misdirected toward arrogance. I understand that you may be very knowledgeable, but even your name "buddhasknowbest" reflects too much pride or certainty. Just remember that the ego is the source of suffering--you must rid yourself of it.


Mind training can allow the happiness within us to flow more easily. Letting go of thought patterns to do with fear, anger, jealousy, blame, guilt, tension, stress, resentment, sorrow, irritation, frustration, criticism helps well being to flourish. We can all do this. We can all forgive past hurts and set ourselves free. We can accept this present moment as it is. We can celebrate our lives, trust our intuition to guide us on the path of consistent happiness. We can smile, hug, compliment, help, thank, praise, support, love, appreciate, respect every moment of every day and the beauty of this is that it all comes back to us. I wish for you all peace, love and harmony. I love you xxx :)

back in the day in my social psychology class I told my teacher if a person isn't happy now, they may well never be. He told me he has never heard anything so negative! I was quite surprised, because I intended it in a very optimistically. In my experience happiness is not contingent with everything going your way or getting everything you want, therefore the potential is ALWAYS there to b incredibly happy when u change your perception and reaction to situations. I have spent a lifetime being clinically depressed and I rationalize if I can b sad for no reason, shouldn't I also b able to b happy for the same


"Look at anger itself: It looks very menacing, like a bilowing monsoon cloud or thunderstorm. We think we could sit on the cloud but if go there it's just mist. Likewise if you look at the thought of anger, it will vanish like frost under the morning sun. If you do this again and again, the propensity, the tendencies for anger to arise again will be less and less each time you dissove it. And, at the end, although it may rise, it will just cross the mind, like a bird crossin the sky without leaving any track. So this is the principal of mind training."



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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